Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2043 2043 [Come on! Watson]

Anyway, now that everyone is here, the next step is to start looking for the murderer.

Not long after, the police obtained a floor plan of the entire maze from the staff of the Mirror House, and marked the approximate locations of the six people in the museum at the time of the crime.

"Staff are guarding the entrance and exit, and any guests coming or going will be notified." Miwako Sato handed the information to Jiang Xia in a familiar manner:

"According to their testimony, from the time the buzzer alarm went off, that is, from the time the deceased was attacked, to the discovery of the body, no one else entered or left the building."

"In addition, according to the testimonies of enthusiastic people nearby, neither staff member has ever left their posts."

Xun Zhengwan was chattering angrily at the murderer, and he listened very attentively, uncharacteristically.

When he heard this, he actually understood the inner meaning: "So the murderer is among the five of us?"

Sato Miwako didn't expect that this man would become a detective after only two days of knowing Jiang Xia, so she nodded appreciatively.

Then he saw Tatsuma Seimaru's eyes turned to Jiang Xia, and whispered: "It's not me, nor those three lovely ladies. Isn't the murderer obvious?"

Curacao: "..." You are quite good at reasoning.

Sato Miwako: "..." Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia would also be suspected of being a murderer one day.

No one takes this seriously, but as a police officer, he cannot let go of any clues: "Why are you so sure that the murderer is not the three companions of the deceased?"

Xun Zhengmaru is not sure, but: "I believe they are not!"

Miwako Sato: "..." Sure enough, not everyone is suitable to be a detective.

Jiang Xia seemed to have the same idea. Because the next moment he turned to Maya Hashimoto and pushed out this person who was trying to reduce his presence: "What do you think?"

Maya Hashimoto didn't want to see anything.

But after all, he was ordered to come undercover as a detective. When Jiang Xia asked, he could only stand up and stare at the floor plan posted on the wall.

This kind of schematic diagram with a maze may be confusing to people who don’t have a strong sense of space after just two glances. However, Maya Hashimoto seems to be adapting well.

Like a poor student who was put on the blackboard by his teacher to solve a big problem, he racked his brains and decided to write as far up as he could and answer whatever he could think of.

His eyes fell on a lying stick figure: "Is this the position of the corpse?"

Jiang Xia nodded.

Maya Hashimoto: "This seems to be a dead end. The only entrance here is right next to the exit of the entire mirror house. The closest ones are...well, you and Tatsuma Seimaru."

Fortunately, Jiang Xia doesn't kill anyone, otherwise it would sound a bit suspicious.

Jiang Xia didn't seem to care about this and calmly motioned for him to continue.

Maya Hashimoto could only say: "The place where you and Akimi Makimura collided is the only way to the place where the deceased is. Everyone else has to pass you if they want to get there. During that time..."

Jiang Xia: "No one else passed by me during that time."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." What do you admit? Wouldn't this make you more suspicious?

Next to him, Xun Zhengmaru also heard the problem, and his sharp eyes shot towards Jiang Xia: "So you are really the murderer?"

Jiang Xia was not as anxious to defend as he imagined. Instead, he calmly said: "I have a solid alibi."

Xun Zhengmaru frowned: "What proof?"

Jiang Xia looked at him.

Xun Zhengmaru was stunned for two seconds, and suddenly came to his senses - when the alarm sounded and the deceased was attacked, Jiang Xia happened to be standing next to him, and he really had no time to attack.

The so-called "solid alibi" turned out to be himself!

Xun Zhengmaru: "..." Damn it, I really want to help this detective prove it, can I deny it?

Jiang Xia seemed to be able to read minds: "You can deny it, but then you won't have an alibi."

"..." Xun Zhengmaru wiped his face silently, "I prove that we were indeed standing together at that time, supervising each other, and there was no chance of attacking that beautiful lady."

Sato Miwako looked at the positions of other people on the map: "But in this case, no one would have the time to commit the crime - could our investigation direction be wrong? The attacker killed the deceased and then threw the person from the top of the mirror to another place. One side? I remember seeing similar cases before."

Jiang Xia: "The gap between the mirror and the ceiling is not big, so it's difficult to squeeze a person in - but it's still idle. Let's investigate the condition of the ceiling around the corpse. You might get something unexpected."

The forensic police officer passing by said: "..." What does idleness mean? They are very busy, okay? They are still gathering evidence for the last case.

However, after taking a look at Jiang Xia and remembering how much this detective had shortened their identification time, the young police officer sighed: What else can be done? Check it out.

While the police officers were busy collecting evidence, Jiang Xia was certainly not idle either.

The police found three friends of the deceased, asked them in turn about their relationship with the deceased, and once again verified their respective locations at the time of the incident - after all, there was no surveillance inside the mirror room, and the locations marked on the map were provided by each of them. Yes, I can't guarantee that one of them has lied.

The first person to be asked was the little cannonball who bumped into Sunsheng Maru in panic. Faced with the sudden death of her friend, Akimi Makimura burst into tears: "I, Madoka and I have known each other since high school. We have been friends for nearly ten years. How could I kill her? What you said is really too much." !”

She raised her head with tears in her eyes, only to find that everyone in the audience, from the detective to the police, was calm and untouched by the long friendship between her and the deceased. It was as if it was normal for people who had known each other for ten years to suddenly turn against each other.

Makimura Zhumi: "..."

She could only wipe her tears and talk about something: "If you ask me, you might as well ask Meijia. I remember that Meijia's boyfriend was snatched away by her. She has always complained about Madoka because of this."


As expected, backstabbing between friends is the most real thing, so soon, they went to look for Hanawa Mika, the mature woman who lined up in front of Jiang Xia and the others.

"Me? How could I do such a thing." Hanawa Mika helplessly shook her head, "There was indeed some unpleasantness between Madoka and I, but the boyfriend incident has been a long time ago - to be honest, that person and I I didn’t have much affection for my ex, and not long after that, I got a new boyfriend, and this matter has already ended for me.”

After Hanawa Mika finished speaking, she held her chin and thought for a while. She always felt that if the police knew about this past incident, it must be one of her friends who was causing trouble.

...I don’t know which “friend” it is.

It seems possible for anyone.

If that's the case, then I have something to say.

A faint light flashed in Hanawa Mika's eyes, and she tapped her fingertips on the table: "Instead of checking me, why not ask Kazuo."

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