Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1688 1688 [Heartbeating Moment]

The leakage of identity information is a big deal. If in normal times, Curacao would pay attention, but would not be so close to the enemy, but now...

To be cautious, Curacao did not rush over after bringing Ireland far into the scope of surveillance. Instead, he contacted his superior first.

She first sent Rum an email and received a call from him not long after.

During the phone call, Curaçao and Rum recounted in detail the contact with Jiang Xia just now, and every detail was correct. When it came to crucial matters, her memory was as good as a printing press, and it was like playing the written version of the meeting in front of Rum.

"Recognized you in one face to face?" Rum sounded interested. He thought for a while and said, "I think it's not because your information has been leaked, but because there are other reasons - such as He did see something was wrong with you during that time.”

Curacao was previously ordered to investigate Jiang Xia's related cases, but she only acted according to orders. She had no extra curiosity and did not want to have too much contact with this colleague who had strange methods.

Therefore, compared to her, Rum knew some other details about "Uzo" - for example, the authority obtained by this new cadre was actually very incomplete, especially in terms of information related to other members.

Rum: "Although the things Ireland has done recently are more stupid than the last, that is just stupidity brought out by Uzo's weird methods. It does not mean that he is really a fool. He can't and doesn't dare to use them. This method of betraying intelligence pushed you into his enemy's camp.

"You are my confidant. Doing this means you don't take me seriously. Although he is somewhat dissatisfied with the top management of the organization because of Pisk, he does not dare to put this dissatisfaction openly.

"Besides, it was just an accident that we came to Hokkaido. Ireland could not have predicted it, nor could anyone else...unless they knew my whereabouts."

Curacao's heart tightened: "I have always been tight-lipped about your whereabouts."

"Of course, I believe you." Rum doesn't mind saying a few words of comfort to his well-behaved and sensible confidant.

But now, he is clearly more interested in someone else.

"I can recognize you at a glance, let me think about it..."

Rum tried to reconstruct the genius' mental journey, and he soon came up with an idea: "In fact, this thing is like magic. Countless simple details are put together, but from the perspective of the audience, it can be as magical as magic. Your disguise ability is indeed outstanding, but it is not without flaws.

"Uzo must have made such a big noise, and he must also know in his heart that the organization will definitely send people to the nearby area. So for him, the difficulty of this matter is just to 'find a specific person from a group of people', yes Basic skills for intelligence officers.

"As for why I guessed that you are of mixed race... Height is one of the most difficult features to disguise, and your height is indeed taller than that of ordinary Japanese women. In addition, your facial features are too three-dimensional. Even through disguise, you cannot completely erase these features. characteristics - don't forget, Uzo has a good relationship with Belmode. If he has learned about disguise from Belmode, then he can easily work backwards from your makeup to restore your approximate face. "

Curacao's heart skipped a beat.

One of the things that kept her calm was that she was wearing a disguise just now. Even if Wu Zuo was interested in her tonight, when she changed her makeup later, Wu Zuo wouldn't be able to find her.

...It should have been like this, but now, according to Rum, that guy has remembered her appearance?

Curacao couldn't help but frown: "..." Damn Belmod, that guy Uzo is scary enough, why do you need to teach him things that can make him evolve?

Isn't this "Thousand-Faced Witch" afraid that one day Uzo will get tired of her and want to kill her, so he will use what he has learned to deal with her?

The sea breeze blew gently, and the originally refreshing and pleasant air made Curaçao feel cold. Rum's calm voice echoed in her ears, as if he was telling a ghost story.

Rum was not at the scene, but he was very calm about it, digging for Uzo's features like he was studying some treasure:

"And that kid does seem to be very sensitive to his own scent. Do you remember when he and Bourbon were traveling together and met us in a restaurant? I don't know if you noticed that he was actually paying close attention to us at that time. You will also pay attention to me occasionally.

"The environment in which a person grows up will become his basic information base. Uzo is already very good at observation, and he grew up in an organization, so he has lots of contact with people in the organization. In other words, among countless groups in the world, He knows us best.

"Just like when people are in a foreign country, they can always easily identify fellow villagers. To Wu Zuo, we mixed among ordinary people may be like a group of black-haired and brown-eyed Asians suddenly mixed with a blond and blue-eyed foreigner. Conspicuous.”

Rum's example is actually not appropriate. Curacao originally had silver hair, heterochromatic eyes, and plump lips... In short, it has nothing to do with the black-haired, brown-eyed Asians Rum mentioned.

But Curacao had no time to pay attention to the details at this time: "..." We met by chance in the restaurant... So Uzo had already noticed her at that time? !

She suddenly felt a sense of fear that a beast was quietly following her behind her, and the hairs on her body stood up one by one.


Curacao: "..." Uzo can clearly identify the members of the organization. In other words, those peripheral members who were tricked and killed by him in daily cases were not actually "accidentally injured" at all, but deliberately caused by Uzo. dead?

Knowing that he was a member of the organization, he still dared to attack so unscrupulously... But speaking of conscience, even so, Wu Zuo's loss to peripheral members was still much smaller than that of other cadres. Moreover, there are already a large number of peripheral members, and the threshold is low. If they are gone, they can be recruited again... No wonder no one has ever pursued Uzo for this.

Her unusual silence made Rum realize something.

The second-in-command laughed a few times: "Don't worry, Uzo is not some lunatic who kills people indiscriminately - that idiot Vodka comes into contact with him every day, isn't he still alive and well?

"And Bourbon is his superficial boss. He usually instructs Jiang Xia to work everywhere. Even so, Uzo has never arranged a situation where Bourbon must die. At most, there will be some problems with strict standards. This can actually make it possible. Bourbon is always in the best condition, and his efficiency in doing things recently is much higher than before."

Curacao: "..." A little difficult problem with strict standards? Does it mean that Bourbon is involved in the murder scene every now and then, or does it refer to the Twin Towers that almost blew Bourbon into pieces? She has also seen the terrain of the Twin Towers. It is a miracle that Bourne survives...

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