Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1929 1929 [Curaçao is indomitable] Please vote for me

Curacao returned to the initial interface, and when selecting the player character, he pressed "The Fledgling Reckless Detective".

The screen dinged and a dialog box popped up, but instead of logging in, a lock popped up, denying her the ability to create a character.

This detective career turns out to be a hidden route. If you want to become a detective, you need to first achieve the "Return from Lost Way" achievement ten times in the "Criminal" route.


The veins on Curaçao's forehead are jumping, and my patience is about to reach its limit.

But compared to Uzo, there was something else firmly occupying her entire attention at this time.

——She wanted to see what new tricks this crappy game could play!

No one can stop her from letting the "detective" die tragically in the game today, no one.

With this thought in mind, Curacao tied his loose hair into a neat ponytail and entered the hunting state. Then she picked up her phone again and found the guide to the achievement "Returning from the Lost Way".

After reading it, Curaçao fell silent for a moment.

...There are so many tricks.

"Returning from the Lost Path" requires that when the detective's blood volume reaches 50% and the female high school student returns to health, the player character's blood volume should be returned to zero and the player character should kneel down - in this way, it is simply like a "crime" "The reader" was moved by the loving scene opposite, realized that the keynote of this world is love and peace, and then put down the butcher's knife and became a Buddha immediately.

But the difficulty is that the detective will not actively attack the player when he is returning to health, so the player needs to set up the health debuff before doing so.

——In the boss battle, in addition to using the swing stick, Jiang Xia will also use a stamping-like skill when the player is a certain distance away from him, such as a step or a flying kick to knock the player down.

If you receive such flying kicks ten times in a row, and the interval between each other is no more than 5 seconds, you will be hung up with the health debuff, which is a great test for micromanagement.

Curacao: "..." Stomp him down first and then knock him. This developer seems to know a lot of inside information. He even knows the steps for Jiang Xia to secretly knock people out.

For those who don't know, even if they see such a skill, they will only think that it is a special setting of the game, but for those who know...

Curacao's eyes of different colors flashed with a cold light: "..." Damn it, the image of the boss is becoming more and more concrete. Now she really wants to beat up the detective in the game, and she can't wait to cross the screen when she thinks about it.

In addition, this game developer also quickly moved up the list of being beaten in her heart.

But before that...

Curacao rolled up his sleeves, looked at the screen sharply, and decided to play through the game first.

"'Return from lost way'?" She said coldly:

"Hmph, I will let you, the detective, know what the end of the road is in a moment - when the route is opened, I will let you experience the full set of death methods in the game.

"Speaking of which, to actually set such a tricky threshold, how much do the developers not want people to enter that hidden route? But I am best at making the impossible possible. You have only accomplished ten times, but you still want to beat me?"

for a long time.

Curacao's eyes were dull, he stretched his arms and leaned back, exhausted and threw himself into a pile of pillows.

——Finally, I finally completed that damn achievement!

In fact, operating the game is nothing to her, but the affectionate blood regeneration scene is simply mental pollution. But I still have to watch it, and I have to watch it 10 times in a row.

Moreover, the plot setting of this game is a piece of rubbish, but the graphics and sense of immersion are very good. In the eyes of Curacao, the boss detective has been completely replaced by Jiang Xia's image... In order to achieve that achievement, it is simply It was as if she had been kicked down by Jiang Xia 100 times.

In addition, after "Jiang Xia" kicks someone, he will definitely follow up with a combo of swinging sticks, and then he will retreat and wait for the player to get up again. Now when he thinks of the whining stick that was swung, Curaçao can't help but feel dizzy.

"Anyway, my goal was achieved." Curacao slowed down and stood up weakly from the blankets and pillows on the floor - she had never been so grateful for her organizational experience. If it weren't for those rigorous trainings, perhaps She had already fallen to her knees under the mental torture of this damn game and gave up halfway.

After all the hard work, I can finally enjoy another route.

Curacao put down the controller, poured herself a cup of coffee and put it at hand. Smelling the faint aroma of the coffee, she clicked the mouse and entered the game.

This time, there is no annoying lock, the character logs in successfully, and the game starts.

"Huh? Why did you start directly? The little gangster route just now can fine-tune the appearance, but this hidden route does not work."

Curacao actually didn't use the function of adjusting the character's appearance just now: when she first entered the game, it was because she paid more attention to the game experience than these fancy things.

Later, it was because she no longer had the energy to pay attention to anything else except "defeat Jiang Xia".

But this time, she actually planned to adjust the appearance of the detective. She thought quietly: She should adjust the character to be more like Jiang Xia, so that when the character dies tragically, she can regain some of her lost happiness.

Unexpectedly, when it comes to use, the function will be gone.

"As expected, it's a rubbish game. It's completely against the users." Curacao felt a little tired, "But forget it, you can't adjust it if you can't adjust it. Speaking of which, the character image just now... why does it look familiar?"

After thinking about it, the login is completed.

After filling out an additional unreasonable user agreement such as "It is forbidden to discuss the game content anywhere, otherwise it will be entered into the developer's blacklist", the game started.

After a short cutscene, the scene is generated, and the character seems to be on a campus with a mirror next to him.

The style of this game seems to have completely changed. Compared with the so-called battle game, it is more like a puzzle game that explores around.

Curacao was a little confused, but there was another thing that concerned her more at this time.

She adjusted the character to face the mirror and saw the image of "herself" clearly. She suddenly understood why the character looked familiar - compared with the gangster route next door, the style of this detective route was much more refined, and it was closer to the game than the one next door. Comics or animation.

And when her character turned her head, a clear figure appeared in the mirror - it was a female high school student in a high school uniform with short chestnut hair, who looked very cheerful and lively.

Curacao's heart skipped a beat: Although it changed from the Q-version to the normal style, it was obvious that this... wasn't this the blood-resurrecting monster just now? !

How did she become a player-controlled character?

Curacao's hand holding the handle froze. Those pink scenes that could be called mental pollution just now were constantly replayed in her mind, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in her heart.

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