Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1649 1649 [Suspect: New Brother]

"Mr. Xinzhuang plays Maki Shuri's lover in the play, but in reality, they are really lovers."

The makeup artist revealed some words that would make the paparazzi ecstatic: "When we first met, Miss Maki Shuli really liked him, but gradually, she felt that Mr. Xinzhuang was getting older and a little tired of playing with him. Recently, she often asked Do I have a younger and cuter candidate, and I am becoming more and more lazy to deal with Mr. Xinzhuang."

Kidd touched his fake face: "..." Younger and cuter... Could this guy be talking about Jiang Xia? That bastard detective is indeed a little younger than this guy, but where does the cuteness come from? Do these people have poor eyesight?

Suzuki Sonoko followed the makeup artist to see the assistant, the director, the director's wife, Maki Shuri's ex-husband, and Maki Shuri's ex-lover. Her originally bright and moist eyes gradually turned into mosquito repellent: "There are too many, and this time it's too much." too much……"

"..." Jiang Xia glanced at her, secretly raised her hand and patted her head, trying to brush away these strange thoughts: Stop thinking about these, it will burn out the CPU like Conan...

His movement was not too big, but it still caught the attention of the makeup artist.

"Actually, this detective..." the makeup artist spoke again. She thought of Mu Shuli's inevitable attitude towards Jiang Xia - this kind of mentality of treating people as playthings should be very offensive to Jiang Xia. After all, Jiang Xia also had motives.

But then I thought about it, Jiang Xia was the only detective present, and it would be bad if he was targeted because of this.

The makeup artist had no choice but to hold back.

She skipped Jiang Xia temporarily and looked at the assistant sitting next to her: "And this Miss Yaguchi."

The assistant just breathed a sigh of relief and sat upright again: "..." I thought it was no longer her problem, but why did it come back now? !

The makeup artist had no sympathy at all: "The deceased often thought she had a gloomy personality and would always insult and criticize her in front of everyone. Accumulated over the years, this kind of pressure is enough to turn an ordinary migrant worker into a murderer."

"Of course, if you insist on calculating, I do have a motive."

Finally, the makeup artist concluded with herself: "Obviously I am just a makeup artist, but I am always used as an assistant by Mu Shuli. I have to do all kinds of messy things. I do the work of three or four people for one salary. Even if I want to change jobs, she will always stop me."

She looked at Jiang Xia: "Anyway, I don't suggest you start with the motive when investigating the case, because the deceased really loved to offend people. No matter who it was, even if they only met once, they would be choked by her. For example - "

Next to him, Maya Hashimoto has been quietly staying out of the incident. He was very grateful to the makeup artist just now because she drew everyone's attention to the acquaintances in Maki Shuli.

But now, the makeup artist suddenly looked at him.

Maya Hashimoto: "?"

...Do, do what? !

The moment they looked at each other, an extremely strong sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart.

He suddenly wanted to step on the backs of several rows of chairs and rush over, covering the woman's mouth so that she could not say the next words. However, with so many people around him, and in full public view, his ideas were ultimately just ideas and could not be realized.

Then the makeup artist's voice sounded smoothly in the cabin.

She raised her hand and pointed at Maya Hashimoto with her fingertips: "When this gentleman asked Maki Shuri for his autograph just now, Maki Shuri's attitude was very bad. If I hadn't interrupted him, she would have rejected him. .”

The makeup artist looked at Maya Hashimoto with a look that could see through everything: "A handsome guy like you will feel a little unhappy if he fails to strike up a conversation and is rejected by the other party. Not long ago, I saw a similar report. There was a life After the winner failed to talk to the girl, he intended to kill for revenge. So strictly speaking, you are not without motive."

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

Along the way, Maya Hashimoto was always on guard against Uzo taking action against himself or his superiors. As soon as he arrived at the high-rise building, he raised his head and stared at the sky to prevent himself from being hit by falling objects. Unexpectedly, in the end, it was an actress sitting next to Jiang Xia who died, and the cause of death became poisoning.

And he, who had nothing to do with the actress, should have been able to stay out of it. But now, all these efforts were in vain due to this makeup artist's nonsense.

The ice tea suddenly opened.

This time, it did not shut down after a second or two like before. Instead, it expanded intermittently for five or six seconds before finally falling.

Jiang Xia's eyes brightened as she looked at the ghosts busy picking tea.

He raised his head and looked at the makeup artist. When he saw that the makeup artist mentioned a new boy, but then there was no follow-up, he was not satisfied and had to speak on his own.

The detective's voice suddenly sounded in the cabin, and he said in a relaxed story-telling tone:

"Speaking of this, I remembered one thing - have you ever read detective novels? There is a classic scene where a group of people gather at the dining table of Blizzard Villa to drink tea together, using the same cup and the same Tea. However, after the party, there is always a specific person who is poisoned on the spot.

"This is because the thing poisoned by the murderer was not the tea in the mouth, but a specific part of the tea cup. And in the process of drinking tea, only one specific person will come into contact with the poison.

"Perhaps Miss Mu Shuli also died of this reason - it was not the chocolate that was poisoned, but a place that her hands could touch. For example, I remember just now that Mr. George asked Miss Mu Shuli for her autograph. At that time, he once touched the armrests and back of Miss Mu Shuli's chair. If poison was applied to these two places, Miss Mu Shuli would put her hands on the back of the chair before eating chocolate, and the poison would be on them. "


The more I heard it, the more it sounded like that, and even the person involved almost believed it.

It was as if a ton of dynamite was exploding in Maya Hashimoto's mind: He kept his presence low and only left his seat twice during the whole process...and then the person he came into contact with suddenly died suddenly.

And he has naturally become the biggest suspect. He will be investigated by the police and will be silenced by the organization on the way to the police station... How did things get to this point? !

After being stunned for a moment, Maya Hashimoto suddenly came back to her senses and remembered one thing - why did the makeup artist doubt him just now? It seems that his request for an autograph was rejected, and not long ago, the makeup artist happened to have seen a report about "The winner in life failed to talk to someone, threw someone downstairs to kill his friend, and took revenge on the person he talked to", so he connected the two. Together.

…That falling-from-a-building case that was supposed to be over, is actually related to today’s case? !

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