Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1624 1624 [Uzuo is measured]

When Conan wakes up, on the other side.

After all, the same anesthetic was used. Although the dosage was different, the physiques of the two people were hugely different.

Soon, Ireland also woke up.

The cadre from the dark organization was lying on the hospital bed, looking at the neat ceiling of the ward, feeling a little dazed for a moment, and subconsciously there was still a little peace of reaching heaven.

After several seconds, what happened before he was knocked over and the two terrifying shadows falling from the sky suddenly jumped out of his mind.


Ireland sat up and wanted to touch the gun, but came up empty.

He looked down and found that someone had changed him into a hospital gown.

There was another person standing next to the hospital bed. The confidant had been obediently guarding the bedside. At this time, the senior peripheral member understood his boss's actions, and immediately winked secretly, telling Ireland that he had hidden the gun elsewhere - of course the ambulance did not take them to the organization's medical facility. Instead, he found a nearby hospital. The doctors and nurses here were not members of the organization, and they might call the police if they saw a gun.

The nurse in the ward was startled when she heard Ireland getting up.

When she raised her head, she found that it was just the patient who was sitting up in his sleep, rather than someone coming in to stir up trouble. She breathed a sigh of relief and asked casually: "How do you feel?"

"Much better." Ireland restrained from showing a gloomy expression, "Thank you."

He asked a few questions briefly, waited for the nurse to leave, and then looked at his subordinates: "Bring me my coat, and get out of here first!"

When the two people left the hospital, Ireland said coldly: "What happened before?"

His confidant was being stared at by him, so he could no longer pretend to be a taciturn and transparent person, so he had to report: "I drove the car out as you asked and prepared to chase Kidd, but you never showed up. I couldn't receive a reply. It felt a little strange, so I went to take a look near the theater building. Then, I saw..."

Thinking of the shameless boss lying on his back on the street with people coming and going, his confidants didn't know whether to talk about what happened next or not.

And this pause seems to have caused Ireland to misunderstand something.

Ireland looked like he suddenly understood, and continued his words: "You saw me lying on the street, almost being hit by two people, so you pulled me away at the last moment?"

Confidant: "...?"

Did you almost get hit by someone again?

And this time there are two people?

...It's a pity that there is no shrine in London, otherwise I really want to pass by it and let the sacred power inside secretly drive away the bad luck on my boss.

But then I thought about it - this "bad luck" is probably not natural, but the result of Uzo's deliberate creation. Even if he really went to the shrine, I'm afraid he would just be in trouble with the shrine... He immediately gave up this idea.

Compared to this...

His confidant suddenly discovered that Ireland seemed to regard him as his savior?

For a moment, he wanted to nod and take credit.

But remembering that Uzo was in London at this time and might be attacking him, his confidants suddenly became alert.

In the end, he didn't dare to lie and told the truth: "No, no one fell down upstairs. Besides, when I rushed to the theater building, there were already, uh, a lot of people around you. I did All I have to do is squeeze into the crowd to check your condition, and then get into the ambulance that happens to arrive with you."

After saying that, he took the initiative and said, "I'm very sorry, I was late!"


A lot of people gathered around? So much that you have to squeeze in?

Ireland understood his previous embarrassing situation from the few words of his subordinates. The mineral water bottle in his hand was crushed by Peng, and the water dripped down. Ireland's face was even uglier than the muddy ground soaked by water.

However, as a pragmatic cadre, although losing face was unbearable, he still forced himself to focus on another important thing: "No one fell from the building?"

The confidant nodded: "That should be the case. Because you fell... Well, due to an unexpected emergency, there were a lot of people gathered there tonight. If someone really fell to death or was seriously injured, they would definitely not be able to escape the crowd of onlookers. s eyes."

"Impossible, I clearly saw someone falling, and I saw it more than once..."

Ireland pinched his eyebrows hard, trying to sort out this messy situation: "Is Uzo doing something wrong again? He clearly had a chance to kill me just now, but he didn't do it... Is this bastard using this arrogantly? A way to tell me that I have my life under control?"

Although his confidants had already guessed that Ireland might have offended Uzo, when he heard his boss whispering the name, he was still agitated and wanted to block his ears so as not to disturb this muddy water.

However, no matter how much you want to escape, if you hear it, you will hear it.

The confidants had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow the boss's words: "We members can actually hear a little bit about Uzo. I heard that he cares more about the fun he brings while killing people than killing people. So he often doesn't simply kill his targets, but likes to play around and push people into desperate situations."

Ireland touched the pinprick on his arm and sneered: "Whether it's a hobby or lack of strength, as long as you can't defeat the enemy with one blow, you must be prepared for the opponent to counterattack. A smooth battle is meaningless, and a comeback from a disadvantage That's the most exciting thing - the more arrogant Uzo is now, the more people look forward to his expression before his death. Just because I'm at a disadvantage now doesn't mean I'll never find a chance."

Confidant: "..." Alas, it would be great if that were the case. But he always felt that based on those rumors, Uzo must still be holding back a big move. These few times of jumping off the building and hitting people might just be a foreshadowing, like the appetizer before a grand banquet.

At this time, the confident boss next to him had other ideas.

Ireland wiped the water on his hands and thought slowly: "However, he may not be doing this just for pure 'preference' - Boss is not a good-tempered saint, he can tolerate Uzo ignoring the 'no internal fighting' The ban and repeated assassinations against other key players show that he actually quite approves of Uzo. On the other hand, if Uzo had been fighting against the boss, the current situation would not have happened at all. "

The confidant had followed him for more than ten years and quickly understood what Ireland wanted to express: "Are you trying to say that Uzo doesn't want to kill you, but he just takes the boss's mood into account and doesn't do it directly?"

Ireland nodded.

But I still feel that something doesn't make sense: "But if that's the case, why did he let that woman appear and push me back to the point of falling? It can't be just to embarrass me. There must be a deeper purpose behind it."

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