Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2214 2217 [Defense Upgrade] Please vote for me ( )

Chapter 2214 2217 [Defense Upgrade] Please vote for me (`)

Arena administrators and ordinary club members carried the wounded away.

Section Chief Yasui came to his senses and hurriedly made way for them.

The wounded left, and shortly after, the police arrived.

"This time it was an explosion?"

The Mumu police department had a headache, but after entering the scene and taking a look at the specific scale, he felt relieved a little bit - okay, okay, it was just a small explosion. I don’t know how many buildings have been blown up before. In comparison, this time’s work is really easy.

He immediately waved his hand and asked the forensic police officers and junior police officers to take their positions and begin to search for evidence.

After a while, the two people who went to the hospital were also brought back by Sato Miwako.

The ordinary members had their arms bandaged, while the young director had his arm hanging and gauze wrapped around his head. Although it looked very dangerous, fortunately, the power of the explosion was limited, and the two of them did not suffer any fatal injuries, and they were able to move around after being bandaged. Wandered.

"The deceased Tachibana Eisuke was the director of Goi Electric's product development department..."

After asking them about the situation of the deceased, the Mumu Police Department looked at the three people suspiciously: "What about you? Are you his colleagues?"

The only intact Section Chief Yasui nodded and said in panic: "I am Yasui, the Section Chief of Goi Electric Product Development Department."

He then motioned to the director who was making the rice dumplings and the members on the other side: "This is Okubo Tatsuya, the director of our department. And this, Minami Tomoshi, is our elite member - the three of us are He is a direct subordinate of Mr. Tachibana.”

"I see." Memu Police Department jotted down notes, "How is your normal relationship?"

Section Chief Yasui said quickly: "We have a very good relationship! Because the company is not far from here, we come here to play golf with Mr. Tachibana every now and then. It's the same today. But I didn't expect that..."

He shook his head and looked sad: "Mr. Orange will be transferred to New York soon, and today is our last team building. I originally prepared some farewell surprises for Mr. Orange, but who knew that something like this suddenly happened..."

He suddenly turned to the groundskeeper on the side and said angrily: "How do you do security!"

The administrator was stunned and waved his hands repeatedly: "This... we have been in business for many years and this kind of thing has never happened before!"

It was very rare that there was temporary harmony between the three suspects, but instead there was a quarrel between the suspects and passers-by.

The Mumu Police Department quietly glanced at Jiang Xia and saw that Jiang Xia did not stop him, so he also pretended not to see it: Just make a noise, as long as there is no fight, everything will be easy to talk about - and the past experience is there, these people are noisy If you keep arguing, you will shake out incredible evidence. These are precious clues.

The actions of the Memu Police Department are very subtle.

But he couldn't escape the eyes behind the surveillance.

Vodka was heartbroken: "..." What are you doing? What is your police department doing now? I actually want to act with that devilish look in my eyes!

If this continues, wouldn't it be that if Uzo asked you to arrest me, you would immediately obey the order and run over with your subordinates to arrest me?

...In the future, if you see anyone from the Search Division 1, especially the guys from the Forced Criminal Investigation Division 3, you must avoid them. These people have been completely contaminated by Uzo.

Vodka marked the key points in his mind again, and then couldn't help but cast his eyes on those suspects again.

...Who will be the murderer this time?

"That flatterer named Yasui was too active. And he left the explosion point at the last moment of the explosion. It was so precise that it was as if he was deliberately avoiding danger. No matter who looked at it, this guy was the most suspicious."

But because of makes people suspicious.

"But, maybe it's the opposite of a routine?"

Vodka was confused and couldn't help but look over at Gin again.

Gin was obviously thinking too, but said nothing.

When Vodka saw his brother's appearance, he immediately swallowed back what he was saying: Brother Gin obviously had a guess, but he couldn't be 100% sure, so he kept silent - of course he couldn't ask further questions at this time. Otherwise, wouldn't it be very embarrassing if the eldest brother is really tricked by Uzo's little trick?

Vodka then turned around as if nothing had happened, pretending that he hadn't thought about anything just now.

But of course the question remains: Who is the murderer?

"The murder case is not difficult, but the difficulty lies in guessing that little Yinbi's thoughts..."

Vodka folded his hand around the physical "little black coin" he made randomly and fell into deep thought.

In the surveillance room, the seemingly routine process of solving the case is still going on.

A police officer from the forensics department came to the Mumu Police Department to report: "Police Department, at present, what exploded was the traditional black powder. It has a simple structure and does not require too troublesome purchasing channels. As long as you have the corresponding knowledge, many people You can even make it yourself in private.”

Mumu Police Department: "..." This group of hateful outlaws, why don't they learn some knowledge and use it to get rich? They commit murder all day long.

The police officer from the forensics department said to Jiang Xia again: "Do you want to come over and take a look at the details? Some locations are unclear."

Vodka: "..." Who should I ask for instructions from? Who are you asking for advice? A dignified police department is standing in front of you. How can you sum it up by using "we"?

Damn it, has the forensic department actually fallen? Wouldn't this mean that wherever Uzo asks them to check, they will check immediately... No, they must wear gloves in the future to avoid leaving fingerprints anywhere!

Also apply hairspray to avoid messing up your hair. But this is not a big problem, he has a hat.

Let him think about what else is missing...

When Vodka silently upgrades his defense system.

On the other side, the innocent detective was following the forensic police officers to check the situation at the scene.

The police officer from the forensics department took Jiang Xia to the explosion site, then squatted on the ground and pointed to a piece of charred debris: "This is the shattered remains of the club head, and then here -"

He squatted and moved his body, and saw some white debris falling on the ground less than half a meter away from the broken club. Turning these small white pieces over, they were already charred inside: "These are pieces of golf balls."

Jiang Xia's eyes followed the fragments and landed on half of the tattered ball.

When the forensic police officer saw him looking at this, he simply picked up the ball and showed it to Jiang Xia for a closer look. This golf ball looks normal on the outside, but the filling inside is very strange - not only does it contain unexploded black powder, but there is even a suspicious tube buried inside.

Police officer from the Forensic Bureau: "Our preliminary judgment is that this is the fuse of a bomb."

"So that's it." The Memu Police Department took a serious look and understood. "In other words, the gunpowder was hidden in this ball. When the deceased hit the ball, the violent impact triggered the explosion?"

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