Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1679 1679 [Innocent Passing by]

In short, although criminals and detectives are naturally hostile, the two sides are now firmly tied to a plane that is about to crash, and Jiang Xia has kindly taken over the position of "flying a plane", which is extremely dangerous for members of the organization. At this time, Maya Hashimoto actually appreciated the detective a little more.

At this time, another outlaw maniac knew nothing about the sympathy between criminals.

Kuroba Kaito left the cab and glanced back. After confirming that no one was around, he raised his hand and fumbled with the cuff that Jiang Xia had just touched.

I don’t know if he has practiced knocking people for many years, but this detective’s hand speed is actually no slower than that of a magician. The moment Jiang Xia stopped him just now, it seemed as if something had been inserted into him.

Soon Kuroba Kaito found it. Since it is a mist-like sheet, stacked together it looks like an extremely thin piece of felt.

As soon as it was taken out, it gradually became fluffy and soon expanded into a ball of smoke, which was gently held in the hand.

Kuroba Kaito was stunned: "What the hell is this?"

Judging from the shape and color, it resembles the smoke from a burning cigarette. But the amazing thing is that this cloud of smoke can actually be touched and remains condensed.

"Forget it, let's get down to business first." Kuroba Kaito was full of questions, but he had no time to return to the cockpit to ask. He folded the thing and stuffed it back into his cuffs, then quickly walked to the hatch, pressed the opening button, and slammed the hatch open.

There was a loud bang, and the tattered cabin door that had been hit by the impact was suddenly swept away by the wind. Strong winds rushed in, and the plane jolted slightly.

Kuroba Kaito tore off his disguise and instantly switched into his own white suit. The cloak behind him was flying fiercely in the wind, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "My own clothes are the most comfortable...!"

Before he finished speaking, another gust of air hit him, tugging at his big cloak, and he was thrown out of the plane with a roar.


Kidd's eyes twitched and he struggled to maintain his balance, maintaining a calm expression belonging to a top-notch Phantom Thief: "...Well, it's very convenient to get off the plane. You don't have to look for the opportunity to jump out."

As he muttered, he looked around.

Seeing that there was no one in the sky, or rather no Kiritengu, Kuroba Kaito was disappointed but relieved at the same time. Very good, the embarrassing scene of being dragged out of the plane was not seen by any audience.

But the bad thing is that if the hang glider breaks or is beaten by the police, there will be no temporary accomplices falling from the sky to tell the truth.

"Did Kiritengo return to his hometown when he passed through Tokyo?" Kidd murmured, "I heard that monsters are very territorial. He went to England for a while, and he is probably eager to return home now."

Kidd speculated on the strange psychology of monsters every day, while flipping over in the air, facing downwards. The cloak behind him instantly unfolded and turned into a small triangular hang glider.

After being far away from the plane, without the chaotic airflow, Kidd regained the feeling of flying in the air. He raised his hand and pressed the single lens, quickly locked the police car on the shore that was surrounding "Kidd", adjusted its direction and flew over.

The long line of police cars that were chasing "Kid" had already poured into a park and surrounded the fountain in the park.

Isao Shinjo, who was wearing Kaitou Kid's clothes, fled for a long time, and was finally forced to stand on the sculpture in the center of the fountain. He climbed to the top with his hands and feet holding the frame, and then suddenly found that he could not get down.

Compared with appearing handsome and life, life seems to be more important. Shinjo Ko had no choice but to shout loudly: "I'm not Kaitou Kidd, I just put on his clothes and cosplayed!! Help! Put me down first!"

The Memu Police Department who came to help looked up at the guy in white: "It turns out they were just catching the Phantom Thieves... Fortunately, it wasn't a murder case."

"What do you mean by 'just'? Do you have any dissatisfaction with my sacred work?" Zhongsen Police Department snorted, then turned to glare at the guy on the sculpture, "If you are not a Phantom Thief, why are you running away!"

Xinzhuang Gong felt aggrieved: "There are so many police cars chasing me behind me, no matter who I am, I won't run away."

"Nonsense, ordinary citizens won't run away when they see the police!" Zhongsen Police Department raised his hand with determination, "Admit it, you are Kidd!"


The Megure Police Department looked up at the phantom thief, but they couldn't see the slightest bit of Kidd's demeanor. Although the Investigation Section 1 he was in usually had nothing to do with thieves, recently, there have been some murder cases in the places where Kidd hangs out. , the Memu Police Department barely became familiar with this phantom thief.

But the guy in front of me, who couldn't get down after climbing high and had to go to the police for help, was very different from the Phantom Thief no matter how he looked at it.

At this time, the police department moved their peripheral vision and suddenly discovered something.

"Uh, Nakamori." He interrupted his colleague who was questioning the "Phantom Thief Kid" on the shelf, raised his chubby finger and pointed at the horizon, "Look at what that is."

The Zhongsen Police Department took a casual glance and saw a man in white clothes soaring in the sky with a hang glider on his back in the night sky. He sneered disdainfully: "Do you even need to ask? It must be Kidd."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

Zhongshan Police Department: "..."

Looking at each other for a moment, the Zhongsen Police Department suddenly came to their senses, "Kid?!... Who is this person on the sculpture?!"

The fake Phantom Thief looked up at the real Phantom Thief who helped him clear away the suspicion, and said with a moved face: "Of course I'm just a fan pretending to be Kidd."

Memu Police Department: "..." Are you really a fan? But you even wear your monocle backwards.

Originally, the Memu Police Department felt that the efficiency of Search Class 1 was inefficient. But now that he saw this colleague, he straightened his back silently and gained a little more confidence and confidence.

The Zhongsen Police Department does have its own merits: it kills its target and never gives up.

He waved his hand: "Let's go and catch the real Kidd!"

The string of police cars that had stopped started again in a long line, heading towards the new target on the horizon.

On the road, the police car chased the figure in the sky, its red and blue police lights connected like an eye-catching guidance belt. They whistle at the cars ahead.

Curacao pushed up the flat glasses on the bridge of his nose and glanced at the group of policemen behind him in the rearview mirror.

The instinct of an organizational cadre made her almost step on the accelerator and drive away at high speed. But she quickly reacted and hung on the accelerator with her high heels to hold back.

In the end, Curacao just turned the steering wheel, slowly moved the car to the side of the road like a novice driver, and stopped.

Then she watched the police car speed past her car. Not forgetting to look around curiously after the police car left.

After the police car was completely gone, Curacao sat back down and regained his calm expression.

She followed the direction of the police car, looked up out of the window, and saw a striking white dot floating in the sky.

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