Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2229 2232 [Guess wrong]

After asking the question, Judy still couldn't believe it: "..." There were no "actors" at all. Could it really be that simple?

...Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to have two more people here to make up for the four or two that that person likes.

Judy is still suspicious in her heart, but Suzuki Sonoko, who has attracted her attention, has new trends.

The innocent-looking female high school student shrugged her nose and asked, "What does it smell like?"

Judy was suddenly alert and sniffed hard: Corpse odor? The smell of bomb powder? Or some kind of smelly poison?

But neither.

After focusing on the sense of smell, only one smell became particularly obvious - the aroma of curry.


Judy's stomach growled.

Although everyone's actions today were in accordance with her plan, upon closer inspection, nothing seemed to be within her plan - especially the fact that their transportation tools were washed away by the water and they had to trek through the forest.

Therefore, all the way up to now, the hunger level has reached the peak. Judy's head was full of analysis and she couldn't help but fall into the kitchen.

Suzuki Sonoko was also looking into the kitchen, her intention was very obvious.

The tennis coach came back to his senses and turned to look at the big cooking pot in his kitchen: "Oh, this is the curry I cooked last night, and there is half the pot left - if you don't mind..."

"I don't mind, I don't mind!" Suzuki Sonoko rushed in and took the plate herself. Although it was said to be leftovers, it was not leftovers on the plate. It was just left in the pot without being scooped out after it was cooked. Now that she was almost starving, she couldn't afford to pay so much attention.

The tennis coach smiled and went back to the kitchen to get the dishes.

Soon, plates of steaming curry rice were placed in front of everyone.

The curry this time was quite spicy. As a patient, Conan was deprived of the right to eat spicy food, so he could only eat a bowl of egg fried rice.

The tennis coach recognized that he was a child and specially gave him a cute-looking baby bowl.

Conan: "..."

Fortunately, he is used to pretending to be a child, and now his acceptance of this kind of bowl is not bad.

After just two bites, Conan suddenly felt something was wrong. He looked at Jiang Xia faintly: "Why are you eating curry?"

Jiang Xia looked indifferent: "My cold is not as serious as yours." And the bowl is too ugly.

The others did not notice the exchange here and were concentrating on eating.

Mao Lilan remembered that the tennis coach seemed to have mentioned his wife, and couldn't help but praise: "Your wife's cooking is really delicious."

Judy: "!"

Yes, I almost forgot! My friends don’t want to come on a rainy day, but my family will always come back—the tennis coach and his father, so there are two people. Then each of them has a wife, so there are exactly 4 people!

Judy: "..." Sure enough, we can't take it lightly! Maybe “that guy” hasn’t given up on his drama yet!

However, just when he thought he had seen through the trick, he heard the tennis coach smile bitterly: "My wife? No, I cooked this curry - my wife passed away, just three years ago today."


Belmod's hand holding the chopsticks stiffened: "..." I knew it.

Judy's thinking at this time was obviously in sync with this enemy.

Thinking of past research cases, she asked tentatively: "I would like to ask, your wife...did she die in a car accident? Or some other accident?"

——It seems to be an "accident", but in fact she died in a murder, and the remaining husband avenged her... Oh, Uzo, the FBI has completely seen through this scheme!

The next moment, the tennis coach shook his head: "He died of illness."

"Uh..." Judy couldn't.

...Murder through death from illness doesn't sound very realistic.

Could it be that she had guessed wrong, that today's unfortunate encounter was really just a coincidence, and that "that person" noticed their arrangement, so he stopped?

Or maybe the other party's plan today didn't include murder, but just wanted to throw her car into the water and teach her a lesson?

There are too many questions, and it’s hard to have an idea for a while.

So after thinking silently for a while, Judy, who had a headache, decided to give up thinking for the time being and started to eat.

The tennis coach didn't talk about his wife anymore. He picked up the plate and said, "I'm going to deliver food to my dad. If you feel it's not enough after eating, feel free to add more. You're welcome."

Several people nodded and continued eating.

After solving the basic problem of food and clothing, everyone gradually became aware of something.

"Did Mr. Akashi go upstairs to deliver food just now? Why haven't you come down yet?" The tennis coach introduced himself just now. His name is Hiroto Akashi.

Bermod had known that he would not be able to escape tonight, but now he felt comfortable, casually guessing like a good doctor: "Maybe he also went to dinner with his father, or was busy with other things - we all left the dining table It’s full, so there’s no place for him to sit.”

Suzuki Sonoko was lying at the table, a little bored - they had finished eating now, but they couldn't just move around without the owner's permission, so they had to sit at the table and kill time.

After sitting for a while, Suzuki Sonoko began to sigh: "This thing's presence is too strong."

Judy was alert: "What?"

Suzuki Sonoko reached out and plucked the light cord hanging in front of her - the lights here were relatively old-fashioned, and the switch was a rope that fell from the light. Pull it once to turn it on, and pull it again to turn it off.

The length of the lamp cord usually hangs down to a place that can be easily reached. But this light line was dangling in front of their eyes, making people feel like there was an insect flying in front of them when they were distracted.

Jiang Xia took a sip of water because of the spicy curry, and looked up at the light rope: "This length is used to match the height of the old man."

Everyone thought of the old man who was about the same height as Conan, and suddenly realized.

"Haha, this is indeed lengthened specifically for my dad."

A voice came from the side. Akashi Hiroto, who had just been talked about by them, had already gone downstairs at some point. Hearing what everyone was discussing, he answered: "My dad is very hunched and can't reach very high places, so the lights in our house are all made in this style."

Conan turned back and looked at him: "Uncle, it's been a long time since you went to deliver food."

Hiroto Akashi sighed: "Because after delivering the meal, I talked about some strange topics with my dad."

Conan's curiosity arose: "How strange is it?"

Hiroto Akashi scratched his head in embarrassment: "It's just words like 'I don't want to live anymore', 'I have no appetite' and the like - people always feel sad when they get older, and he is probably at this stage now. Well, he has to talk to people about this every now and then, which makes people really don’t know what to say about him.”

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