Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2002 2002 [My boss’s thoughtful advice]

Although the Megure Police Department is not very good at reasoning, after all, he has been a policeman for many years and feels that he is very good at observing suspects.

So ever since he handed those emails to Maya Hashimoto, he had been secretly observing this suspicious guy's expression.

——I thought I would see the anger of being blackmailed, the joy of the blackmailer's death, etc. However, after staring for a long time, Hashimoto Maya's face was almost stained by his gaze, but the Megure Police Department still could not find him. The emotion you are looking for.

Instead, I only saw some shock and fear.

Mu Mu Police Department: "..." Afraid?

Maya Hashimoto came back to her senses, quickly managed her expression, and smiled awkwardly: "Because that piece of land is a foundation made in the sea. I have never been exposed to such a place. In fact, I don't know the specific price of that piece of land... I didn’t expect that he would want to trick me so much.”

When Police Department Mu Mu heard this, he suddenly realized where his fear came from: "If he wants that price, will you really give it to him?"

Maya Hashimoto nodded with lingering fear: Just a little bit, the person hanging there hanging by the neck might be him.

Mumu Police Department: "..." This is really a fool, foreigners are so easy to deceive.

Fortunately, that person didn't succeed in cheating either. But thinking about it this way, the Megure Police Department softened its attitude toward this unfortunate guy: Could it be that the murderer really wasn't Maya Hashimoto?

However, what should be investigated still needs to be investigated, and we can't just ignore him just because he was almost ripped off.

Officer Takagi led the young police officers to run errands. At this time, a lot of information had been sent to Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia flipped through the pages and asked Hashimoto Maya: "According to the clues provided by Mitsuhiko, when you appeared in the screening room, it happened to be around the time of the deceased's death. According to you, during that time, you came to the cinema first to find the deceased. We talked, but after opening the door, we immediately changed our minds and left. Is that right?”

Maya Hashimoto nodded: "After leaving, I went directly to the cafe opposite and stayed there." My alibi is very strong!

Jiang Xia was a little confused: "I don't think you are the murderer, but you see, there is very little surveillance in this cinema, and the few remaining single seedlings were almost smashed by the deceased. There are no such things in the coffee shop you mentioned. Install surveillance - you will pass through the first floor of the shopping mall when you go from the cinema to the cafe. There is surveillance there, but it didn't capture you passing by. Did you go up through the security passage? Why didn't you take the main entrance instead of taking the long way around?"

"?!" The Mumu Police Department was startled and took a closer look at the mess of information in Jiang Xia's hands.

When Officer Takagi came back with the evidence just now, he actually hesitated and then gave the information to the Megure Police Department - after all, this was his nominal superior, and he still had to give some face occasionally.

Mumu Police Department took it and flipped through it. The various fragmentary clues made his head spin, so he just flipped through it and quickly handed the information to Jiang Xia.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia saw the problem at a glance.

His relaxation towards Maya Hashimoto immediately dissipated: "Are you deliberately hiding from surveillance? Or were you not in the coffee shop at all during that time, but committing murder in the theater?"

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

Being shouted at by the police, his murderous instinct surged out, but he suppressed it with difficulty. Maya Hashimoto racked her brains to make up excuses: "When I entered the screening room, I found that the place was a bit messy. I thought Mr. Harita might be busy, and I wanted to go home. But when I reached the intersection, I felt that I was also idle. Then I went into the nearby shopping mall to wait for him - because I felt that there was no need to talk about this mental journey, since it was only a few minutes apart anyway, so I left it out."

This is a lie.

He didn't dare to go far in the first place.

And the reason why he did not go through the main entrance of the mall and was not photographed by the surveillance camera at the main entrance... of course was because he was deliberately hiding from the surveillance camera! Which organization member would wander around in front of the camera? Avoiding surveillance is an instinct engraved in their bones.

...But now, even this instinct has turned into a flaw that forced him into trouble.

Maya Hashimoto's eyes darkened: He thought he had completely disguised himself as an ordinary citizen, but now he discovered that there were actually many flaws, but... couldn't Uzo remind him in a normal way? This reminder method is too scary!

With Jiang Xia's doubts, the police were not so convinced when Maya Hashimoto explained it again.

Maya Hashimoto started to sweat again, trying hard to find evidence that she didn't commit murder.

At this moment, Jiang Xia closed the documents in his hand, handed them to the Megure Police Department, and then looked at Hashimoto Maya: "I probably know who the murderer is."

Memu Police Department: "!"

Maya Hashimoto: "?!"

...Why are you looking at me and saying this? Don't look around! You are a detective and cannot be defeated by Uzo's little tricks! You can definitely find the real culprit instead of slandering a poor migrant worker.

However, Jiang Xia didn't seem to hear the cry in his heart, and continued calmly: "The murderer should be..."

Maya Hashimoto: "It's not me!"

Jiang Xia: "Mr. Projectionist."

Maya Hashimoto: "?"

Jiang Xia looked away and landed on the shocked face of the projectionist: "You must be the one who killed him."


There was a moment of silence in the room, and everyone's moods fluctuated violently, with murderous intent rising and falling one after another.

Maya Hashimoto came back to her senses slowly and blinked slowly: "?"

He has seen many cases of Jiang Xia solving crimes, both live and replayed - he did this before to reasonably avoid Uzuo by controlling the movements of Uzuo's nemesis. But now, because he failed to avoid Wu Zuo, getting close to Jiang Xia became his new job, and he couldn't mess with it.

Because of this, Maya Hashimoto clearly knows Jiang Xia's case-solving process: Arrive at the scene → Observe the clues → After reading all the clues, use his terrifying brain of unknown structure to process → Complete all the crime processes and find out the real culprit .

In other words, the moment Jiang Xia said "the murderer is ×××", it meant that he had actually found all the clues. But Maya Hashimoto remembered that after Jiang Xia questioned him just now, he didn't go anywhere or look anywhere, but he immediately told who the real murderer was...

"This shows that before asking me about the surveillance, Jiang Xia already knew the real murderer!" Maya Hashimoto felt as if there was a railway running through her heart every day, one track was Uzuo, the other track was Jiang Xia, and his innocent car The train can only be caught in the middle:

"After knowing who the real murderer is, he still asks me so many questions? He must be testing me again!

"This famous detective is too difficult to fool. I thought he had already gained initial trust in me by agreeing to work in the detective agency, but... who on earth said that Jiang Xia's temper is easy to get along with! It's really harmful. shallow."

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