Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2401 2405 [Kudo Shinichi's appearance]

Just thinking about it, suddenly, a voice interrupted from the side.

A young boy wearing a baseball cap with the brim covering most of his face appeared out of nowhere. He stared at the body on the ground for a few seconds and said in a slightly strange tone:

"Cyanide is different from many poisons. It mainly acts on the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, so the complexion of the body will look better. Just look at the face and see if there is a bitter almond taste in the mouth of the deceased. You can basically determine what poison he was poisoned with. Such a simple judgment has delayed you for so long."

"?" Inspector Megure looked at the guy who seemed to be a student of Teitan Junior High School, "Where did you come from? - Don't barge into the crime scene!"

The young man in the baseball cap pressed the brim of his hat and laughed softly: "This is not barging in. Strictly speaking, I am also a party involved in this case."


This sentence also attracted the attention of many people.

Needless to say, the police who were anxious to solve the case, Jiang Xia also looked over. At the same time, Akai Shuichi also glanced over here - these unexpected factors that suddenly appeared were attracting his attention at this time.

As he glanced over, Akai Shuichi paused and suddenly noticed something.

This person... Why does he look familiar?

The next moment, a name popped up in his mind, a name that occasionally appeared in the data when the FBI analyzed Vermouth's purpose not long ago.

—— Kudo Shinichi.

The sudden thought made Akai Shuichi's plan quietly fluctuate: This high school student who was suspected of being silenced by Gin and Vodka is actually still alive?

... If this is true, why did he appear here inexplicably?


While the FBI was making up a big drama in his mind, Inspector Megure next to him did not seem to recognize his former brother.

"You? You're a student, what can you have to do with this?" Inspector Megure was disdainful at first, but then he made some connection, his eyes lit up, "Wait, did you see the murderer who poisoned me?!"

"..." The young man in the baseball cap was choked by him, "How is that possible! If solving a case is so easy, what do we need detectives for - right, right, the famous detective over there?"

Jiang Xia, who was suddenly pulled into the conversation by him: "..."

He turned around and looked at this guy who suddenly appeared, and seemed quite interested, so he temporarily left the painter at hand and walked over.

Inspector Megure was very disappointed when he heard the young man's answer. But he still didn't miss any possible clues: "Then why do you say you are related to this case?"

"Because I was also sitting in this venue when the crime happened." The young man pointed to the next door, "In that seat."

Inspector Megure nodded while listening: "Then what? What did you see?"

"Then? Then nothing." The young man shook his head, with a look of condemnation, "Why do you always like to take shortcuts?" "I was a little far away, and my seat was parallel to the victim's. My vision was blocked by others, and I didn't see anything."

Inspector Megure: "..."

A vein jumped on his forehead: This kid dared to tease the police!

He sternly faced and was about to give this guy a serious education.

However, at this moment, Suzuki Sonoko next to him seemed to have discovered something - she moved her eyes away from the business card template that Jiang Xia admired very much, walked over and took a look at the young man in the baseball cap, and then said in surprise: "It's you? How did you become like this?"

Akai Shuichi, who was secretly eavesdropping: "..."Sure enough. Although Kudo Shinichi covered his face with a hat, Suzuki Sonoko was his childhood friend and would definitely recognize him...By the way, what does "this look" mean? Could it be that during the time Kudo Shinichi disappeared, he had always appeared in a different look?

A completely different look from now...

Some guesses flashed through Akai Shuichi's mind, and he understood: was he disfigured or amputated?

The cause of this situation should usually be an explosion, which is in line with the organization's common methods, and everything seems to make sense...but for some reason, he always felt that something was wrong.

However, facing an organization full of mysteries and a person full of mysteries, it was strange that it was too right.

So the FBI ace stopped worrying about these things. He decisively picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to his colleagues to check all the explosions that occurred in Tokyo on the day Kudo Shinichi disappeared-no matter how difficult the puzzle is, there must be a solution. As long as all the clues are found, they will definitely be able to embark on the road to the truth.


When a silver bullet that the organization fears is running wildly on an unknown road.

In the venue, ordinary citizens were still busy with their ordinary daily lives.

Inspector Megure was surprised when he heard what Suzuki Sonoko said. He looked at the boy in the baseball cap carefully: "Do you know this classmate?"

"'This classmate'? What an unfamiliar name."

Before Suzuki Sonoko spoke, the young man in the baseball cap spoke first. He pinched the wide brim of his hat and grinned at Inspector Megure, "Inspector, your memory is getting worse and worse - it's only been a short time since we last met, and you have completely forgotten me?"

"?" Inspector Megure was even more confused when he heard this familiar and strange voice. He had no clue, so he instinctively turned his head and looked at his brother Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia paused: "He is..."

The young man in the baseball cap raised his hand and almost interrupted the detective's voice.

He turned around and gave Jiang Xia a look that no one could see, then turned to Inspector Megure, suddenly opened the baseball cap on his head that was like a mask, and then confidently introduced: "It's me, Kudo Shinichi!"


Everyone at the scene looked at him and suddenly fell into a strange silence.

"Kudo Shinichi": "..."

The originally very confident boy in the baseball cap, under the silent gaze of everyone, gradually began to tremble with confidence.

He took a half step back guiltily, and almost had the urge to run away. But suddenly, he saw the famous detective next to him who seemed very calm.

"!" "Kudo Shinichi" seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw. He strode towards Jiang Xia, put his arm around her shoulder, and took her to the side stealthily, then whispered tentatively, "Do you think I am..."

Jiang Xia: "Hattori Heiji painted with white paint."

"...This is foundation, foundation!" Hattori Heiji was embarrassed and angry, "Do you know how to put on makeup!"

Jiang Xia: "If you speak louder, everyone will know that you put on makeup."

Hattori Heiji silently covered his mouth: "..."

When this excited Osaka high school student calmed down, Jiang Xia asked meaningfully: "Didn't you and Kazuha return to Osaka? Why did you suddenly come here again?"

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