Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2285 2289 [I am free! 】

Vodka: "..."

destiny? You, a scriptwriter who has done so many tricks behind your back, do you deserve to be mentioned in the destiny? You are your own destiny composed by the God of Destiny, right?

Fortunately, although these words were muttered, he understood it - Uzo had no intention of defaulting on the debt, and those three guys would be silenced soon.

This made Vodka breathe a sigh of relief, barely losing the feeling of being cheated on, and feeling a little more balanced.

However, no matter what, surviving is actually earned.

Vodka's attention quickly turned to another thing. He glanced at his car that Uzo was leaning on, and while thinking about whether to go back to do a powerful anti-virus or just change cars, he tentatively approached: "If nothing happens, I have to go."

"Okay." Jiang Xia actually didn't stop him, "Have a nice trip."

Vodka: "..." It's obviously auspicious words, but I always feel like you are cursing me.

While muttering in his mind, he suddenly heard the man behind him say: "Have you fallen in love with the feeling of being a detective? Or the feeling of being a detective assistant."

Vodka: "..."

I have to admit that it is indeed very satisfying to stand up and speak out your reasoning when everyone is at a loss, and make everyone drop their glasses. If paired with a prisoner who is arrogant at first and then bursts into tears, the happiness may be doubled.

...But when I think that for the members of the organization, the identity of detective is completely bound to Uzo, all the happiness suddenly turns into a layer of sugar on top of the poison!

Vodka: "..." Ha! I can still distinguish between short-term happiness and long-term life.

However, he only said moderately: "It's okay."

Then before Uzo could say anything more, he opened the door quickly and got in the car.

He was about to check it out of habit, but before bending down, Vodka suddenly remembered what happened not long ago - if that day, instead of checking carefully after getting in the car, he stepped on the accelerator and drove away as soon as he sat firmly. , then he would not be plotted by Uzo's little minion and forced to hit Shuichi Akai in the car.

Vodka: "..." How about leaving directly?

"No! Maybe Uzo guessed what I was thinking just now, so he wanted to do the opposite - that is to say, if we don't check this time, it will be easy to get into trouble like last time."

This thought flashed across his mind, and the tension between prediction and counter-prediction suddenly began, and Vodka suddenly had countless thoughts in his mind.

"Actually, if I had run away last time, there might have been a worse ending. For example, I would have bumped into a team of FBI who came to rescue Shuichi Akai, and maybe there would have been police who came because of the kidnapping case."

"So is it going to be checked this time or not?"

The thoughts in Vodka's mind were as fast as a tornado. In the end, he gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator: No matter what, the police here will be here soon, and they have to predict, anyway, it's 2 to 1, maybe they can Choose the right one!

The bitter driver finally stepped on the accelerator, and then rushed out of the woods with the safe and sound vehicle to his surprise, disappearing from Jiang Xia's sight.

Jiang Xia waved his hand to scatter the dust he raised: "..." He dared to drive so fast on this kind of terrain. Vodka's driving skills have great potential... He should really compete with the boss.

He was only moderately interested in the ice cream machine that was not working. He glanced at it twice before looking away and began to count today's harvest.

"This is more than all his previous production combined." Jiang Xia counted the murderous mass of fluffy ice cream with some emotion, "As long as you use the right method, vodka has great potential."

The ghosts nodded one after another, thinking of something at the same time, and looked at Xiaobai and Ganfanmao.

——In terms of squeezing ice cream, they may be as indispensable to psychics as those human children.

The dry cat was stared at by them: "...?"

Jiang Xia said a friendly goodbye to her colleagues, walked around casually, and then returned to the camping site.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief when they saw him coming back unharmed.

Jiang Xia also looked at the three children who returned to the camp safely, showed a similar expression, and then asked: "Where have you been?"

The three children all froze, then in unison stretched out a hand and pushed Conan out.

Conan: "?"

Avoid me when you take risks and let me take the blame?

Having said that, he is a high school student after all and doesn't want to argue with children. And he doesn't think there's anything scary about Jiang Xia - although Jiang Xia likes to knock people, he only knocks those criminals who are committing violations. This is obviously not something to be afraid of. For those children, they should feel safe. right.

Conan did not resist, pretending that he had taken the initiative to stand up and that he was not as weak as a primary school student. He cleared his throat and briefly explained the situation in the cave.

"No wonder." Jiang Xia frowned, "I also went into the cave to check, but I never met anyone. I only vaguely heard a lot of messy footsteps in the passage next door. I asked aloud, but unfortunately there was no one. People ignored me. By the time I found a way around, it was already empty. Besides... I saw the body that was shot to death - it was indeed Mr. Kamekura."

Conan thought of the complex topography of the cave, breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered to himself: It's better that I didn't meet those two people.

Not long after, the police came.

Due to the corpse burial incident, the Mumu Police Department and a group of subordinates came all the way from the city. As soon as they arrived, they hurriedly drank half a bottle of mineral water.

Then he wiped his mouth and asked in one breath: "Where is the body? Where are the three gangsters? How are you, haven't you been hit?"

As soon as Jiang Xia raised his eyes, he met his eyes: As soon as he got out of the car at the Mumu Police Department, he went straight to his reliable brother.

It's a pity that the detective brother can't provide any information this time.

Jiang Xia had just received a large handful of ice cream and was in a good mood without betraying the vodka: "The body is in the cave. Judging from the time, it should still be there. As for the other gangsters..."

He sighed: "I was not lucky enough to meet them."

Mumu Police Department: "..." No, no, no, there are three gunmen on the opposite side. You are lucky not to encounter them.

... Having said that, Brother Jiang Xia seems to have always had good luck, so it's no wonder he didn't provide many clues this time.

So in the end, it was the three children who knew the most.

After hearing the beginning, the Mumu Police Department couldn't help but interrupt in disbelief: "Did you really escape from those three gangsters alone without Jiang Xia?"

"Yeah, I'm not alone." Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko scratched his head in embarrassment, "Actually, it was a fan of brother Jiang Xia who helped us!"

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