Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2282 2286 [Conan: Vodka saved me? 】Please give me a monthly ticket oo

Chapter 2282 2286 [Conan: Vodka saved me? 】Ask for monthly ticket o(〃'▽'〃)o

Vodka faced three unpleasant looks and continued: "The key lies in three points! The huge 'と' carved on the wooden sign at the entrance of the cave, the dragon, and the 'egg' on the pillar."

The three children were unaware of the situation and stared at him with bated breath, waiting for him to continue.

Vodka was watched helplessly by these annoying kids, and he suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment.

He silently raised his chin: "These three hints actually refer to shogi - 'infantry' is followed by 'speeding car' starting with 'と', after speeding car is 'dragon king', and the stone egg is written as 'tamago', Refers to 'king general'.

"According to the arrangement of shogi, if the stone egg represents the 'king general', the other intersections represent the 'gold general', 'silver general', 'keima', 'fragrant carriage', and the intersection on the opposite side——' Flying car'."

Moto Kojima scratched his head: What is this uncle talking about?

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya understood, and he suddenly realized: "So the correct exit is the road diagonally opposite us?"

Vodka nodded reservedly.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya quietly took a look outside, with a worried look on his face: "But if we go diagonally across the way, the person guarding the stone egg will see us. That's because she suddenly fired a few shots at us..."

But Ayumi Yoshida suddenly remembered something. She glanced at the top wall of the cave with some fear, gritted her teeth and said, "I have an idea!"

Vodka: "..." What ideas can you have?

He wanted to say this, but then he remembered that this little girl was also Uzo's favorite. After hesitating for a moment, Vodka said cautiously: "Tell me about it?"

The female writer was squatting impatiently next to the stone pillar. Suddenly, something fell behind her and made several "dong-dong" sounds.

She was startled, then turned towards the other side with the gun, and shone the flashlight. Then she saw that the sound was not someone approaching, but a stone falling on the ground.

The next moment, a large group of bats hanging upside down on the top of the wall were alerted by the sound and rushed towards her with a splash.

Female writer: "?!!"

She scrambled to avoid the bat. Amidst the sound of flapping wings, a bunch of chaotic footsteps sounded, rushing from one of the forked roads to the opposite forked road.

——The group of children and their guardians did not go far, but took the opportunity to change roads!

To drive away the group of bats, the female writer is about to chase them with a gun.

But as soon as she took two steps, she suddenly remembered something, with a look of resentment and confusion on her face.

After seven or eight seconds, she finally gave up the pursuit, sneered, and stopped where she was.

A minute later, the middle-aged man and young female assistant who heard the noise came back.

The two of them first hid in the corner and looked around cautiously. Seeing that there was no danger in the scene, they came out and asked, "What happened?"

Female writer: "That group of people took the wrong path. They just turned around and chose another path."

The two accomplices were startled, and the young female assistant asked in surprise: "You didn't stop them?"

The female writer pointed to the few remaining bats above her head: "Those guys are very cunning. They used these animals to interfere with my sight. By the time I wanted to chase them, it was already too late - just wait, if they go in the wrong direction anyway, , I will come back sooner or later."

The middle-aged man couldn't help but frown: "Which way did they go?"

The female writer pointed to one of them.

The middle-aged man said angrily: "This is the right path! But no wonder, there are only five paths in total, and now two have been eliminated. The probability that they will take the right path is much higher..."

Without hesitating for too long, he said, "Let's withdraw first!"

The young female assistant was still obsessed with the pursuit. She was stunned when she heard this: "Shall we withdraw? What will happen to those people?"

The middle-aged man pushed up his glasses: "This cave is underground and the light is very dark. They probably didn't see our faces clearly. If we retreat now, the chance of being suspected is not high. But if we chase out and there are others outside, things can be serious. That’s troublesome.”

He made a rough calculation: "There were at least three children in the cave just now. Assuming that their parents are here, there will be six adults outside. We are not professional killers, and it is very empty outside. We cannot be like in this cave." The risk is too high to chase him out just like he was doing robbery and murder inside."

The female assistant imagined the parents who might exist outside and couldn't help but feel dizzy. She sighed and stopped insisting: "Okay, I'll do as you say."

The female writer looked at the two people who were communicating smoothly and sneered in her heart.

"Two bastards who are hooking up in front of me will ruin your reputation in a few days." She squeezed her fat hands hard and said viciously in her heart, "When the time comes, those naughty kids who were let go will be ruined." I will become a witness and send you to hell!”

the other side.

Several children followed Vodka, rushed into the correct passage without stopping, and then ran all the way.

At the end of the road, a ray of sky suddenly appeared.

Several children were excited: "It's really coming out!"

Moto Kojima thought thoughtfully: "Being a fan of brother Jiang Xia can indeed increase your IQ. How about I become one? But the way brother Jiang Xia beats people is really scary..."

Vodka: "?" My high IQ is my own business and has nothing to do with that guy Uzo!

...Although I used the answer he gave this time, it was because the incident happened suddenly. In fact, if given a little more time, he would be able to solve the mystery...probably.

When Vodka wants to beat these naughty kids for the nth time.

The eyelids of the fake child lying on his hand twitched, and he opened his eyes slowly and blankly.

Conan felt pain in his neck as soon as he woke up. He couldn't help but raise his hand to rub it and move his neck back and forth.

The moment he raised his head, he saw the person holding him, and his eyes suddenly stopped.

Conan: "..." Vodka? ! !

How could I dream about this guy!

No, this doesn't seem to be a dream, so... is he being captured?

Thinking of the consequences of his experimental subject being discovered by the black organization, Conan's scalp was instantly numb with shock.

He gave the opponent a fierce push, and originally he just wanted to struggle unwillingly, but unexpectedly he actually broke away from the vodka, and during the struggle, he kicked the opponent's chin.

There was a muffled sound, and Vodka, who was distracted, suddenly stumbled back with stars in his eyes.

He quickly stood up, holding his chin and glaring at Conan: "..." What is this bastard doing to his savior! Sure enough, he followed Uzo without any conscience!

Across from him, Conan rolled on the ground and stood up awkwardly.

Only then did he realize that there were three dumbfounded children around him.

Conan, who had just woken up and was a little confused: "..." These innocent children were also captured and used as hostages by the organization? !

He was about to shout to his classmates, "Stay away from him, he is dangerous!"

But before he could speak, the three friends had already condemned him: "How could you treat our savior like this? It's so rude!"

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