Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2222 2225 [Intelligence elements]

After all, Curacao is an intelligence agent, and he is by no means an ordinary person in terms of thinking and brainstorming.

She quickly framed the scene and reflected on it.

Then slowly fell into silence.

Curacao: "..." To be fair, even if she noticed this scene at the time, it would be difficult for her to confirm that this was the signal for the stage to open.

"Let's not talk about how normal it is to go to the toilet." Curacao muttered in his heart, "Even if it is linked to the incident, anyone who knows Uzo will only start thinking about the probability of this lone guy coming back alive. How many percent, and whether there will be frightened screams from passers-by after discovering the body from the direction of the bathroom."

“But on the other hand, it’s a good experience and it’s a time to think outside the box.”

Curacao nodded secretly: "Next time something similar happens, I will immediately think that there is a murderer trying to frame the blame, and then I will bet on the most difficult 'murderer' plate. I think I can get a lot of small birds." Coin...cough, of course, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a coin or not, the important thing is to hone your observation skills and improve your ability to fight Uzo.”

the other side.

After Vodka changed his hiding place, he immediately picked up his notebook again and reviewed the situation just now.

Then Wu Sheng broke into a cold sweat: Fortunately, I don't know who has connected the system in the golf course, otherwise what if it was reversely located...

Well, it's not a big deal.

After all, Vodka had been suspicious as early as the last time the market opened. He was always worried that Uzo would discover his mini program, and he was even more worried that Uzo would discover something strange in the surveillance.

Therefore, when peeping this time, he added countless layers of protection. Not to mention whether the other party can break through before he sees the scene, even if he breaks through, he will not leave any important data on his side, and other remaining information will be cleared immediately and an alarm will sound.

...Of course, if it really comes to this, it would still be a bit embarrassing, so it would be better not to trigger it.

Vodka: "..." But instead of being embarrassed or not, a more serious problem has arisen now!

——Which shameless guy wanted to track him while he was watching the live broadcast? Who was involved in bringing down the entire system?

How many Uzo elements are mixed in this? Did that little Yinbi notice his actions? Was that guy in charge of what happened this time?

A series of questions instantly overwhelmed Vodka and made him more alert than ever.

While thinking about it, Vodka organized his words, beautified his image, emphasized his smart defense and response, and then told Gin the general situation.

At the same time, he glanced at the latest report on Jiang Xia's case on the screen.

When he saw Section Chief Yasui being taken out by the police and then hurriedly taken back, his eyes twitched.

Vodka: "..." Fortunately, there was no gambling game this time. Otherwise, if I had made a mistake, I would have been laughed at by my colleagues again.

...Wait a minute, could this be Uzo’s purpose?

Does that guy know that everyone is running a small program behind his back?

Vodka felt very uneasy, but after thinking about this warm place like the anti-Uzo base, he was reluctant to shut it down, so he could only comfort himself: "This matter is so hidden, unless there is a traitor in our team, where will he go?" You know, go ahead. Try a few more times and see, it shouldn’t be a big problem!”

Shuichi Akai, one of the culprits who caused the vodka troubles and one of the lawless gangsters who broke into the surveillance camera, was dealing with questioning from his colleagues at this time.

Judy: "How's it going? Did you find it?"

Akai Shuichi had already caught the clue last time. As for today's operation, their FBI has a clear purpose. It seems that they must have obtained some information about the other party.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Shuichi Akai: "We must have enough patience when facing that organization. Otherwise, any action without sufficient consideration may lead to quite unbearable consequences."

Judy understood and was disappointed: "Let him run away again?"

Akai Shuichi hummed and turned over half a page in his hand, but also crossed out many pages of the notebook: "There is more than one person on the other side, but the strange thing is that they seem to lack communication with each other - I suspect that it is not just the intruder who invaded the surveillance A force.”

"Is there anyone else?" Judy was startled. Thinking of how dangerous and cunning "that person" was, her recently relaxed attitude tightened again, "I don't know if they are friends or foes. It would be great if they could both lose. .”

Shuichi Akai was also thinking about this issue: "The other person who invaded the surveillance may not be 'that person' - I don't know if you noticed it. There was an explosion just before and when the venue was in chaos, a person entered the golf course. Then he left in a hurry with a briefcase."

Judy didn't understand what he meant for a moment: "So?"

When Akai Shuichi was undercover, he had done a lot of work in the organization and knew some things well: "Today, a shady transaction probably took place in this venue - the location we selected was actually given to That organization provided cover.”

Judy: " mean, we were taken advantage of?"

Akai Shuichi: "There is a word called scheming - our identities are not so shady, but 'that person' is the complete opposite. So in a sense, as long as he has contact with us, we will not lose."

Judy felt a little more at ease now: "That's good."

Akai Shuichi: "In addition to 'that person' who invaded and monitored today, there may also be a party to the transaction. In addition, as far as I know, intelligence within the black organization sometimes does not circulate, so there are probably people in the organization who are snooping on the scene. of others.”

After calculating this way, it will be enough for the four forces.

Although it may not necessarily be the four directions, it is an idea at least. Anyway, there are key points to investigate again.

Shuichi Akai sent the news about the golf club and Eisuke Tachibana to his assistant: [Stop other progress and check these first. ]


After the last communication with Mr. Akai, he relaxed his hands and started investigating, and finally the thick list of suspects became a little thinner.

However, it now seems that new ones will be added soon.

...Fortunately, the supplement this time is not too much.

The assistant took a deep breath and replied professionally: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

...Whew, when will I finish checking? I really want to get off work.

After Akai Shuichi harmed his assistant, he returned to the conversation with Judy.

Judy: "So what's next?"

Akai Shuichi thought of the suspicious bus driver: "I already have an investigation direction, but I need your cooperation. Your actions cannot stop."

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