Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1637 1637 [Tissue concentration is too high]

By the time these words were finished, Xinzhuang Gong had stopped next to Mu Shuli.

Under the woman's frowning gaze, he knelt down on one knee, took Maki Shuri's hand and kissed it: "I'm late, my queen."

Jiang Xia noticed the movement here, wrapped herself in a blanket, and turned her head secretly to look over, watching the scene between the two with great interest.

Several crew members on the plane who couldn't stand Mu Shuli snorted: They knew that this woman was raising a lover, but the roles of Xinzhuang Gong and Mu Shuli in the drama happened to be lovers and queens - even if they just mentioned If this section is filmed, it can be interpreted as an over-the-top promotional featurette, which is not much of an excuse.

Mu Shuli caught a glimpse of Jiang Xia's movements from the corner of his eye, and his eyes twitched slightly. He turned his head and asked his old lover in a low voice: "What are you doing on the plane? Why don't you do as I say!"

Xinzhuang Gong laughed softly: "Don't worry, I have already made arrangements. Even if I are on the same plane as you, I will have enough time to prepare after landing."

After saying that, he stood up, bowed slightly towards Mu Shuli, turned around and left.

After leaving, Xinzhuang Gong found an empty seat and sat down.

He looked in the direction of Mu Shuli and Jiang Xia from a distance, clicked his tongue, and murmured in his heart: "I can't tell, this detective is quite likable... I will also be disliked by a woman one day, this experience is really... novel."

On the other side, Haiyuan Ai also noticed the movement between the three of them.

After she got on the plane just now, she was always a little restless and could not help but wander for a while.

At this time, he came back to his senses and took a closer look. He saw that Jiang Xia had changed seats at some point and sat next to Mu Shuli. In Jiang Xia's original seat, Mu Shuli's assistant was sitting.

Haihara Ai: "..."...This actress moves very fast. What does she want to do?

Fortunately, the first class cabin is considered a public place. In addition to the crew and their group, there are other passengers here, so Maki Shuli should not be too arrogant.

Hui Yuan Ai comforted herself in her heart. But for some reason, she still felt very uneasy.

The mini-primary school student held up his chin and sighed, and suddenly remembered that there was a confused detective with a reasonably useful mind sitting next to him, so Hui Yuan Ai turned to look at Conan, and said like a dead horse: "Think of something quickly. The way is to make that guy retreat before the difficulties come."

Conan was also distracted just now: "Which guy? Kidd?"

As he said that, he followed Hui Yuan Ai's gaze and his eyes fell on Mu Shuli.

"You're talking about her." Conan shook his head, "Only she can't be Kidd - have you forgotten, she has a heavy burden as an idol, and she has to touch up her makeup all the time outside. The person who does her makeup is a professional makeup artist Master, if Maki Shuri is really Kidd, the makeup artist will definitely be able to see the problem."

Haihara Ai: "...You are still thinking about Kidd."

"Of course, you don't know, right? That guy's theft plan is not over yet."

Conan looked confident: "At first, I thought that guy would take action last night, but now it seems that is obviously not the case.

"Kidd's actions last night should be just a confusing item. The most important information in his notice letter is not actually the 'when the drama ends' mentioned by the Zhongshan Police Department, nor does it have anything to do with the stage, but those letters - —That refers to the communication code. The place where he really wants to take action is actually this plane."

Conan rarely had someone to discuss issues with: "So Kidd must be disguised as a passenger now. I think..."

Before she could finish speaking, Hui Yuan Ai raised her hand to cover her lips in shame and yawned. Then the little girl, who had not slept well recently, wrapped herself tightly in the blanket and faced the other side to catch up on her sleep.


Conan looked at her disappointedly and whispered: "Didn't you ask me about Kidd first? Why don't you want to hear it anymore..."

However, the lack of an audience did not delay Conan from continuing his mission.

The small detective turned his head and continued to carefully observe all the passengers around him, verifying his reasoning.

Mu Shuli sent her disobedient old lover away, lowered her head and flipped through the book for a while, brewing the atmosphere.

When the presence of her old lover faded away, she spoke in a low voice like a caring senior and chatted with Jiang Xia:

"Your private detective profession must be very hard on you. I heard that you always encounter some low-quality civilian clients and are prone to danger. It's not a job that deserves recognition.

"Actually, I think that based on your capital and reputation, you can definitely develop in a better direction. There just happen to be a few new plays recently, and several directors want me to help them support the scene. You can choose any one of them as your role. When the time comes for your debut film, I will act with you, and I will treat it as extra payment for you to help me protect the ring."

——Jiang Xia was not in the entertainment industry before, so she couldn't understand how different she was from those little actors and idols.

She was unhappy about this before, but after thinking about it carefully, it was actually easy to solve the problem: get people into this industry first. When Jiang Xia realizes her importance, this difficult little lover will fall under her skirt without her having to worry too much.

When the time comes, she will let Jiang Xia experience the cold treatment she has received these days.

When she thought that one day in the future, this aloof little detective would humbly come to her to ask for resources, kneel at her feet and let her do what she wanted like Shinjo Gong just now, Maki Shuri couldn't help but curl her lips in pleasure. Corner - This wonderful feeling of easily messing up other people's destiny and holding someone in the palm of your hand is really addictive.

Delicious bait mixed with chronic poison was thrown out.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was still no reply.


Mushuli came back from his wonderful thoughts and gradually felt strange.

She turned to look at the seat next to her, only to find that Jiang Xia had her eyes closed, leaning on the back of the chair, and had fallen asleep instantly, completely unaware of her coaxing words.


Mu Shuli was not paying attention, and the pages of the book in his hand were clicked and wrinkled.

A few rows away.

Kidd was wearing someone else's disguise, sitting on his seat, playing with the magic in his hands boredly.

Although he had awakened this kind of thing by mistake before, he has not learned any decent magic until now - his magic power is always taken away by various mysterious monsters as soon as it grows. Opportunity to study carefully.

And this thing doesn't seem to be used casually. Due to the lack of inheritance and guidance from a serious magician, even when the monsters came to harvest the magic, Kidd didn't figure out how to get started with magic.

...The only thing that can be called progress is that, perhaps because he is in the ordinary state of being depleted of magic power all the time, Kidd finds that the speed at which he recovers his magic power seems to be getting faster and faster.

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