Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2241 2245 [Disappearance]

When the case was solved just now and the police were busy taking away the suspect, Judy saw the man in sunglasses watching all this with a smile, and then turned around and left quietly.

She followed him immediately, but when she arrived at the door, within two seconds, the man had disappeared, and there were no footprints on the muddy ground in front of the house.

Judy: "..." Is this person still in the house?

She pushed up her glasses, glanced around, and immediately figured out where the men in sunglasses could go without leaving any footprints, and then started to circle around the house. However, after searching for it, I couldn't find even a single hair on the other party's head.


As an FBI investigator with excellent skills in all aspects, Judy's face showed a rare trace of confusion. For the first time, she felt that her tracking skills had been learned from a dog's belly.

…Where did that person slip away in such a short period of time? !

Seeing that the delay was getting longer and longer, and she wanted to continue searching but had no clue, Judy had no choice but to sigh and return to the living room.

Unexpectedly, when other people saw her, they asked: "Huh? Why are you the only one back? Where is that person?"

Judy glanced at Sonoko Suzuki who asked her a question, and the corners of her eyes twitched imperceptibly: "..." Damn it, you asked knowingly, are you mocking me?

She opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, someone next to me rushed to answer.

Officer Yamamura showed off his cell phone: "I know where that gentleman is! He just sent me an email saying that he went for a walk in the woods. It is said that every time he sees a murder case, he will have many thoughts in his heart. So you need to find a unique way to calm yourself down.”

Suzuki Sonoko quickly imagined a picture of a handsome man walking in the rain, her eyes shining: "So romantic, so individual, just like his appearance!"

Belmod: "..." A stand-in can create so many characters. This guy Uzo is worthy of being a sophomore in high school.

Conan stared at Yamamura Cao: "..." When did you even add your contact information? Let me add that too! ...Eh, no, I think I added it when I bumped into him and sent him to the hospital, but I didn’t know he was a detective at the time, so I didn’t pay much attention to it.

Conan stopped torturing his throat and looked down at his phone without saying a word.

Next to her, Judy couldn't be so calm. She stood up and said, "Do you have his mailbox? Show me!"

Police Officer Yamamura was startled: "Why are you looking at this? Aren't you his friend? You also sent him the details of the case. You must have his email address a long time ago."

Judy had a headache: "Actually, I don't know him at all."

However, no one believed this. Yamamura Cao squinted his eyes and tried to show his sharp gaze:

"Haha, don't underestimate the observation power of a smart police officer! - From the moment he walked in, your eyes were almost glued to him, and you and he disappeared at the same time just now. You must have been whispering behind our backs. , how could you not know him?"

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes widened when she heard this: "..." From the new doctor to Jiang Xia, and then to the man in sunglasses, is Teacher Judy so nymphomaniac?

Oops, it overlaps with her field! ...But fortunately, everyone has two completely different styles, and everyone gets what they need in a fair competition.

The female high school student touched her chin, feeling a strange fighting spirit increase.

Next to her, Judy clenched her fists and her fighting spirit also improved: This policeman is really nosy.

She took a deep breath and stopped talking to a confused policeman: "Anyway, show me his email account! I... I'll see if it's the one I know."

"You're such a weird person. What's so interesting about your email account?"

Yamamura Soo unknowingly became a fries squeezer, but he himself remained at a loss.

But soon, he remembered the various dispute cases he had handled when he was a young police officer. He handed over his mobile phone and said meaningfully: "Even if it is not the same email address as you know, don't be angry - you are an adult. It's normal to have three or five contact information. You have to believe that we will only have work-related communication, because I...well, don't look at me like that. It's scary. Isn't it just an email account? I'll give it to you. "

Police Officer Yamamura finally succumbed to the murderous gaze of the foreign teacher and showed Judy the email address of the man in sunglasses.

Of course, the other side cannot be left in the cold - if the wild detective fails to kidnap him, Jiang Xia will have to rely on Jiang Xia for cases that cannot be solved in the future.

Yamamura Soo immediately regained his identity as a fan of Jiang Xia and turned to look over: "Mr. Jiang Xia, do you have any special stress-relieving hobbies after solving the case? Can you teach me some experience and let me experience the life of a famous detective!"

Jiang Xia was startled and thought for a moment: "This..."

Several of his classmates looked at each other and suddenly remembered something.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the Gunma County police officer who seemed to be talking nonsense, and quickly answered: "He likes sports!"... Beating people doesn't count. There are many places to move when swinging the stick, which is no easier than playing golf.

Mao Lilan nodded repeatedly. She was also afraid that Jiang Xia would be tricked into talking when she just woke up and was confused, so she hurriedly added: "He also... also likes to watch the night view alone!"... He drove so fast late at night that no one could catch up with him. I had no choice but to run alone in the night. Well, that's true, it's not a lie.

Police Officer Yamamura, who was not making any excuses at all, didn’t think much about it and exclaimed: “It’s very healthy and very romantic. Sure enough, detectives need to have such qualities - next time you can ask me to go with you whether you want to see the night view or play sports. I’ve saved a lot of money recently. I have been on vacation for a long time, so I can accommodate you!"... So please remember to visit Gunma Prefecture more often.

The police and high school students were having a great time, but the atmosphere at Judy's place seemed to be a world away from them.

Judy: "..." Unfortunately, there is only one email address and nothing can be found. Since "Uzo" dares to give it, he must be confident that he will not be tracked. He may even use this email address to set up a trap in reverse, forcing him to They take the bait.

...But after all, this can be regarded as a clue. According to Akai Shuichi's philosophy, even if the other party is fishing, the fish can drag the fisherman into the water along the fishing line and cannot be let go easily.

Judy: "..." So speaking of this, where is Shuichi Akai? Why haven't you replied yet?

She looked at the empty inbox with confusion and confusion, thinking for a moment, then suddenly felt a chill all over her body, as if she had been poured head-on with a basin of ice water.

——Still the same question, why did Uzo suddenly appear in such a special but not unique case?

This incident left Judy confused at first, but at this moment, combined with the delay in news from Akai Shuichi, a terrifying thought struck her mind.

Judy: "..."

Akai Shuichi...could he have been poisoned by that person? !

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