Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2394 2398 [Who is Kudo Shinichi hugging? ]

Half a minute ago.

Ran Mao Li and "Dr. Shinde" entered the venue from the side door and trotted all the way to the backstage.

As soon as they entered the door, they felt that the atmosphere was not right. When they ran to the backstage, they were surprised to confirm that the drama was still going smoothly in the absence of both the male and female protagonists.

"It's okay." Ran Mao Li breathed a sigh of relief: Although there are reasons, it would be too painful if nearly a hundred people in the audience really waited for her.

Beside her, Vermouth always felt that things were not that simple.

She came behind the curtain with caution and suspicion, and quietly looked at the stage. Seeing the scene on the stage clearly, her eyes suddenly stopped.

"Teacher Shinde? What's wrong?" Ran Mao Li noticed her abnormality and walked to her side to take a look. Suddenly, she met the eyes of the knight on the stage who was turning around gracefully.

"Shinde..." Ran Mao Li was about to blurt out, but before that, suddenly, the black knight's hand stretched out with his rotation inertia and embraced the heroine in a white dress on the stage.

Mao Lilan: "..."

Vermouth: "..."

Kudo Shinichi: "..."

He looked at Mao Lilan in the backstage, then at the heroine in front of him with a white veil, and then at Mao Lilan again.

After staring at each other for two seconds, his pupils trembled and moved his eyes away, and his eyes fell on the "heroine" in front of him.

Kudo Shinichi: "..." Who the hell are you! ! Why is Xiaolan in the backstage next to you? !

Judy, who was waiting to observe the reaction of "Dr. Shinde": "..." Who the hell are you! ! Where is that annoying woman? !


Backstage, Suzuki Sonoko held the script and ran happily along the aisle: "How about it, are you surprised? Are you surprised? That person is back!"

After saying that, she saw the scene of the two people "affectionately" hugging each other on the stage, and saw her bestie's face that seemed to be full of evil spirits. She braked the car and realized that something was wrong.

"Uh..." Suzuki Sonoko scratched her head. She looked at the estimated time on the script, then looked at the current content on the stage, and muttered in surprise, "The plot is progressing so fast. Someone must have forgotten the lines before and secretly cut the lines, otherwise you can just catch up."

Mouri Ran kept a cheerful smile: "It's okay! It's just acting. I hugged Dr. Shinde a lot during rehearsals."

Next to her, "Dr. Shinde" said nothing. She stared at the familiar "heroine" with a murderous aura: "..." This group of FBI bastards actually came up with such a conspiracy under her nose... It seems that she has wronged Uzo.

As soon as this thought flashed through her mind, Vermouth suddenly felt something was wrong: these FBI were obviously coming for her, but she was trapped in the bank by a sudden robbery and failed to arrive in time, and Akai Shuichi was also trapped at the same time... This is not something that the FBI who obey Akai Shuichi's every word can do.

So there might be a conspiracy of the FBI in today's incident, but before that, everything must be under the control of Uzo.

Thinking of this, the wanton murderous aura on Vermouth's body was slightly restrained: "..." Then the question came back again, what exactly does Uzo want to do?


In Vermouth's gradually calm gaze and Mao Lilan's gradually bright smile, the current male protagonist Kudo Shinichi hugged his heroine and gradually sweated profusely.

The stalemate lasted too long, and the audience below the stage gradually moved.

Judy came back to her senses, and while wondering, she hugged him as planned: "The Black Knight" was wearing a helmet that covered the upper half of his face, leaving only his mouth and nose exposed. Judy only felt that the exposed lower half of his face was not the same as "Dr. Shinde", but soon, she thought of another possibility.

——Perhaps it was the existence of this helmet that caused Vermouth's disguise to be slightly deformed.

After all, the other side was the Thousand-Faced Witch, and it was not strange for her to appear with any face. Visual judgment is inaccurate. Only by taking the opportunity to pinch the other side to see if there is any disguise on him can we determine who the guy on the other side is.

Thinking of this, Judy moved her hands and found the angle for probing.

Who knew that just when she was about to pinch him secretly, the "Black Knight" on the opposite side suddenly shuddered and took a step back, looking panicked and panicked as if hiding from a ghost.

Judy: "......?"

What's going on? Did this woman find out that the FBI was involved in this matter, so she wanted to turn around and run away? ... This is too impatient, not like Belmode's style.

But before that, it seems that there is another thing to deal with.

Judy faced the burning eyes of the audience: "..." Although acting is not her main job, let alone her hobby, being stared at by so many people... It's really sweaty.

But the guy in front of her who is responsible for the play still looks out of shape.

Judy sighed in her heart, took two steps forward professionally, and tried to create a love atmosphere where the heroine bravely pursues love and the hero is tangled in his heart.

However, it would have been fine if she didn't move. Once she moved, it was as if she had stepped on a switch. The "black knight" who should have been cool and unrestrained took several steps back, as if the person in front of him was not a beautiful woman in a white dress, but a scary female ghost in white.

Judy: "..."

...What is this person doing? Is he still acting?

Wait, come to think of it, isn't this guy's attitude changed too much? He was calm and confident before, but it seems that after he turned around and saw her, his attitude suddenly changed...

There's something fishy!

Judy became suspicious. She suddenly rushed forward and grabbed the guy who was retreating in panic.

The heroic FBI held down the thrashing rookie and was about to take off his helmet to see what was inside. However, at this moment, a piercing scream came from the audience, suddenly breaking the weird atmosphere on the stage.


"?!" This kind of scream has been heard too many times recently. Judy was startled and turned her head to look at the audience.

The person whose arm she was holding was also startled. He instinctively looked over to where the scream came from. It seemed that he wanted to run over there.

Judy caught a glimpse of this scene from the corner of her eye: "..." This feeling, why does it feel a bit like Jiang Xia?

...But this face looks different from Jiang Xia, and there is no need for Jiang Xia to run away when she sees her. She is not a scary pervert. She is a cheerful foreign teacher who is loved by everyone.

Judy was confused for a moment, but soon her attention was attracted to the bottom of the stage.

——At some point, a space in the originally neat audience seats was vacated.

Looking down from the stage, you can see a tall and thin man lying on the ground, with an empty paper cup beside him.

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