Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2243 2247 [Failure]

The old man was a little shrinking, but when he heard Akai Shuichi's words, his eyes lit up, and his cloudy eyes regained some brilliance: "'Ye'... So, you have asked Jiang Xia to do a commission?"

——Have dealt with a detective as sharp as Jiang Xia, but he hasn't been sent in yet. It seems that the young man next to him just looks more vicious and is not a bad person himself?

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time secretly reflected on his behavior of judging people by their appearance.

Akai Shuichi noticed that his guard was weakening and said: "Jiang Xia is a very reliable detective. What do you want to see him for? Maybe I can provide you with some consulting experience - by the way, what do you call him?"

The old man didn't say his commission, he just laughed and said: "My surname is Shitara, and my name is Shitara Shigekichi."

Akai Shuichi wanted to find out the name and look it up, but he didn't expect it to be such a rare surname. He quickly associated the corresponding Chinese characters in his mind.

Shitara Shigeyoshi obviously also knew that his name was special. It happened to be a rainy day and the car windows were foggy. He reached out and wrote two words on the car window: "This is the last name."

Then he looked at Akai Shuichi: "What about you? How do you write your name?"

Akai Shuichi glanced at the car window. At this moment, his eyes froze and he felt someone lightly touch his coat pocket on the other side.

——Shitara Shigekichi secretly put something into his windbreaker.

Akai Shuichi: "..." Is this a killer sent by Uzo? Did he plant a bomb?

No, it doesn't weigh the same. Moreover, this person moves in a panic and sneaky way, and he looks like a novice no matter what.

He pretended not to notice and glanced at the car window twice more, but did not raise his hand to write. He just gave a fake name with simple Chinese characters: "My name is Taro Tanaka, the most common 'Tanaka'."

Shigeyoshi Shitara: "Uh..."

The name Taro Tanaka is one of the common names of passers-by in various works.

The old man glanced at Akai Hideichi suspiciously, suspecting that the young man was giving him a false name to try to trick him, but he was not sure: after all, the reason why this name has become a common name is because it is really very common - whether it is "Taro" or "Taro". "Tanaka", or "Tanaka Taro", if you throw a billboard in a commercial street, you can hit several of it. Maybe that's what he is called.

He didn't expose it, and continued the previous topic: "I originally planned to go find Jiang Xia, but when I passed by his detective agency, I found that it was not open. Alas, the famous detective must have received a lot of commissions, and I don't know what he is. I’ll be able to come back when I’m done.”

Akai Shuichi: "..." It has nothing to do with the commission. He was just tricked into traveling by the new foreign teacher.

After all, the matter was related to him. Although the old man next to him was a little suspicious, Akai Shuichi thought about it and said casually:

"You can send him an email or call him. His email address is left in the registration book at his door. The corresponding email address and phone number can also be found on the website."

Shigeyoshi Shitara sighed and shook his head: "I can't tell you clearly on the phone, or by email... Well, I still want to talk to him in detail in person."

At this time, the vehicle stopped at the station again. A burly man with a crew cut wearing a white windbreaker and sunglasses walked onto the bus and casually found an empty seat to sit down.

Shitara Shigekichi's expression changed slightly when he saw that man, and a few drops of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Akai Shuichi glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, and then his eyes fell on the passengers who had just gotten on the bus: "..." Is Shitara Shigeyoshi afraid of this man? Who is this?

Shitara Shigekichi was obviously a little restless. He was dazed for a while and asked Akai Shuichi: "Do you often take this train? Is Muromachi Hospital Station right in front?"

Shuichi Akai memorized the route of this suspicious bus early on. However, normal people generally wouldn't carry this kind of thing, so he deliberately glanced at the bus route map posted in front of him, pretended to count a few times, and then answered: "There are still four stops."

The volume of the two people was normal, and the bus was quiet again. The sound of their conversation clearly reached the ears of the crew-cut man in front.

The man looked back at them, then turned back quickly.

Akai Shuichi took everything in sight, said nothing, and just leaned back on his chair comfortably like an ordinary passenger.

But he was not so relaxed in his heart. He began to think about whether the scene in front of him was a real coincidence or another temptation from Uzo.

Soon, four stations passed, and the "Muromachi Hospital Station" that the old man asked about just now arrived.

Shigeyoshi Shitara nodded goodbye to Hide Akai, and stood up and got out of the car under the latter's slightly stunned eyes.

Not long after he got off the bus, the burly man in a white trench coat in front noticed the movement and immediately got out of the car.

Akai Shuichi's eyes fell on the two of them, and he saw Shigeyoshi Shigekichi walking a distance and looking back at the bus.

I saw a man with a crew cut following behind me. He was startled and ran away.

The flat-headed man was stunned and started to chase him. In the blink of an eye, the two of them jumped into the alley one behind the other.

Akai Shuichi: "...?"

He was also stunned for a moment like the two people.

Because the development of things at this time was completely different from what he expected.

He also thought that Shigeyoshi Shitara had deliberately used a normal voice to ask him about "Muromachi Hospital Station" just now, intending to feint and pretend to get off at that station, but in fact, he was using the terrain to make a detour after the pursuer chased him and got off the bus. circle, get rid of the tracking and get back into the car.

However, it didn't happen. After Shitara Shigekichi got out of the car, he ran away, and the pursuer also chased after him. And according to the speed of the two people, Shuichi Akai could determine by instinct without any deliberate calculation: within two seconds of entering the alley, Shitara Shigekichi would be caught up by the crew-cut man.

“If he had no intention of getting rid of tracking, why did Shigeyoshi Shitara ask about my site and did so without concealing his volume?

"The stalker is sitting in front of us. From that position, we can't peek at our movements through the reflector. We have to look back. If Shitara Shigeyoshi falsely reports a stop and then quietly gets off the bus at the stop before that stop, he may be able to successfully escape tracking. . But he happened to reveal the exact stop where he got off..."

Akai Shuichi felt uncomfortable all over because of the superficial scene that had just happened, and his heart was full of awkwardness. It was like a person who was good at catching loopholes in a natural layout suddenly encountered a sieve - there were loopholes in the front, back, left, and right, which actually made people feel a little uncomfortable. Confused.

He had no choice but to lower his mind from the height he was accustomed to and think again: "Maybe Shigeyoshi Shitara didn't know that the man in the white trench coat was a stalker? ... No, his expression changed when the man got in the car. He should have had some premonition. . And the stalker also turned his head and looked at us several times. Normal people would be alert as long as they notice this scene."

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