Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2389 2393 [List of Suspects]

The ringtones of the injured salesman and the dead gangster rang one after another. At first glance, they sounded like ordinary default ringtones, but when placed together, the differences suddenly became obvious.

Officer Sato frowned sharply: "Although the tones are the same, the melody of one seems to be slightly slower than the other."

Jiang Xia nodded and pressed the switch of the recorder again.

The tape has been adjusted to the part where the salesman sneaks up on the gangster, but is exposed by the ringtone. Male college students probably do a lot of selling information. The equipment they chose was of good quality and the ringtones they recorded were very clear.

"The ringtone in the tape is the same as this mobile phone." Officer Sato pointed to one of the mobile phones. She suddenly understood what Jiang Xia meant, "This is indeed the gangster's mobile phone... so the person who called him is a gangster." A mole among the bank employees?”

"That's right." Jiang Xia nodded, "The ghost in the bank was originally waiting for his accomplices to succeed, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to attack the gunman. In order to prevent his accomplices from being attacked, he had to use this covert method to remind the other party. "

"This is too much!" The branch manager looked at his subordinates in disbelief, "Who did it?"

Jiang Xia: "It was probably the lobby manager who went to the restroom. If I guessed correctly, he hid in the restroom to delete the record of the call he made to the gangster."

other people:"?!"

Jiang Xia: "Although there is no way to erase the traces left on the communication company, as long as you delete the records on your mobile phone so that the police will not think about it and close the case hastily, you have a chance of hiding your crime... But it is a pity. , the subtle difference in the ringtones of the two mobile phones finally exposed him."

Just as he was talking, the side door opened and closed, and the lobby manager walked in with a relaxed expression.

Although it is unlikely that the police will investigate his mobile phone, it is obvious that the fact that he "successfully avoided monitoring and deleted the call records" made the stone hanging in his heart drop.

The lobby manager, who returned to the lobby again, seemed to have been relieved from the sad state just now. Like a hero who had reconciled with himself, he took the initiative to greet the police: "Let's go and make a record?"

The beautiful female police officer glanced at him, nodded, and walked over.

Then there was a click, and something cold touched his hands.

The lobby manager lowered his head blankly and looked at the handcuffs on his wrists: "...?"

The female police officer who was so pleasant not long ago said: "You are under arrest."

"?!" The lobby manager struggled belatedly, "Wait a minute, didn't you just say that I acted in legitimate defense and deserved praise?"

"Just now, now is now." Officer Sato suppressed him with one hand, then turned to Jiang Xia, "You continue."

Jiang Xia nodded. Now that the protagonists were all here, it was easier to reason. He looked at the lobby manager and promoted the case-solving process step by step:

"I just went to take a look at the side door. This door can be opened directly from the inside, but if you want to enter from the outside, you have to swipe your card.

"So after deciding to rob, the gunman waited near the side door, and you, the mole, were responsible for helping him observe the timing of breaking in.

"It wasn't until you saw the salesman going out that the opportunity you were waiting for finally arrived. You quietly dialed the number to the gunman. After receiving the signal, the gunman immediately got out of the car and quietly stood guard outside the side door.

“As soon as the salesman opened the door, the gunman knocked him over and broke in.

"Then your accomplice held you at gunpoint and asked you to put the banknotes on site into your bag. At the same time, he drove all the other staff out of the counter to prevent those people from getting in the way."

"According to your plan, as long as you give him the cash and he runs away with the money, you will be able to find a place to share the stolen goods happily. But at this moment, an accident occurred - while you were busy loading the money, The salesman who was knocked to the ground when the gangster came in suddenly woke up."

Jiang Xia sighed, as if he appreciated this behavior very much: "The salesman was braver than expected. After he saw the situation clearly, he did not continue to close his eyes and pretend to be faint. Instead, he used his vantage point to grab a stool, trying to secretly defeat the robber from behind.

“It’s a pity that although his actions completely avoided the sight of the criminals, they were seen by you.

"You really want to remind yourself of your slow accomplice immediately, but you can't shout 'There's a sneak attack' in front of a group of colleagues. So you have an idea, quietly put your hand into your pocket in the blind spot, and quickly press the replay button .

"Next, as you expected, your accomplice discovered the person who made the sneak attack. But there was also one thing you didn't expect - your accomplice's psychological quality was too bad. After he suddenly discovered that someone was attacking him, he not only shot him immediately He wounded the man and then turned the gun and pointed it at the crowd.

"There are far more people in the bank than planned, and the pistol your accomplice used was modified from a model gun and is of average power. If he continues like this, he is likely to provoke resistance from others and be caught on the spot. So. You made a quick decision and rushed over to stop him.

"During this process, your accomplice's pistol 'accidentally discharged' and sent him on the road."

"..." The lobby manager was stunned for several seconds, and finally came to his senses. He said angrily with a cold sweat on his forehead, "Nonsense! This is just a story you made up. If you don't believe me, look at my mobile phone. There is no call record on it. !”

Mumu Police Department has seen many times how prisoners look when they are exposed by Jiang Xia. At this moment, he glanced at the expression of the lobby manager and he understood everything immediately.

Thinking of his care for the "hero" just now, the honest policeman's forehead jumped: "There is indeed no one now, but do you dare to press the replay button in front of him?"

Lobby manager: "..."

He was silent for a moment, and suddenly a light flashed: "Actually, I just fell into someone else's conspiracy! - This morning, a mysterious man gave me this phone and asked me to call him for help when I was in danger. But I panicked when I was robbed, and I didn't think of this until I was on the way.

"The moment I remembered it, I felt like I had grabbed a life-saving straw and dialed it immediately, but I didn't expect the mobile phone on the criminal to ring. Later, the more I thought about it, the more scared I became, so I had to quietly go into the bathroom and delete it... I am innocent, this must be a conspiracy directed by that mysterious man!"

Vermouth: "..." Uzo's directing skills are not so rough. Is this a story made up by this guy, or is there another unlucky guy in the middle?

Akai Shuichi listened to this, and his eyes gradually became sharp.

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