Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2274 2278 [Killing Plan]

There is a hidden cave hidden at the foot of the mountain. From the perspective of the three children, it is difficult to see the entrance of the cave.

But because Conan sneaked into the hole after walking there, this mysterious place was immediately exposed to the eyes of several children.

Ayumi Yoshida and Genta Kojima walked next to Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya. They recalled the young figure that had just flashed by, surprised and surprised: "It's really him! Why is Conan here?"

"Maybe he sneaked out to play alone behind our backs, or maybe..."

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya stared at the cave where Conan entered, with an adventurous heart ready to move: "He really discovered something unusual about Uncle Kamekura, so he followed him all the way here."

"So that's it!" The other two children suddenly realized, and they also started to make moves, "Then we also... well, what should we do?"

They wanted to rush into the cave immediately, join Conan's team, investigate the suspicious uncle together, and show the prestige of the young detective team.

But when they thought that Jiang Xia was not far away, they immediately slowed down their pace towards the cave.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was also extremely troubled. He hesitated for a moment. He recalled Jiang Xia's encouraging attitude in the last case and said hesitantly:

"Brother Jiang Xia does like to beat up bad guys, and he doesn't like bad kids. But I think according to Brother Jiang Xia's standards, those who love solving crimes are actually considered good kids?"

——He vaguely remembered that brother Jiang Xia liked to give out business cards to people everywhere, and at the same time suggested that those people change careers and become detectives. And when they were investigating the case yesterday, some of their behaviors were actually on the verge of being bad kids, but brother Jiang Xia not only didn't stop them, but seemed to be happy to see them grow up while solving the case.

Taking all these circumstances into account, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya's smart little mind popped up with the possibility of an adventure: "How about... we follow up like Conan to have a look? - This is not an adventure, this is to save Conan who is in danger alone. If you call me out, brother Jiang Xia will definitely support this action!"

The other two children looked at each other, then looked at Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, the intellectual figure in Conan's absence, and nodded hesitantly.

Soon, under the silent watch of a cat on dark clouds and snow, the three children who reached an agreement carefully slid down the hillside and arrived at the entrance of the cave at the bottom.

When they stood on the mountain, they didn't feel anything. When they came to the cave, the three of them realized that the cave was really not small.

There is a rope across its entrance, and an old wooden sign hangs on the rope with some red painted words on it.

"What's written?" Kojima Genta and Yoshida Ayumi came over and took a look, "A lot of Chinese characters..."

These complex Chinese characters are a bit ahead of their time for first-year primary school students.

Fortunately, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya could barely recognize it. He recognized it and said: "'Go forward to the road of subduing the dragon, and God will surely bless and shine on you.'"

The two real children were confused: "What do you mean?"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya didn't know how serious it was. He imitated Jiang Xia and touched his chin, hoping that this would increase the accuracy of his guess: "Maybe... there is a treasure hidden in this cave?"

"!" The other two children said, "I heard that the jewelry that Uncle Kamekura dug up in the store was fake. Could it be that the real jewelry was actually hidden in this cave? - Conan is so cunning. He didn't do such a big thing. Call us together!”

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya: "He didn't call Brother Jiang Xia either. Come on, let's go in and hunt for treasure. No, let's go in and arrest him!"

The three children cheered each other up, stepped over the rope, and entered the hole.

The cave is a little damp, and the ground slopes downwards to the depths. It looks like a stalactite cave hidden deep underground.

This cave is much wider than it looks, and you can't even see the end at a glance.

The three people opened the watches given by the doctor and brought their own flashlights, shining their light on the ground, and moved forward carefully like three serious detectives.

After walking for a while, they heard a "bang!"

"...It scared me. What was the sound just now?" Yoshida Ayumi stopped blankly, "Did someone set off firecrackers in the cave?"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya's expression changed slightly: "This is very much like the gunshots in the TV series!"

"Gunshot?!" Yoshida Ayumi was frightened and her voice slowed down, "Are there such brutal gangsters inside? Why don't we go back to find brother Jiang Xia?"

The other two classmates felt the same way, but when they looked back, they fell into silence due to the complicated forks in the road.

"Um..." Kojima Mota scratched the back of his head, "Where did we come in from?"

a few minutes ago.

In the cave, behind a thick stalactite.

The vodka hiding here pressed the brim of his hat silently, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and he held his breath and observed the front.

——According to the information he had, the three guys who were suspected of stealing the organization's information had made an appointment with Kamekura Yuuji to meet in this cave today.

Therefore, after Vodka learned about the situation, he sneaked in here in advance.

To be honest, he had been to this cave before. This is one of the trading locations the organization has used before.

——This underground cave has more than one entrance, making it easy to retreat at any time. It is also dark and remote. It is easy to stun the trading partners who come here for the first time and make them unable to escape. Moreover, there is no signal and cannot be transmitted. News is an excellent place to silence someone.

"This trading location is really well chosen."

Vodka wiped the gun on his hand like his elder brother, and then blew the gun like an emotionless western cowboy, thinking in his mind: "When they come in, I will kill three of them and leave one to question." Find out the whereabouts of the organization’s information.”

——The three suspects who took the information were relatively homely, and usually stayed in a well-secured villa. There was also a well-known female writer among them, so the organization had to consider the impact even if they wanted to break into the house and kill people.

but now……

"You actually dare to take the initiative to run into the wilderness. You must be prepared to disappear forever."

Vodka murmured in his heart, but then became a little suspicious: "However, I remember that this matter involved Uzo. What conspiracy does that kid have? Could I have unknowingly stepped onto his stage... or else Don’t rush to silence us now, let’s take a look and then talk about it?”

At one moment, he was filled with murderous intent, and at the other moment, he instinctively followed the anti-Uzo manual and wanted to abide by the law like an ordinary citizen.

In the midst of the entanglement, not far from where he was hiding, the four former accomplices successfully met and began to discuss their deal.

Vodka came back to his senses, squinted his eyes and looked at their positions, thinking about the appropriate strategy to silence them.

In the cave, the four jewel robbers from five years ago knew nothing about the gaze from the dark. Carrying two boxes, they gathered together.

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