Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 197 Who is the robber?

This group of robbers is not particularly professional. Only Nakamura Mio has a gun, and the others are not very dangerous.

Jiang Xia left a ghost floating next to the naughty children to prevent them from causing trouble. Of course, there is also one left in the monitoring room - if there are too many ghost fetuses, they can do whatever they want. Put one here and there, and it will be convenient for anything.

After taking away Haiyuan Ai's cell phone, Jiang Xia stopped following the children.

He chose the blind corner of the surveillance camera and walked upstairs, preparing to watch the kidnappers' robbery scene to see if there were any energy cores that could be harvested.


The Young Detective Team is still trying to find Haiyuan Ai's dropped cell phone, but they can't find it.

"We can't waste time like this anymore." Conan sighed, "Look for a public phone! I remember there are a few near the exit."

However, this road does not work.

Five minutes later, Conan reluctantly put down the receiver, sighed, and couldn't help but mutter:

"The phone lines have been cut off...these robbers must be too skilled!"

Conan had no choice but to find another solution - he found a bucket of paint and painted a huge "SOS" on the window, hoping that smart passers-by would see it and call the police for him.

During this period, Yuantai stared at the glass for a while, thoughtfully.

He had no idea about the strength of the glass in the building. He only thought that once the glass was broken, they would be able to get out.

Thinking of this, Yuantai picked up the stool beside him eagerly.

But before he smashed it, he suddenly remembered: Jiang Xia seemed to be the security guard of this building now.

"..." Although brother Jiang Xia is at the kidnapper's sister's place, he can't get through it for the time being. But when he came later, he found that his work place had been smashed...

Gentai instantly recalled certain figures who were beaten so hard that they could not get up and could only roll helplessly on the ground, and then he took the place of himself. He silently glanced at the stool in his hand and suddenly shuddered.

A second later, Genta pushed the stool back to its original position and followed Conan, Haibara Ai and the others as if nothing happened.

After trying various methods to no avail, the children could only go back to the pile of toys and continue looking for their mobile phones - running around would make them more likely to bump into gangsters. On the first floor where the mobile phones were lost, they were selling toys and daily necessities worth a lot of money. Not high, the kidnappers are unlikely to come here.

And the phone doesn’t have legs, so how could it disappear if dropped? It must be that they weren't looking carefully enough just now.

As long as you are patient enough, you will definitely find it...

At the same time, on the third floor of the building.

Robber No. 3 opened the counter, looked greedily at the shiny jewelry inside, smiled, and swept them all into his bag.

After sweeping half of the floor, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, weighed the bag full of jewelry, showed a simple smile, and said in his heart that he had gained a lot.

However, at this moment, a very unpleasant sentence floated from behind: "...It's so rare."

The robber was startled and raised his head with a fierce look.

The next second, there was a "thud" on the back of his neck, a muffled groan escaped his throat, and he fell to the ground.

Jiang Xia pushed the robber away, pulled the bag of gems that he was holding down, and dragged it out from under him. Then he stared at the pile of gems and sighed.

The energy core is there.

But... very few.

In addition to the robbers No. 1 and 2 who were knocked down just now, the combined harvest of the three people was only as big as half a sesame seed.

Jiang Xia casually took out the energy core. Throw it into the mark of your heart. Before it even tastes, the core is gone.

He sighed faintly: "Kidd still needs to work harder..."

There is still one robber left. According to the foggy dog ​​who flew around to get information, the man was looting antiques upstairs.

Jiang Xia returned to the first floor first, squeezed a cat with clay, and asked the cat to secretly take Hui Yuan Ai's cell phone back and throw it into the pile of toys.

After that, he returned to the antique area to harvest the last robber - no matter how small the energy core is, it is still an energy core. They have come, so let's collect it together.


When the Young Detective Team looked for the phone and found Numbtongue, Ayumi fumbled with the stuffed toy's hand and suddenly paused.

After a moment, she raised a mobile phone in surprise: "Found it!"

Hui Yuan Ai breathed a sigh of relief and praised her: "Well done."

Then she took the phone and dialed Miwako Sato's number.

The last time Officer Sato was trapped in an abandoned building and asked them to help investigate a case, Haibara Ai saved the officer's mobile phone number.

If a group of children called the police directly, they might not be able to make the operator realize the urgency. It's better to go find Sato, whom you know.

When Haihara Ai was dialing, Conan looked doubtfully at the place where Ayumi touched the phone. He remembered this place and had looked for it several times just now.

But soon, Conan thought of the temperament of his three teammates and immediately put aside his doubts - children are prone to slipping, not to mention there is no light here and the environment is dark. He probably missed it before.

"There are robbers in the Rice Krispies Department Store?!"

When Miwako Sato received the call, she was shocked: There was indeed a group of robbers specifically targeting the department store recently, and the police were working overtime on this matter.

Unexpectedly, before they could find out the clues, the young detective team over there bumped into an active criminal.

Sato Miwako: "..." These children who have Jiang Xia's constitution are really... I don't know whether to call them lucky or unlucky.

"It must be quick." When Hui Yuan Ai thought of Jiang Xia in the security room, and the woman who stared at Jiang Xia with eager eyes, as if she wanted to change her job from a robber to another criminal, the ghostly fire began to rise again in her eyes:

"They have hostages in their hands. Hmm? About three or four of them. There are a little more robbers than hostages."

Conan heard it nearby, took the phone, and recalled: "There were four hostages and five robbers. The robbers were four men and one woman. The woman had a gun. She and the hostages were in the security room on the second floor. The other robbers went upstairs and we are now in the toy area on the first floor."

"Okay, please be careful to hide." Sato Miwako stood up quickly, "We will be there soon!"

It didn't take long.

A group of police cars drove towards the department store and surrounded the building.

The police officers broke through the door, entered the second floor, and went straight to the security room, preparing to rush in and rescue the hostages.

However, when he lowered his head, he saw eight people tied up and arranged neatly on the ground.

"?" The Mumu police officer who led the team asked in confusion, "What's going on? Didn't there only be four hostages? And the 'robber leader' standing in the house..."

Megure Police Department and Sato Miwako looked around and felt that this "robber leader" looked very familiar.

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