Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 233 On the feasibility of luring Jiang Xia to the bomb

Jiang Xia was not very interested in this topic. He glanced at the nearby cable car and comforted:

"Don't worry, it's impossible for the attacker to discover your identity. Maybe the '一' refers to just the cross in Conan's 'nan' (ナン), or maybe a cross was pulled out of any person's name.

"Compared to this, these four new people who have appeared, although there are numbers in their names, they have nothing to do with Uncle Maori - are these people really also the targets of the attackers?"

Conan frowned slightly: "...Indeed."

There are too many anomalies and too few clues. But one thing is certain - he smells the smell of conspiracy, and it's very strong.

Getting closer to the crowd, Jiang Xia stopped discussing the case with the primary school students. He and others entered the cable car.

The cable car has no driver, and there is a button with "start" printed on the front of the car.

After everyone got on the bus, Jiang Xia raised her hand and pressed. The self-driving cable car started slowly, carrying a car full of digital people, towards the sea restaurant isolated from the land.

Jiang Xia was admiring the scene on the sea, and suddenly felt two people trembling next to him.

He turned around and saw Kogoro Mouri, who was sitting with a straight face, and food writer Minoru Nishina. Jiang Xia was startled, and showed some humanistic care: "Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay!"

The two grown men with disheveled faces shook their heads at the same time.

Mouri Kogoro is afraid of heights.

And Nishina is afraid of water.

This cable car was set up on the sea, so they didn't dare to look out the window. They had to lower their heads and stare at the ground together, praying to arrive soon.

A few minutes later, the cable car finally landed at the underwater restaurant.

Mouri Kogoro and Nishina Minoru were ejected from the car and stepped on the ground with a whoosh, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Together with others, they entered the underwater restaurant.

A lot of money was spent on this building, and the decoration is very hard-core - although it is exposed on the sea, the main part is buried deep in the sea.

There was an elevator in front of the cable car. Jiang Xia walked in and waited for others to come in before pressing the button on the bottom floor.

The elevator quickly went down and took them to the underwater restaurant.

The hall is transparent and bright, and the walls are actually made up of a huge fish tank. There are all kinds of beautiful fish swimming leisurely in the tank.

Several dining tables were placed in the hall, and in the center of the hall, a bright red Ferrari F40 was parked - it was not a car at this time, but an expensive ornament that showed off one's status.

"Wow~" Nana Koyamauchi let out a scream of surprise. She walked up to the sports car with her long legs unique to supermodels, and walked around the cool car several times. She wished she could open the door and go in for a ride - —She especially likes sports cars.

Other people's eyes also fell on the car, or they were attracted by the surrounding sea view and looked up.

Jiang Xia still remembers the business.

He looked around the hall: "I didn't see Mr. Xu. Is he in the office now?"

Shindo Nagaaki was very interested and came closer with his camera, and took two pictures of Jiang Xia Kaka with the blue fish tank as the background. Hearing the model's question, he fiddled with the camera and replied casually: "The meeting place stated in the email Mr. Xu sent me is this lobby."

Mumu Police Department frowned and looked at the watch. It was now past three o'clock, and it was the time Xu Shengyi had made an appointment with the guest.

But Xu Shengyi was late. For an industrialist known for his leanness, this was an anomaly.

Police Officer Shiratori's face changed slightly, and he whispered: "Could he have been killed by Murakami's father? The bottom of the sea is a common place for corpses. Besides, this restaurant has just been completed, so there must be a lot of usable materials..."

The Mumu Police Department looked at him speechlessly: " are overthinking it. Although it is an attack case, there is no murder case at present. What's more, it is a big-scale action like 'throwing the body under the sea' - where did he fall injured?" It's possible. If he doesn't show up after a while, we'll go look for him."

——Megure Police Department always feels that Shiratori Rensaburo, a young talent, seems to be a serious person, but in fact he likes to dream up some exaggerated criminal investigation blockbusters without authorization.

The last time the entire police station was dispatched to find Sato Miwako, a lot of police resources were wasted. In this case, in addition to Sato and Takagi, the two culprits, the Shiratori Police Department, the guy who made up the story of "The Kidnapping of a Police Girl", can also be called Indispensable contribution.

Just as he was thinking about it, a voice came in from beside him.

Nishina heard what the Shiratori Police Department had just said and asked curiously: "'Killed by Murakami's father'? What do you mean?"

The Mumu Police Department was startled, and then remembered that he had just forgotten to explain to these celebrities why the police came to Xu Shengyi.

"It's like this..." He skillfully recounted the background information that he had already mentioned several times.

Jiang Xia's ears were almost filled with cocoons. He sighed and whispered to the policeman next to him: "I'm going to look elsewhere."

"Let's go too!"

Shiratori Rensaburo and Mouri Kogoro were obviously also very concerned about Asahi Katsuyoshi being late.

A group of people separated, and while the Mumu Police Department was explaining the brief summary of the situation, they went to search everywhere.

A few people briefly checked various rooms, but found no bodies and didn't feel anything was wrong.

So they all returned to the hall.

At this time, the Memu Police Department had also finished telling the celebrities who stayed at the table the story of the case so far.

Then the people at the table sat together and sorted things out, and found that the names of the people present were just enough to round up the number of people from "eight" to "one".

——Jiang Xia's "Jiang" still couldn't escape the fate of being dismembered, and was forced to be torn apart to make up for it.

"But there's a problem."

Sure enough, Peter Ford also noticed something unusual. He asked: "Although our names have numbers, we have never come into contact with Mr. 'Mouri Kogoro'... Could it be that you are overthinking it?" ?”

"Even if you don't know Uncle Maori, it doesn't mean that you are in a safe situation - the perpetrator may have other goals. For example, his target of revenge is not only Uncle Maori himself, but also one of you, or some of you." people."

Jiang Xia pulled up a stool, sat opposite him, and asked in a nonchalant manner: "Do you have any ideas?"


Several celebrities looked at each other for a moment, remembering the suspect "Murakami" given by the Megure Police Department, and tried hard to recall things related to this guy.

It was Peter Ford who was the first to shake his head again. The strong foreign man looked very innocent: "I have no impression at all."

The expressions of food writer Nishina Minoru and photographer Shishido Nagaaki changed slightly as they remembered something.

"I worked as a location reporter for a period of time." Nishina said hesitantly. "When I went to the prison to interview, I interviewed Murakami."

"I also met him in prison." Shibuya Nagaaki nodded, "When I was a volunteer, I took portraits of murderers in prison."

All three people had said it, and the eyes of Jiang Xia and the police fell on the other person next to them.

Koyamauchi Nana faced their gazes, biting her nails unconsciously, her eyes wavering, and she looked obviously guilty: "About Murakami...when was he released from prison?"

Jiang Xia counted the time and didn't understand, so he said perfunctorily: "It was just released a few days ago."

As he spoke, he turned to look at the Memu Police Department and motioned for the professional to add details.

However, before the Megure Police Department reported the count, Koyamauchi Nana suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

She replied flatly: "Then I don't know him - I've never heard of him."

Conan looked at her suspiciously and asked in a child's voice: "But, sister Koyamauchi, why did you look so panicked just now? Did you think of any clues?"

"What clues can I have!" Koyamauchi Nana's voice suddenly became louder as if she had been stepped on.

She obviously didn't want to talk about this topic, so she stood up and pointed her long fingernails at Nishina, and changed the subject in an imposing manner:

"Speaking of which, I've wanted to say it for a long time - that crappy book called "Paris Restaurants" was written by you, right! Every restaurant you recommended in it is more delicious than the last. Do you really know what good food is? !”

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