Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1686 1686 [Uzomo hits me] Please vote for me oo

Chapter 1686 1686【Uzomo hits me】Please vote for the month o(〃'▽'〃)o

Not to mention Ireland can't be too far away from the plane. In an accident of this magnitude, the list of all passengers and flight attendants would definitely be checked on site to avoid omissions during rescue.

If a passenger ran away on the way, this kind of abnormal behavior would be watched by the police and the party responsible for the accident trying to find out the problem, even if the passenger himself had no problem. Ireland would not do such a stupid thing.

Curacao's observation skills were very keen and she was determined to search. Therefore, the moment Ireland stepped off the plane, she immediately locked the location of this colleague and watched him all the way to find Ireland's current hiding place.

Curacao pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and approached there casually.

Things were going very smoothly at first, but when she passed an ambulance, she suddenly felt a hair on her back and instinctively became wary.

Curacao glanced over there from the corner of his eye and saw Jiang Xia standing there leaning against the ambulance, wearing a blanket like a victim. But the look in his eyes had nothing to do with the "victim" - the fake detective was looking straight at her with undisguised interest.

Curacao's hand holding the phone froze: "..."

...pretend not to see it. It's getting so late now, and it's normal to ignore a person on the side of the road.

With this thought in mind, Curaçao walked by without looking back, wanting to leave this territory quickly. But suddenly, Jiang Xia waved to her.

He was still wrapped in a blanket, and he was waving his hands and making noises. He was so conspicuous that it was impossible for normal people to ignore him.

Curacao's eyes twitched and he had to stop.

Curacao: "..." Thinking about it carefully, Uzo doesn't know her. This guy probably just figured out that she wasn't a real paramedic and wanted to stop her to see what was going on.

If she pretends to be an ordinary suspicious person and satisfies Uzo's curiosity, he will probably treat her as an ordinary person who interests him. Even if interest arises and some minor accidents are arranged, Kula believes that with her own strength, she can handle it.

But if you see Jiang Xia as if you haven’t seen it... What if Wu Zuo, combined with Ireland’s mistake, guesses that she is a cadre who knows "U Zuo = Jiang Xia" and comes to silence her? Ireland didn't look like she could last much longer, and she didn't want to send the class to pick up Ireland now.

A series of thoughts flashed quickly, and Curacao finally stopped.

Jiang Xia glanced around and found that no one was paying attention, so he approached with a blanket.


As he got closer, Curaçao instinctively wanted to touch the gun - the devil looked so innocent when he was wrapped in a blanket, and the contrast between the outside and the inside made her feel uncomfortable all over.

But in the end, Curacao just raised his hand to lift his hair and tucked the broken hair behind his ears: "Hello, how can I help you?"

Jiang Xia said politely: "There is one thing."

"You tell me." Curacao guessed that he wanted to send him to a certain crime scene and choose one of three or something - in short, he agreed first and then took the opportunity to leave.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia continued in a friendly manner: "Don't rush to silence the co-pilot who is being thrown away by the crowd. If Ireland can't use him, I can recycle him."


Like a bucket of cold water pouring down on him, Curaçao's fingertips trembled: Was she exposed? Is it just a matter of saying one sentence? ?

Usually at the Metropolitan Police Department or even the Police Department, Curacao can get in and out easily with her disguise and acting skills. Some stupid police officers even thought she was a new secretary and came to talk to her. But here in Wuzuo, her disguise was like a thin layer of paper, unable to block even a single line of sight.

Curacao: "..." Calm down, maybe he just guessed.

She tilted her head, her eyes confused and innocent: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Jiang Xia looked at her in surprise: "Can you come to Japan and become a cadre even if you don't speak Chinese well? Oh, I forgot that you are also mixed race. Do you need me to say it again in English?"

Curacao: "!!" How did this guy find out? ! She has obviously transformed into a very popular Japanese face... Could it be that Uzo has known her for a long time? !

When she was observing Ireland just now, she clearly hid in the blind spot, especially avoiding the place where Jiang Xia got off the plane. Then she blended into the venue and secretly headed to her destination like a staff member. Even this can be seen through at a glance...

There seems to be no point in pretending anymore.

Curacao's eyes turned cold and his innocent look faded: "Have you known me for a long time?"

"I don't know. I was just guessing. I didn't expect that I guessed it right." Jiang Xia looked even more innocent than before, and her words were accusatory, "You are too impatient - luckily it's me, if I meet the organization What about other people?”

Curacao: “…”

She accidentally picked up the pen in her hand and it made a squeaking sound, and there were dense cracks on the pen shell.

Now she could understand why Ireland, despite repeated setbacks, still refused to give up against Uzo - he really looked like someone who deserved a beating, and even she couldn't help but want to pull out a gun and empty the magazine at this man.

But soon, Curacao came back to her senses: the information Uzo said was so accurate, it must not have been a guess, this guy was just bluffing her.

But that didn't stop her from resisting the urge to fight back. Curacao snorted coldly: "You'd better make sure you guess right every time, otherwise you'll be on our cleanup list sooner or later if you leak information about the organization like this."

"Of course I will guess it right." Jiang Xia glanced at the murderous aura on her body and smiled gracefully like a serious cadre. "The only people who can hear news about the organization from me are my dear colleagues and fresh corpses."

Curacao's expression did not change, but his heart became wary and he became more murderous.

Her murderous aura was that of a fragrant plant. According to the precise identification of the ghosts, it seemed to be aloe vera. But it is sweeter than the aloe vera-flavored murderous aura that Jiang Xia picked up before - if the previous murderous aura was like a pot of plants growing randomly, then the Curacao brand's murderous aura is like washed, peeled and processed transparent aloe vera Block, or edible version.

Jiang Xia: "..." As expected of a cadre, the same type of high-end murderous aura can overwhelm ordinary citizens.

Whether this murderous aura is mixed into desserts or added to wine, it can create a good taste.

Jiang Xia's eyes showed undisguised admiration. He touched his pocket and took out an exquisitely designed card: "Would you like to change your business card? I just happened to have a few left over from this business trip - this one is a VIP model with gold-plated edges."

"No..." Curacao was halfway through his refusal. He suddenly felt that refusal would only arouse the fake detective's deeper interest, so he had to change the topic and said, "I don't need a business card. You can write down my email address."

She has countless mailboxes, and now she picked the longest one and spoke quickly, regardless of whether Jiang Xia could remember it - it would be best if she couldn't remember it.

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