Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1629 1629 [Uzo’s evidence of guilt]

Conan hissed: "It must be the sequelae of being plotted by Kidd's nasty assistant... No, I have to go to the hospital!"

Jiang Xia: "...?" Touching porcelain, you are touching porcelain.

Mao Lilan was a little worried. In her eyes, Conan was just a primary school student who couldn't lie.

Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin, a little suspicious: "There was nothing wrong with your examination just now. It didn't hurt when you were running around. Why does it hurt again when I catch you?"

Conan: "..." Is this guy's IQ used in uncovering the little tricks of his classmates? I've never seen her so clever.

Jiang Xia guessed what Conan was thinking. Even if this persistent primary school student was rejected, he would definitely run away alone later.

And he didn't mind going out for a walk with Conan, so he said regardless of the past: "Would you like to go to the hospital? I remember there is one nearby."

Conan nodded repeatedly and couldn't help but sigh, it is wonderful to have a good teammate.

The group of people left through the nearest door, planning to go to the hospital for another check-up.

Although he achieved his goal, Conan's heart did not feel relaxed - the ambulance did not always send people to the nearest hospital, and the "unlucky passer-by" might not be at the hospital he was about to go to.

To say the least, even if he had really been sent there, a lot of time had passed and the person might have left.

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help scratching his hair irritably: If this continues, the chance of finding someone is too low.

He thought for a moment, then took a few steps behind, grabbed Dr. A Li by the hem of his clothes, and asked him quietly: "Doctor, can you hack into the ambulance system here and help me see which hospital that person was sent to."

"..." Haiyuan Ai heard this with sharp ears, and couldn't help but glance at Conan: This guy is really an outlaw maniac, and he instigates all kinds of things.

She looked at Dr. Ali who was worried, walked to the side, and silently pulled Jiang Xia away: Don't be contaminated by this little lawless maniac.

Although Conan's idea of ​​​​looking for someone was correct, unfortunately, no matter which hospital he went to at this time, it was impossible to find traces of Ireland.

Because Ireland simply didn't have time to be in the hospital at this point.

From an Irish perspective, the life-seeking arrow named "Uzo" is always close behind. If he stopped for a moment, he might be penetrated by the poisonous arrow. Even if Uzo didn't kill him directly, Ireland always felt that this guy was weaving a big web full of conspiracies.

As the targeted target, he must find a way to deal with this opponent before those plots take shape, or at least find a way to protect himself.

Therefore, during this period, Ireland has been forced to be busy. For a moment, he even felt that the busy time of replacing Gin was back.

Ireland and Conan woke up from anesthesia at about the same time. When Conan set out to find someone, Ireland had already left the hospital.

The tired cadre did not sleep at this time and had no intention of sleeping.

"Kidd will be hard to catch for a while, but fortunately there are some people who are still under control."

Ireland thought about the Tokyo residents who had committed murders and crimes in the past few days, especially the murderer in the recent falling case, and felt that he was not completely without clues.

"I heard that during the handling of the case, the guy who pretended to be a woman and wrote love letters to his friends, and planned to invite people out and kill them with someone who fell from a building, once said some very strange things."

Ireland pressed his forehead and recalled the content: "When asked about the real murderer, he said, 'The only thing I can tell you is that the criminal this time is not an ordinary person, he is a very outstanding person. He He won't leave any evidence against himself like other stupid guys...Don't you think these descriptions sound very familiar."

The confidant did not want to discuss anything about Uzo at all, but he was worried that his deliberate avoidance would arouse suspicion in Ireland. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and echoed as usual: "Sounds like a big fan of Uzo's."

Ireland nodded happily, he thought so too.

"I suspect that he accidentally learned about Uzo's killing methods through certain channels, and couldn't help but worship and imitate him - this murderer was not from the organization. If Uzo really saw his killing methods, This is undoubtedly a mistake close to leaking secrets.

"Even if there is no evidence, it is not enough for the police to take action against Uzo. This is enough to weaken some of Uzo's impression points with the boss. Compared with infighting, what the boss cannot tolerate the most are wastes whose abilities are not worthy of his position."

The confidant suddenly thought of something: "But in this case, you were almost hit. Isn't it Uzuo's handiwork? If so, then Uzuo should have noticed his mistake and dealt with the murderer in time."

Ireland thought for a moment and sneered: "That's it."

Confidant: "..." What do you understand again?

Ireland moved his fingers, and his joints made an ear-piercing clicking sound: "According to my habit, after questioning, in order to prevent the guy from leaking information about me, I usually choose to silence... Uzo, this bastard, actually wants to take I will be his knife to silence him."

"In this case, I won't kill him. This may be important evidence to prove that Uzo leaked the secret." Ireland snorted coldly, "But in this case, the method of questioning may have to be changed."

Half an hour later, in a secret room.

The murderer who hit his friend with a drunkard in anger because he was rejected by a girl to watch a movie was hooded in his sleep and held up in front of Ireland.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?!" The murderer tried hard to stay calm, but he still showed a hint of panic. "This is a society governed by law. How dare you kidnap someone from the police?!"

In order not to expose Ireland's voice, his confidant was forced to replace his boss and spoke coldly with a voice full of oppression: "I just asked you to come over and chat for a few words. Why are you nervous? What happened tonight is just a dream. When you wake up tomorrow, you will be the best." Just forget it all - of course, feel free to forget it if you don't want to, no one will believe you anyway."

Ireland sat next to him, looking at the murderer's uncooperative look, and clicked his tongue irritably: No killing, no scars left. This kind of harmless interrogation was really difficult for him to adapt to.

But there is no other way. This is the only way to keep this murderer alive in the police station as evidence to bring down Uzo.

Otherwise, we can’t tie people to the organization’s base. That way, if the police accidentally find clues about the organization when looking for someone, things will be in trouble.

What's more, the base is not his own base in Ireland - Uzo is also a cadre of the organization. If Uzo finds out about the situation through certain channels... wouldn't it be that this rare information is returned to him.

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