Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1661 1661 [Cut off your own escape route] Please vote for me

Chapter 1661 1661 [Cut off your own escape route] Please give me your monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

Conan: "..." In addition, Edward and Mr. George must have a close relationship - although they pretend to be friends, the way they get along in critical moments seems a bit classy, ​​making people unconsciously think of gin and vodka. .

——This Mr. Edward, if he is really a member of the organization, then he is probably a cadre.

But now, Edward seems to be being targeted severely by "that adult". There were indeed a lot of struggles within that organization. Or is it that "that adult" really has second thoughts about the black organization, so he not only concealed the reduced experimental body of Aptx 4869, but also didn't mind killing several other cadres?

Conan felt itchy like a cat scratching his heart, and his strong curiosity made him want to tear down the curtain immediately to see what the mastermind behind the scenes was planning. But now, he couldn't even find the curtain anywhere.

Conan sighed sadly.

Except for him, others were obviously not so entangled.

Suzuki Sonoko was still thinking about the plane. She looked at the corpses of the pilot and co-pilot, and then realized: "Wait a minute, Maki died because he licked the poison on his fingers. What about these pilots?" How did the members get poisoned? - Could it be that they also licked Maki Shuli’s hands?”

Recalling the strange and depraved scenes in the cab at that time, Suzuki Sonoko felt like she saw a group of perverts and shuddered.

Conan came back to her senses and silently corrected the strange scene in her mind: "How is it possible! In a large audience, even if they really wanted to, they would definitely not lick the hand of a female star in front of their colleagues."

Suzuki Sonoko felt even more strange: "So you actually lick in private? This is so unhygienic! ... Huh? Wait, how do you, a first-year primary school student, know these things!"

"..." Conan, "That, Brother Hattori told me."

Jiang Xia: "..." It's a pity that Hattori-san is not there, otherwise I really want to see if he will show some steely murderous aura.

Conan realized that the topic was taken astray by Sonoko Suzuki, and quickly returned to the topic, speaking in a child's voice:

"Oh, what adults do in private is not the point at all! The point is that the driver uncles were poisoned, not because they licked Aunt Mu Shuli's hand - I was following Aunt Mu Shuli to protect the ring before, and I accidentally saw it What happened in the cab.

"At that time, the captain wanted to shake hands with Aunt Mushuli, but she handed her hand flat, so the captain turned to kiss her hand, and the co-pilots did the same. If the handshake was normal, Aunt Mushuli's fingertips The poison would only stick to the backs or palms of the pilots' hands, but because of the hand kiss, the place where they held the poison became their fingertips. Afterwards, they used their poisoned fingers to pick up the food that the stewardess gave them. Went to taste the meals, but unfortunately all of them fell down.”

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

Why let the passengers into the cab?

Why don’t you wash your hands before eating, or even wipe them with wipes!

And why did the three of them obediently kiss their hands? Can't there be an aloof man who stands out from the crowd and refuses her?

——In short, it’s all the fault of these three pilots! Otherwise, he wouldn't have to face Uzo's serial killing moves in embarrassment.

Maya Hashimoto became angrier as she thought about it. Looking at the captain in front of her who was being inspected by herself, she wanted to hit his head a few times to vent her anger.

But in front of everyone, it is obvious that a cheerful and kind-hearted doctor should not do such a thing.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." And if you think about it carefully, even if the captain followed the rules and didn't do this, Uzo would definitely take advantage of it in other ways. To round things off, he and the captain can be regarded as brothers, so it’s better not to hurt each other.

Thinking of the terrible devil who forced everyone into a miserable situation, Maya Hashimoto's anger quickly dissipated, and he sighed tiredly.

As soon as there was any movement here, other people who were paying attention to the captain immediately looked over. They asked nervously: "How is it? Is there any hope?"

Although other people were equally angry at the captain's stupid behavior just now, at least for now, they had to rely on these pilots to fly the plane and land it safely.

Maya Hashimoto came to his senses and cleared his throat: "It is indeed poisoning caused by acute poison - first move them to a more spacious cabin and inhale oxygen to relieve the symptoms."

A group of people heard that they could still be saved and hurried over to move the captain.

The co-pilot was also slumped in the seat next to him.

Jiang Xia walked to the passenger seat and rolled up her sleeves to lift the passenger. But obviously you can’t just rely on yourself to carry people. So Jiang Xia casually looked at Ireland, who was nearest: "Come to help?"

After saying that, he suddenly came to his senses and changed his words apologetically and sympathetically: "Forget it, I forgot that your arm hurts. You can't even pull the joystick, let alone move people..."

He turned to Maya Hashimoto, who was the next closest: "Then help me."

Maya Hashimoto nodded and came over to help this temporary friendly force carry the wounded. Although he rarely engaged in rescue work, he had moved corpses a lot in the past, so he was particularly skillful in moving people, which earned Jiang Xia's admiring glances.

Ireland was standing quietly by the side thinking about the whole accident, but suddenly his injured arm was lifted up.

When he mentioned that arm, he inevitably thought of Uzo's countless insidious plots, and the murderous aura in his body could not be controlled.

Just as he was tearing that bastard Uzo to pieces in his mind, the plane suddenly encountered airflow and lurched violently.

Ireland's body swayed, and he raised his hand to support the roof next to him, barely standing still.

The area near the driver's seat in the airplane, from top to floor, is densely packed with instrument panels and buttons.

Ireland nudged her elbow. He pressed his arm that started to hurt again to maintain his balance, and was mentally beating up that hateful curly guy with sunglasses, when he suddenly realized that Jiang Xia was looking directly at him next to him.

Ireland frowned: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment: "When I was holding the top cover, I seemed to have touched a button on it - I just saw a few shadows rotating on a certain screen from the corner of my eye. The vibration was too strong at the time, and I couldn't see clearly. What exactly went wrong.”

"It turned around? And several shadows turned around at the same time?"

Maya Hashimoto suddenly thought of something. He glanced at the complicated instruments and quickly stopped on a dashboard composed of several groups of circles and lines: "Ai...Mr. Dehua must have accidentally touched the fuel." The valve is swapped, so the marks on the screen all turn around to show the valve is open."

This kind of aircraft often carries several fuel tanks. The fuel tanks are usually separated from each other, but there are also some interconnected pipes.

When flying in the sky, in order to maintain balance, the difference in the amount of oil on both sides of the aircraft cannot be too much. If the difference exceeds a certain level, the valve must be opened to allow the side with more oil to flow to the side with less oil to prevent accidents.

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