Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2265 2269 [The use of theater]

This kind of part-time job with simple work content and high salary is like a piece of pie falling from the sky. It is somewhat similar to the situation encountered by Morintaro's family.

"I remember that in the 'Red Hair Club', the low-paid guy and the person who offered high-paying part-time jobs were actually the same team. They did this to make the pawn shop owner leave the shop regularly, and they took advantage of that time to leave the pawn shop. A tunnel was dug inside, leading directly to the underground vault of the bank next door.”

While thinking about the whole case, Maya Hashimoto quickly recalled the topography of this street: "There really is a bank... Is this really a template for the red-haired society?"

He glanced covertly in the direction of the table next door, and vaguely refreshed his understanding of his boss: "Uzo actually taught students in accordance with their aptitude, starting from Sherlock Holmes classics for the 'Baker Street Guerrillas' he was interested in.

"So, Uzo really likes the Sherlock Holmes series. These children, Jiangxia's Sherlock Holmes, myself, Watson, and the irritable 'landlady' from the detective agency, all the important people are about to be killed. He gathered together in reality...well, 'Moriarty' needless to say, of course it was himself.

"Speaking of which, that 'landlady' actually dared to race a car near the Metropolitan Police Department. She was so brave. She almost hit me yesterday. I have reason to suspect that he did it on purpose... I'll write it down in my book first and look for him later. Settlement of accounts.

"In addition, these people seem to be missing Irene Adler, the woman who was admired by Holmes very much. I remember she used to be a female singer in a theater...wait, a theater?!"

Maya Hashimoto's body trembled, and she suddenly felt that she had a realization: Could it be that the Haixin Theater that Uzo asked him to build was prepared for "Irene Adler"?

So who is the "Irene Adler" who can attract Uzo?

Maya Hashimoto thought hard, but the search failed, and she couldn't think of anyone who was closer to that woman in reality.

So he came up with another idea: Maybe there is no specific candidate for "Irene Adler" yet, and Uzo built that theater just to catch suitable actors and then cast them one by one?

Uzo’s casting…

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Although it was still some time before the theater was completed, he seemed to have already seen the blood-stained stage.

"The stage and theater are made of waterproof materials, but I don't know if they are blood-proof or not... Well, if I ask this when buying materials, will the experienced Mihua citizens turn me over to the police station on the spot? It seems that I can only do it myself. Let’s do an experiment, or maybe just make it dark red and black, where it’s okay to leave some blood marks.”

Maya Hashimoto's thoughts unconsciously returned to her current job.

At this moment, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya's voice sounded from the table next to him: "I understand, this is the 'Red-Haired Club' in the Sherlock Holmes anthology. That person must be trying to imitate the crime!"

Maya Hashimoto came back to her senses and nodded secretly: As expected of Kai...the candidate member of the Mihua Town guerrillas, he understood Usa's intention so quickly.

However, at this time, Conan waved his hand: "How is it possible? The Sherlock Holmes series has been around for more than a hundred years. With such a well-known story, anyone can immediately think of it. No fool would use this kind of script unless he I want to be caught immediately—besides, how can there be such a patient thief these days?”

Maya Hashimoto's eyes lit up, she pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and wrote quickly on the notepad in her mind: "..." How dare you call Uzo a fool, and use "thief" to describe his carefully selected disposable Teacher, this is so bold. Write it down, you must write it down! ……Um? Where are these kids going?

In the next seat, several children ran outside the quiet shop, leaned down, put their ears to the ground, and listened carefully.

Conan followed him out and was shocked to see this scene: "What are you doing?"

"Hush!" Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko signaled him to be silent in a serious voice, "Since that person is secretly digging a tunnel in the room, there must be a sound, and we are listening!"

Conan: "...what did you hear?"

"There was no sound." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya touched his chin, "But we found a suspicious person!"

Conan looked at the strange shape of them lying on the ground, and then looked at the curious and observing passers-by, and silently covered his face: "..." Don't be embarrassed, let's go.

He was about to step forward and pull these classmates up, but at this moment, the three primary school students who had just whispered to each other suddenly turned around, rushed over and hugged the legs of a person behind the door.

Maya Hashimoto was shocked: "?!" How did you know I was here? !

He deliberately turned around to shake off these leg-snatching monsters, and then ran away before everyone could react. However, before moving his legs, he realized that this was really unnecessary.

——He just came out to have a meal, saw a few familiar children, and then joined in the fun outside the store. What was there to hide?

...The only bad thing is that he has lost the advantage of being in the open and the enemy in the dark. Now he is exposed to that insidious colleague.

Conan also didn't expect to meet this "suspicious person" who had disappeared for several days: "Why is it you?"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was also stunned for a moment and recognized it: "Hey, it's the big brother who was regarded as a suspect in the cinema before!"

Maya Hashimoto: "..." What is a suspect? It's so unlucky, let's change the name!

He wanted to correct him like this, but he felt that it was useless to argue with these children. In the end, Maya Hashimoto sighed and decided to figure out another thing that concerned him first. He tried his best to show a kind smile: "I originally wanted to surprise you by suddenly appearing, but I didn't expect that I was found first - you How did you see me?"

Conan: "..." Ha, it sounds so nice, but in fact you just care about where there are loopholes in your tracking, right?

Thinking of this, as a detective who often needs to track targets, he suddenly became curious: The location where Maya Hashimoto was just now was a blind spot in the sight of the three children, and the reflective objects around him could not shine on him... This How did the children see him? Do they have unique observation skills?

Conan immediately pricked up his ears, wanting to hear what he could learn.

Then I heard Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya smile obediently: "Brother Jiang Xia told us! He sent us a message just now when I was listening on the ground."

Maya Hashimoto and Conan were startled at the same time: "Jiang Xia?"

There were footsteps behind him, and a figure approached.

Several people turned back at the same time and saw Jiang Xia waving to them. The detective said hello: "I received an anonymous email saying that something interesting will happen in this restaurant, so come and take a look."... Bing As expected, the black tea is easier to collect when it is closer.

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