Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1656 1656 [Plane crash in progress] Please vote for me

Chapter 1656 1656 [Plane crash in progress] Please vote for me ()

Countless thoughts passed through Ireland's mind in an instant: "The flight is almost over now, but from beginning to end, I have never seen Uzo or Uzo's men at all. It's possible that that guy never got on the plane at all.

"If Uzzo is on the plane and something happens to the plane, then the mysterious Riddler himself will not survive. And if he is not there, there will be internal fighting, and this kind of news, Uzzo will not get much either. It is obviously damaging to others. Self-interested things, why did he..."


Ireland suddenly realized something.

"Whether it is the records left in the black box or the survivors who survived by chance, they will bring a piece of news to the police - 'This air crash was an accident caused by an accidental homicide.' The organization and It won’t be exposed.”

Ireland's heart was gradually filled with a bad premonition: "Even if the clever police believe that there is another mastermind behind the accident, after all the evidence was destroyed by the plane crash, compared to Uzo who was not on the plane at all, Hashimoto and I are The fake identity on the passenger list is even more difficult to withstand inspection.

"A dead person cannot defend himself. Everything will be pinned on Hashimoto and I, the two suspicious persons. The person who provided us with false certificates will also be implicated, but he is not a member of the organization, so the matter will be left to him. It stopped. As long as the existence of the organization is not exposed to the outside world, Uzo will have to bear much less pressure...

"But even so, Uzo also murdered cadres! And I sent messages to several other cadres before getting on the plane. As long as I die on the plane, everyone will know that it must be Uzuo who did something. What happened? If the boss makes a big fuss like this, even if the boss has a preference in his heart, he won't brush it off in a clear way.

"Uzo must have thought of this, but he still attacked the plane... What exactly was in this guy's mind? Is it really like some branches of the rumor said that in Uzo's heart, the joy of killing overrides Above all else, nothing can stop him from taking pleasure in the lives of other cadres, not even punishment from the organization?"

The behavior that was beyond common sense and the development that was completely unexpected caused Ireland's always logical and clear brain to short-circuit for a short time.

But as a senior cadre of the organization, he certainly would not sit still and wait for death.

Ireland suddenly remembered something and looked at the flight attendant: "Even if you change planes on the way, this flight is not a short one. You must have brought a backup driver - go find that guy!"

The flight attendant finally came to her senses, nodded hurriedly, turned around and rushed to the crew lounge.

Ireland looked at her back and breathed out: "..." Calm down, when did he become so pessimistic. Isn't it just that the captain and the co-pilot were lying together? Thinking about it carefully, this does not mean that there will definitely be an air crash.

This aircraft is a very new model, and the autopilot system can save a lot of trouble. As for the remaining operations that require manual operation, a co-pilot is enough to do it. If you want to avoid the killer move of Uzo, you just need to hold your ground and not let it go. Just an accident on the plane.

The only worrying thing is that if Uzo really wants to do something, he may do it by any means necessary. Will things really end that easily?

As soon as the thought came to an end, as if in response to his bad premonition, a scream suddenly came from diagonally above.

Ireland: "??"...What happened again!

The detective seemed to react more sensitively to screams than he did. Jiang Xia's ears twitched slightly, and he quickly identified the direction from which the cry came. He quickly rushed to a hidden staircase, climbed up, and came to the passenger lounge.

Ireland came to his senses and immediately followed.

He ran to the door of the lounge and looked in through the narrow door. Ireland was silent.

——The backup co-pilot looked just like the main and co-pilot in the cab at this time. He was slumped in his position and groaning. It seemed that he would not die for a while, but in this state, he obviously could not fly the plane.

The flight attendant's legs were a little weak and she slowly sank to the ground along the wall. She whispered: "By the way, the co-pilot also went to the cab just now. Maybe the three of them were contaminated with the poison from the deceased at that time... I, I really shouldn't have let that passenger in."

But now, there is no point in being angry, because one of the culprits who caused this situation is already a beautiful dead person.

There was another sound of footsteps behind him.

Jiang Xia turned around and found that Maya Hashimoto was following him.

After Maya Hashimoto saw Ireland going upstairs, there was no movement for a long time, so he couldn't help but want to come over and have a look.

He came to the door of the lounge and peeked in anxiously.

Seeing the co-pilot turned into a ball of mud, Maya Hashimoto silently raised her hand to cover her heart: How could things become like this? Is the plane really going to sink? ...Uzo promised not to kill cadres!

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have listened to my superiors and thrown away that precious parachute before boarding the plane."

Maya Hashimoto's eyes briefly lost their luster, and her heart became numb: "As of now, the only thing I'm thankful for is that I had already prepared a suicide note and set up a scheduled erasure program when I knew the enemy this time was Uzo. , perfectly avoiding the embarrassing situation of personal information being leaked after sudden death.

"Damn it, I should have thought of it earlier. Even within the organization, Uzo is an outlaw among outlaws. There is nothing he dares not do. In the end, we still underestimated the enemy."

Just as he was thinking about what the world would be like after death, an Irish voice suddenly sounded in Maya Hashimoto's ears: "It's too early to give up now."

Maya Hashimoto: "?"

Thinking of the life he had briefly had but was thrown away by his own hands, Maya Hashimoto didn't really want to talk to Ireland.

But after working under Ireland for so many years, he still maintained some due courtesy towards his boss and responded decadently: "What?"

At this time, Jiang Xia had already pulled the flight attendant and ran to the passenger side, as if she wanted to see if the driver could be saved.

Ireland then took the opportunity to take Maya Hashimoto away to a place where his words would not be heard by others.

"The plane is intact, it's just that the person flying it is missing. Don't forget, I have a small plane pilot's license, and some of my experience and skills are interchangeable - I remember you can also fly a helicopter, so you can help me when the time comes. , and then contact the control tower. With the guidance provided by those professionals, it will not be difficult to land safely."

Maya Hashimoto was startled, and the lost highlight gradually returned: "..." That's right! It’s not the plane that Uzo harmed, just the pilot. Just find someone to take over...


"If, I mean if -" Maya Hashimoto swallowed, he seemed to have suddenly discovered a hidden trap, "If we really successfully rescued the plane. Then when the plane lands, will we be regarded as heroes? , was put on the news... and attracted much attention?"

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