Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2270 2274 [Gin’s stealth operation]

Gin listened to the voice in the headphones. Although there was no evidence, judging from Vodka's expression, he suspected that Uzo was talking on the other side.

However, a different person answered the call at this time, but there was no sound from the other side.

After a moment of silence, Gin took out his mobile phone: [We have a mission over there, you...]

He was about to ask Wu Zuo not to cause trouble, but before typing, he suddenly thought: the follow-up to this mission may require silencing.

Rather than spending time on planning, it would save a lot of trouble if those people died quietly at Uzo's hands.

Gin: "..." However, if Uzo is just asked to assist in the mission, that kid will probably just think of buying one, get one free, and drag him and Vodka into the so-called stage, just like Vodka's speeding car crash not long ago Same as Shuichi Akai.

Although Uzo has a certain sense of propriety in doing things, and he may not die if he goes on stage, anyone who knows him knows that one cannot bet on his sense of propriety - Bourbon's countless extreme survivals are a bloody lesson.

With this thought in mind, and after confirming that the person on the other side of the earphones had no intention of continuing to talk, Gin deleted the email and took off the earphones.

Now it seems that it is not surprising that Uzzo was able to call out the name of vodka in the bug: since he was involved in this jewelry robbery, Uzzo must have had prior contact and investigation into it. And vodka had appeared in that area before, so it was normal for him to observe it.

Vodka looked at Gin's actions and hesitated: "Brother, don't you care about him?"

Gin stubbed out the cigarette in his hand: "That's it. Now he is in the light, and we are in the dark. But if we contact him now, our existence will be exposed, and we will easily be dragged into that boring stage by him-anyway There is no one who cannot die this time, let’s just let him go and adjust the policy according to the situation along the way.”

Vodka was startled: "...He is in the light and we are in the dark?"

Wu Zuo dared to shout the code name of a cadre into the bug, indicating that he was 100% sure that the person on the other side was the person on the other side, otherwise it would be a leak.

So it seems that both parties have revealed their cards, and Uzo must know that they are the ones listening. Brother, if you want to get out now, is it too beautiful?

Vodka was muttering in his heart, but when he met Gin's eyes, he suddenly understood.

"Could the 'we' in 'We are in the dark' just refer to Gin himself?"

The more Vodka thought about it, the more likely it became that he felt it was possible. He broke into a cold sweat and quickly sorted out the current situation in his mind:

"In the recent collision with Shuichi Akai, I was the only one who showed up. Although my eldest brother and I often work together, we don't act together all the time.

"That is to say, now from Uzuo's point of view, I may have reunited with my eldest brother, or I may continue to handle this new task alone. And the eldest brother did not send him an email just now, which will make Uzuo's speculation even more I prefer the latter, thinking that I am still acting independently this time...wait a minute, if this continues!"

Before the idea came to fruition, Gin's voice came: "If his script deviates from our mission, it's up to you to communicate with him via email and ask him to cooperate and make adjustments."

Vodka: "!!!" - How can this be done! Although that kid will not interfere with the organization's actions openly, he will definitely blame me for disturbing his stage afterwards! The task is solved, what about me? What should I do if I was solved together afterwards!

He took a deep breath: "Okay, I will do it."

While he was rapidly conceiving a survival plan in his mind, he re-examined the task at hand.

——The organization has lost something again recently.

When an out-of-town cadre came to Tokyo with important information, he stayed in the hotel for one night. He put the disks and funds he carried into the safe in the hotel room. As soon as he put them away, a murder occurred in a nearby room. He was immediately called over as a suspect and took notes for a long time.

When I returned to the room, the contents of the safe were gone.

And Vodka was the unlucky handover person in Tokyo. He originally thought that meeting the cadre and getting something would be considered as completing the mission. As a result, when the scheduled time came, he went over to take a look and saw only an unlucky man with a pale face - as for the things and money? Gone!

... Vodka's mission immediately changed to finding the lost information. Of course, if possible, the lost funds must also be recovered together.

In fact, the cadre already had a rough suspect, and Vodka was assigned to one of them and was responsible for monitoring the other party.

And because the data loss incident is likely to involve a large number of silences, and it is a transaction spanning two places, Gin is also involved in this matter.

"That murder case was really not brought out by that guy Uzo to cause trouble for me?" Vodka was suspicious, "Unfortunately there is no evidence, and the method of that case was too simple, it looked very much like an ordinary murder case... … Damn it, what are those Tokyo police doing? Can’t they just reduce the number of murders?”

In any case, the matter has come to this, and we can only retrieve the information first.

Vodka was responsible for investigating the three people who dined at the hotel restaurant that night.

Of those three people, two were women and one was a man. The middle-aged woman is a writer who has written best-selling mystery novels, the middle-aged man is her husband, and the other young woman is a writer's assistant.

These three people live in a magnificent villa with a garden in Tokyo. But they still often visit various luxury hotels under the guise of dining, and the incidence of thefts and robberies near those hotels seems to be higher than elsewhere.

Through this information, Vodka has a vague guess: perhaps this is actually a hidden gang of habitual thieves. And the thrilling atmosphere and details in the female writer's manuscript may have come from their real experiences.

Following the investigation of these three people, Kamekura Yuuji soon appeared in their sights - the stupid thief who had just been arrested by the police.

The trio of writers seemed particularly concerned about the whereabouts of this jewel thief.

"There must be something hidden in this." Vodka was silent for a moment and prayed sincerely, "I hope Uzo can quickly deal with these guys and return their wealth to the organization, without involving me, an innocent passerby."

the next day.

Jiang Xia is eating at Dr. Ali's house. While drinking coffee from a coffee cup, Conan walked in.

The pupil walked over to the dining table and jumped onto a stool. He glanced at the table, stretched out his hand to grab two crispy and tender fried shrimps from in front of Jiang Xia, and said vaguely while chewing: "Have you heard? The jewelry thief was let out yesterday."

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