Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2209 2212 [Gin: He is measured] Please vote for me

But if Tachibana Eisuke can die in a murder case, there will naturally be no need to consider the finishing work. The hard-working Tokyo police will help the organization handle everything legally and compliantly, leaving no trace.

The only thing to note is that Tachibana Eisuke cannot be the murderer, at least he cannot be allowed to go to jail alive.

With this in mind, Gin edited an email and sent it to Uzo.

It didn’t take long to receive a reply:

[Tachibana Eisuke? Very strange name, I don't recognize this person.

But since it is related to the organization, I will pay more attention to it. If a murder occurs, I will not let the distinguished New York branch manager be reduced to sitting in the police station. ]

Vodka: "..." You even knew that he was about to be transferred to New York, and you still said you didn't know him! Today's chance encounter was indeed your conspiracy!

But now he calmed down: It's not a big problem, he is so far away from the venue, and there is a big brother sitting next to him, that boy Uzo must not dare to attack him!

...If he dared, he would step on the accelerator and run away quickly.

While thinking about it, Vodka touched the gambling board that Belmode had just opened and closed it for her.

——This is a serious mission, no peeping allowed!

Among the golf courses.

Belmod looked at the closed voting disk and was startled.

After a moment, she suddenly understood.

"Is there someone else's mission target in this golf course?"

As soon as the word "coincidentally" popped up in his mind, it suddenly touched a certain nerve in Belmode.

She glanced at Jiang Xia quietly from the corner of her eyes, then looked at Judy, and then said to Judy nonchalantly: "You chose a good place."

Judy was going through the formalities at the front desk and smiled cheerfully when she heard this: "Of course! I knew that children would like these sports that they don't usually come into contact with."

Belmode pushed up his glasses, and an indescribable smile appeared on his lips: Ha, naive FBI, it's just a polite compliment, you don't really think this is the place you chose.

She was a little curious about how Jiang Xia did it, but Bellmode also knew that if she continued to ask questions, it might arouse Judy's vigilance, causing her to review her behavior and become aware of Jiang Xia's problem... This way things could be solved. Not good.

So in the end, Belmod didn't say anything, and just stood by quietly, waiting for the front desk to register.

At the same time, her eyes silently swept over everyone in the store, as well as the few customers, thinking about who was the target of the organization this time.

It wasn't that he was interested in the mission that Uzo had snatched, but besides Uzo, there should be others taking aim.

The organization's conventional methods are not as low-key as Uzo's. They have weapons, ammunition, and even bombs. She has to be careful not to let Cool Guy and Angel get involved.

Belmod: "..." But strictly speaking, Uzo is also equipped with swords, guns and bombs. The specific techniques he uses depend on what his miserable puppets have.

Therefore, some of the countermeasures against Uzo summarized before are still useful this time and cannot be relaxed.

The "new doctor" seemed to be standing aside in a daze, but in fact, he had thousands of thoughts running through his mind.

Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan secretly laughed at the fact that the teacher would often be distracted because he got up too early. Only Judy glanced at the "new doctor" suspiciously: What is this woman secretly thinking about?

...It always feels like it’s not a good thing.

Gotta be vigilant.

the other side.

Curacao looked down at his phone, silent.

After receiving the news from the mini program just now, she immediately threw the novel aside, intending to analyze the situation and make precise bets, making sure to win back the Xiaowu coins she lost last time.

However, before I could do anything, the program was shut down again.

"Someone met Uzo while doing a mission? Or met Uzo by chance while he was doing a mission?"

Curacao put down his mobile phone and sighed sadly: "I really don't know whether this is luck or misfortune... No, I should say I really don't know which situation is more unfortunate."

However, luck is always conserved, and other people's misfortunes are her luck.

When I thought about someone outside being pestered by Uzo, while I was resting comfortably at home, I felt a surge of happiness.

Curacao picked up the novel at hand again: "There are always Uzo's cameos in mystery movies, and even his Easter eggs are hidden in games... Sigh, it's really hard to find a good pastime, but fortunately the novel has not been affected by his influence. Range invasion.”

Curacao was flipping through the book and eating snacks. He occasionally glanced at his phone and thought to himself: "However, if I read too many real murder cases about him, I might be able to gradually develop a resistance. Thinking about it this time, it's strange that I can't see it this time." pity……"

So who is that unlucky mission target?

Curacao paused while turning the pages of the novel and began to lose focus.

In the golf course.

Judy rented clubs and served one to each of them.

On the way, she glanced at Jiang Xia's expression and found that the young detective was not bored. Instead, he was looking at the clubs and the venue, looking very much looking forward to today's sport.

Judy was relieved: it seemed the bet was right.

Although not many high school students play golf, it is a relatively high-end and mature sport. It sounds very stylish and full of the style of successful people.

According to Judy's targeted research, she found that Jiang Xia, like many young people, seemed to be somewhat yearning for adult society, so she finally set the new date here.

"I'm so clever."

Judy couldn't help but praise herself in her heart: "And the surrounding area is wide enough, and there are very few guests coming at this time. There are only a few observation targets - if something happens again today, Xiuyi will definitely be able to find the corresponding clues and catch To the minions sent by 'that man'."

"Well, if nothing happens..."

Judy couldn't help but be silent for a moment as this possibility flashed through her mind.

But soon, she became optimistic again: "It's not a big problem! It's a good thing to save a life - and if this is the case, doesn't it mean that 'that person' has to stop under our pressure?"

"This actually shows that we have grasped his weakness, and we are not far away from catching him after rounding it off!"

While thinking wildly, Judy led a few people towards the venue.

This golf course is built on the outskirts of the city and is not the most formal venue. It is a practice field enclosed by a high net.

The driving range is a vast rectangle with one side connected to the arena building.

Jiang Xia stepped out of the gate, glanced at the grassland in front of him, and then turned to look at the vending machine next to him.

"Here, here!" Judy picked up an empty basket and stuffed it into the ball outlet of the ball vending machine.

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