Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1654 1654 [Ireland’s Heartbeat Moment]

There are many actors on the plane, and there are always a few smart ones among them. They heard Jiang Xia's recovery movements and pressed the tip of their noses like Mu Shuli had done before his death.

Then he suddenly realized the problem: "Did the poison fall on both sides of her nose? Maki always wears makeup whenever she goes out, so the poison is hidden in the foundation?!"

And the person who can mix poison into Mu Shuli’s foundation...

The crew members' eyes moved, and they all looked at the makeup artist who exposed everyone's shortcomings.

The makeup artist froze in her seat, her heartbeat stopped for a beat: "..." She acted so naturally just now, she was just a passerby who was gloating after seeing her boss die, but why was she still suspected? ?

There are obviously so many other suspects around, and each of them has more motives than her... Impossible! Such a perfect and hidden criminal plan could not be exposed so quickly!

The makeup artist was almost scorched by everyone's gaze.

The examiner-like smile on the makeup artist's face disappeared and she forced a smile: "Look at what I'm doing. I'm not the one who killed him."

Jiang Xia: "You have always been responsible for her makeup. No one can access such a private place except you. Otherwise, it can't be the poison that Mushuli's current lover pinched her nose and smeared on her when he teased her—— According to you, since Maki Shuli hates him so much, he probably won’t give him that chance."

"Current Lover" Kuroba Kaito: "..." Why do you keep clicking on me? This detective is so annoying! How long should I keep a grudge? Isn't it just showing off the magic gun in front of him... The Phantom Thief who was trapped on the plane sighed sadly and decided not to mention the gun in front of Jiang Xia again.

Fortunately, even though she was named by the detective, no one really thought that it was her old lover who killed Maki Shuli - because everyone saw the interaction between the old lover and Maki Shuli. After the lover got on the plane, he indeed only touched Maki Shuli's hand and never touched his nose at all. If he had poisoned Mu Shuli's hands, then during the long flight, Mu Shuli should have been poisoned long ago.

Therefore, there can only be one murderer - Maki Shuli always maintains her makeup, and there is no third person who can touch her nose on the plane except herself and the makeup artist. After figuring out the location of the poison, it became obvious who the real culprit was.

The makeup artist also thought about it herself. She stared at Jiang Xia with sweaty hands and her voice became sharp: "Don't talk nonsense without evidence! I'm not one of those little fans who read crazy newspapers every day. If you keep pestering me, Be careful if I sue you for libel!"

Suzuki Sonoko glared at her with dissatisfaction: "Weren't you very open-minded when you admitted your motives just now? Why did you become like this again?"

"So what if there is a motive! Evidence, I'm asking you for evidence that I killed someone!"

The makeup artist snorted coldly: "I know that there must still be some poison left in the makeup powder on the side of the deceased's nose, but what does that mean? I am indeed her makeup artist, but besides me, there is actually one other person who can Touch her nose, that's herself!

"Couldn't Mushuli commit suicide?

"A person as disgusting as her suddenly felt the malice coming from her surroundings and couldn't think about it for a moment, so she committed suicide in front of us. This is not impossible. In short, today's poisoning case has nothing to do with me!"

Conan: "..." This person may have a lot in common with Megure Police Department and Uncle Mouri. I hope they can meet smoothly at the Metropolitan Police Department.

Jiang Xia also looked at her a few more times: "..." It's been a long time since I met such a tough-talking prisoner. But it’s good to change up the flavors once in a while to keep things fresh.

The young detective then said patiently: "Unfortunately, this trip is completely closed to you. Your behavior is easy to track - if you poisoned yourself before boarding the plane, just search through the airport trash cans along the way. , or check if there are any emails sent in your name to other places, and you can find the poisons that belong to you. However, judging from the time, you are more likely to have dropped the poison on the plane."

The makeup artist curved her lips and showed a winning smile: "So what do you want to say? You want to say that after poisoning me, I threw the poisoned powder puff into the toilet and flushed it away? - Humph, what a pity, I'm just a Ordinary citizens who are innocent have never poisoned anyone. If you don’t believe it, why don’t you go pick up all the blue ice discharged from the plane and take a look?”

Ireland glanced at her: "..." Because of this idiot, his mood fluctuated all the way...

"In the early years, airplanes were indeed of the direct-discharge type, and excrement would be released directly into the air and fall down along the way. But later it was changed to internal storage."

Ireland said coldly: "In old-fashioned aircraft toilets, some liquids used for deodorization sometimes leak. What they mix with excrement is the kind of blue ice you said will fall from the sky. But that has been a long time ...It was more than a year ago.

"Huh, you probably have seen too many fake news like 'excrement falling from the sky and killing pedestrians', so you thought that the direct-discharge type is still used now. But in fact, this plane now..."

He looked at the flight attendant.

After watching the lively flight attendant for a long time, he was swept away by his oppressive gaze and quickly came back to his senses: "We have special storage tanks that won't leak easily. Everything is still there, but... it might be dirty. "Poisons may also be diluted with other liquids.

Ireland laughed happily: "That's the police's business."

After laughing, he suddenly remembered that this was not the attitude that Sanhao citizens should have towards the police. He calmly suppressed his smile and said, "If they don't want to search the toilet, just relying on what's on the face of the deceased is barely enough."


Although there was still a big project ahead, as the "evidence" requested by the makeup artist was presented, she finally stopped resisting and fell to her knees.

"Actually, I originally wanted to kill her elsewhere. Those places have a lot of traffic and are convenient for disposing of evidence. But this time in the first class cabin, it was rare that so many people who had a grudge against her gathered together. It was easy to kill her. The suspicion is drawn to others. I really don’t want to miss this opportunity, so..."

After the makeup artist finished speaking, he hammered the ground angrily: "I do regret not choosing a good plan, but I don't regret killing her! This bastard ruined my long-held dream!

"I have longed for Hollywood since I was a child. After embarking on the path of makeup, I was determined to become a Hollywood makeup artist. For this dream, I went to a beauty school in Los Angeles to further my studies. I overcame various difficulties and learned a lot. fluent English……"

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