Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2287 2291 [Gin is so kind] Please vote for me

Chapter 2287 2291 [Gin is so kind] Please vote for me ()

Vodka: "..." What on earth does this bastard Uzo want to do? He actually ruined his image in the eyes of Brother Gin in such a shameless way!

"Brother Gin will not suspect that I am an undercover agent." No matter how he thought about it, Vodka felt that words like "kindness", "enthusiastic" and "good people" could easily trigger death traps in the organization.

Once this thought came up, Vodka felt even worse when he thought about it further: In the past, he always dared not venture forward for safety, and would hide whenever he could when he encountered an enemy... From another perspective, doesn't this look a lot like him? Are you disrespecting your real comrades? !

"Am I going to be like those other guys in the future, shooting a few times in advance and trying to silence them as much as possible?"

Vodka was tangled in his heart: "But it's wrong. In this case, the risk of exposing himself and being silenced will also rise sharply - maybe this is the purpose of Uzo's trouble today!"

The more I thought about Vodka, the more I realized this was it.

"Anyway, first admit your mistake to Brother Gin." After the panic, Vodka quickly compiled the regulations, "Then carefully analyze Uzo's sinister intentions. Brother must also understand that kid's tricks... It's not a big problem, it's okay. has hope!"

While talking and writing an email to Gin, Vodka felt a little sad.

"I used to think that Brother Gin had a bad temper and was always trembling when he was around him... But now it seems that people really need comparison."

Vodka sighed inwardly: "Compared with that guy, the eldest brother is simply a magical colleague who can communicate and talk easily - after all, what the eldest brother needs is not betrayal and high efficiency. Unlike Uzo, what the guy wants to die is to struggle repeatedly. The innocent lives lost in the end...are simply a devil!"

At the same time, Vodka was not the only one who was anxious.

The three fleeing gangsters with guns, after driving away at high speed, did not dare to neglect to start the finishing work.

"Hide the gun, as well as the stolen goods and cash." The middle-aged man put new tires on the car while instructing the other two accomplices to clean up the villa. "Hide the things you can't keep elsewhere to avoid this period." Take it back again - although the chance of them finding us is slim, only by making adequate preparations can we avoid accidents to the greatest extent."

The young female assistant nodded and packed various things enthusiastically.

After completing the physical preparations, the three of them sat in the living room, nervously watching the news and discussing what to do next.

"Those children don't matter. They have poor language organization skills. Even if they really see something, their descriptions are prone to deviations. To say the least, even if there are geniuses among them who can accurately describe the characteristics of what they saw, the police will It may not be accepted.”

The middle-aged man thought: "So the key is the guardian who is with them - if we can find out his identity first and then find a way to make him 'accidentally die', we can eliminate the hidden danger. And there is no testimony from him. , even if the police want to convict us, they will lack strong enough witnesses."

The young female assistant sighed and glanced at the female writer meaningfully: "The two of us are fine. We have been working behind the scenes and have never shown our faces. But Sister Qianhe is a celebrity, and she also does it for publicity. The novel has been interviewed by magazines. If those people happen to be her readers..."

Haitang Qianhe snorted coldly from her nose: "For whom did I become like this, you two don't know?"

——During the jewelry robbery that year, although the three of them did not show up directly, they were worried that Kamekura Yuuji would leak the news, so they deliberately changed their body shapes while hiding. In this way, even if Kamekura Yuuji really said something, the police would not be able to match the three of them with their old characteristics.

Because of this change, a middle-aged man who originally weighed more than 200 pounds suddenly lost weight to 130 pounds. However, a female writer who was originally in her early 100s completely gave up her original control over her body because of this legitimate reason and the joy of getting rich overnight. , and then quickly ate into an oval ball with the help of his fat-prone physique.

The young female assistant followed the diet for a while, but the effect was not good, so she started elsewhere, growing the originally dull student's hair, dyeing it yellow, and replacing the heavy glasses with contact lenses. The image of the three of them A big change has come.

This change indeed made it almost impossible for former accomplices to recognize them, but it also brought some new problems.

——With the sudden wealth and the huge changes in appearance, the relationship between the three of them naturally fluctuated a lot.

However, fluctuations are fluctuations. After all, their lives are bound together by huge interests. Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied they are in private, the three of them never really break out into a quarrel.

After those short two strange sentences just now, the two women fell silent again and continued to watch the news channel on TV and think about their own affairs.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man who was looking at his mobile phone became excited: "There are relevant reports!"

As he scrolled down the screen, he quickly captured the key words with his eyes, and soon he laughed: "Oh, these police and reporters are all idiots, they actually reported the person who entered the hole. This is simply a provocation to us, let me see which unlucky guy it is..."

As he spoke, he finally turned the page to the "survivor".

Then I looked at the high-definition photos on the phone screen and suddenly fell silent.

"What's wrong?" The two accomplices looked at him inexplicably. The young female assistant didn't shy away from it. She came next to him and took a look at her phone.

Then he screamed: "Isn't this the very powerful detective! I remember it was him who sent Kamekura in a few days ago... How could it be such a coincidence?!"

The middle-aged man's face was also a little ugly: as an outlaw, of course he paid close attention to news in various criminal fields, and Jiang Xia... was obviously one of the enemies they least wanted to face.

"However, no matter how smart the detective is, he is still a human being after all. Although the IQ gap between people can be very large, the gap between smart people is not that big."

The middle-aged man pushed up his glasses, and a cold light flashed on the lenses: "And now he is in the light and we are in the dark - the advantage is on our side."

Seeing what he said, the anxious young female assistant suddenly found her backbone. She tried her best to calm down: "What are you going to do?"

A calculating light flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man. He glanced at the female writer with his peripheral vision, thought for a while and said: "Let's find an excuse to invite him to our house, and talk to him as an employer. "

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