Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 170 This is different from normal Jiang Xia

"So that's it...I know." In the receiver, Jiang Xia's tone became a little more serious, and he said keenly, "Did the Bomb Demon give you a new tip?"

Conan nodded while running: "Yes, there is more than one bomb - the man also placed bombs in the small square outside Mihua Station. The prompt he gave was 'under the tree, but not buried under the tree', a little bit Then it will explode and we don’t have much time!”

"Under the tree?" Jiang Xia paused, as if thinking.

After a moment, his voice sounded again: "Bombs placed in public places should not be too conspicuous. Under the tree...maybe it refers to cats? I remember that there are some benches in the small square in front of Mihua Station. There are often stranded passengers, so if you put a cat bag there, it really won’t be conspicuous.”

——The same ultra-fast pace and the same spoiler behavior used to only make Conan want to touch his earmuffs.

But now, in this life-and-death moment, Conan's spirits perked up after listening to his words, and he felt inexplicably like a golden, full-level teammate standing behind him with a sword during a fatal boss battle.

In an instant, his waist straightened up a bit.

People once again have the leisure to reason.

"...Cat?" Conan muttered the word several times in a low voice, then suddenly said "ah" and suddenly understood.

——"Under the tree" can refer to the root of the tree (ねっこ). It only differs from cat (ねこ) by one accent, and it sounds very similar!

It turns out this is a homophone question!

Conan: "..." The mysterious bomb demon is a bit unlucky. Not only did he meet Jiang Xia when he was solving the puzzle, but he also happened to hit a key word that Jiang Xia could easily associate with him - Conan thought of Jiang Xia's daily cat-seeking behavior and felt deeply grateful.

"That's right. When I go to the station to defuse bombs later, he will probably continue to follow me and observe the progress of the matter." Conan now has powerful teammates and is ready to launch a counterattack. "I will be there tomorrow, You are hiding, let’s capture him directly, so as not to be led by the nose all the time... Huh? Where are you going? "

"Go get him."

The phone clicked to hang up.

"?!" Conan raised his head in shock and saw Jiang Xia twisting the accelerator, the motorcycle rushed out with a whine, and his figure quickly disappeared at the intersection.

Conan: "..." There are so many people here. Jiang Xia has already found the Bomb Demon not long after he arrived? !

Looking at Jiang Xia Juechen's walking back, and the eagerness hidden in the back.

Conan seemed to see a big red flashing character popping out of the mysterious bomber's head: "Danger!"

"..." He silently clasped his hands together and prayed for the bomber, hoping that he would not be killed.

Although he was determined to follow and stop Jiang Xia, he would not defend himself too much. But now, the second bomb is about to explode, and you must deal with the bomb at the station as soon as possible, and then save the bomb demon.

Thinking of this, Conan anxiously put down his skateboard and slid to where the next bomb was.

Jiang Xia has indeed found someone.

Just now, the bomb demon's hiding place was the rooftop of an abandoned building in the distance.

That man seemed to have murderous intentions towards Kudou Shinichi, and his body was filled with thick murderous aura. He stood on the roof in darkness. Compared with the bright sunshine, he was extremely eye-catching in Jiang Xia's eyes.

Therefore, Jiang Xia decisively threw away a metaphysical locator from a few hundred meters away.

——He let the foggy dog ​​fly to the bomb demon.

While Bomb Demon was holding the voice changer and chatting with Conan, Kiriten Dog had already arrived smoothly and sat on him with a solemn expression.

With his own ghost guiding the way, Jiang Xia had no difficulty finding him.

the other side.

The Bomb Demon put away his voice changer and phone, hummed a song and left from the roof of the abandoned building, preparing to go to Rice Flower Station to admire the tragic scenes of civilians struggling in front of bombs.

The sunlight coming in from the window illuminated his face.

If the sunglasses and beard were removed, it would be a face that would shock celebrities - he is Moritani Teiji, a professor at the top university Toto University and the country's leading architect.

Moritani Teiji has extremely high requirements for his own works.

He is a terminally ill patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder who pursues "symmetry" to the extreme.

For the sake of symmetry, he changed his original name "Sadaharu" to the symmetrical "Eiji"; for the sake of symmetry, he set fires continuously and secretly burned down several mansions he designed - in the eyes of others, that They are all masterpieces worthy of praise. But in Moritani Teiji's view, that is "black history" that must be erased because they are asymmetrical.

In addition, it is precisely for the sake of "symmetry" that Moritani Teiji and Kudo Shinichi have a deep hatred:

A year ago, Mayor Okamoto of Nishitama City invited Teiji Moritani to design a town for him. Moritani Teiji put a lot of effort into designing Nishitama New City - a beautiful complex of completely symmetrical buildings.

However, when construction was about to begin, Mayor Okamoto hit and killed a woman with his car.

The mayor originally wanted his son to take the blame for himself. Unexpectedly, Kudo Shinichi exposed the conspiracy and was thrown into jail miserably. The construction of Nishitama New City was therefore permanently put on hold.

Moritani Teiji often saw the model of "Nishitama New City" that he carefully built. The murderous intention towards Kudo Shinichi increased sharply.

A while ago, he finally couldn't hold himself back. After acquiring a large amount of explosives, he decided to continue to blow up his "black history" while taking revenge on Kudo Shinichi.

Moritani Teiji recalled the massive bombs he installed on the Toto Ring Line and the Miwa Municipal Building. When he thought that those two "black histories" were about to disappear together with Kudo Shinichi, his mood skyrocketed.

He left the abandoned building, walked to the car, and opened the door.

Just as he was about to sit in, his collar suddenly tightened.


Before he could recover, in the next second, Moritani Teiji soared into the air like a pancake, and was thrown heavily to the ground again.

Emperor Moriya hit the ground on his back first, and then his head hit the ground, and his vision went dark.

Despite the buzzing in his head, it took him a while to come back to his senses. He opened his eyes suddenly and saw a young man standing in front of him. The man raised his hand, and a stick spread out in his hand.

Moritani Teiji felt a chill behind him. He recognized it - the person in front of him seemed to be a famous detective... Why was there a detective here? !

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