Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2405 2409 [FBI arrested]

The Mumu Police Department looked at the security guard responsible for distributing coffee. He suddenly felt that he had caught a blind spot: "The paper cups used in the stalls all look the same. When you distributed drinks to them, did you lift the lid and look inside? s things?"

——As long as the lid is opened, there is a chance to secretly poison it!

The security guard understood his subtext: "I, I did open the lid of the cup, but I only looked at my own cup! - As for the two cups of iced coffee, there were small cartons of milk and sugar on the top of their cups. You can identify it without uncovering it, Mengmei can testify to this!”

Suzuki Sonoko was still curiously watching Hattori Heiji being beaten, but when she heard about this case, she couldn't help but become interested.

She used her self-proclaimed "detective assistant" status and made a conjecture: "Speaking of this, since the iced coffee comes with milk and sugar, the murderer can actually poison it by replacing the creamer and syrup! - You don't need to open it at all. As long as you secretly replace the two small boxes of gifts when passing the coffee, you can unknowingly put the poison into the drink of the deceased. "

The fashionable female nurse was experienced and retorted dissatisfiedly: "Cyanide is effective immediately! If that is the case, he must have collapsed at the beginning of the play. How could he suddenly die in the middle of the play? - And you see His cup."

She pointed at the paper cup that fell next to the body: "The inside was completely drunk. It can be seen that this is not because he hasn't drank since the beginning. In short, it can't be the poison from me!"

The female clerk was startled: "Wait a minute, since you know this, why did you just imply that the police poisoned me when I was buying a drink?"

"..." The fashionable female nurse was a little embarrassed, "I just thought of it. Besides, since there is a murder case, there must be a murderer. Anyway, if the murderer is not me, then it must be one of you."

In the blink of an eye, the suspects started arguing again, and this time there was an additional Suzuki Sonoko.

When the police officer Mumu saw this, his head trembled. He didn't know whether to break up the fight or take the opportunity to eavesdrop on whether anyone had leaked important information in a hurry.

But soon, he realized that he didn't have to worry too much: wasn't there Jiang Xia next to him? When your own brain is not enough, use someone else's.

"Brother Jiang Xia." Mumu Police Department approached him familiarly, "What are you thinking about? Do you have an idea?"

Jiang Xia came back to his senses: "I just suddenly remembered that there seems to be another person related to this case."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

There are already five suspects, why should we add more?

After a moment of silence, he wiped his face and said, "You say it, and I'll listen."

Jiang Xia was about to speak when a cold voice suddenly came from the side.

The short-haired female student running the stall pushed up her glasses and whispered: "Kengping died of drink poisoning. If I remember correctly, the coffee on the counter was provided by our new foreign teacher. When I poured the drink before, I used to I picked up some coffee on the ground, and then I thought of the idea of ​​putting the wrong food to lure him over to talk, so I picked up a Coke instead.”

The dean's daughter looked up at the Memu Police Department and said calmly: "Although I don't think she is the murderer, it's best to find someone to come and ask about the situation - I often played in the hospital when I was a child, and I have seen many cases of mixed poisoning. , that is, the deceased had eaten two kinds of food one after another. A single food would not be poisonous, but the mixture would be fatal. "

"If someone poisoned him in this way, then the coffee that the teacher suddenly brought is a bit suspicious." The female student looked down at the body on the ground with a complicated expression, "I hope you can find the murderer as soon as possible "

"Foreign teacher?" Police Department Memu felt that the word sounded familiar. He looked at Jiang Xia and Suzuki Sonoko for confirmation, "Could it be..."

Jiang Xia: "We have only had one foreign teacher come recently."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

What did that non-stop foreign woman do again!

He sighed: "Where is that teacher Judy now?"

Only then did Suzuki Sonoko remember this incident: "I remember that she was planning to set up a stall, but she quickly came to the backstage to help. Later, she even helped us temporarily fill the vacancy of the heroine, and then..."

At this point, she paused and realized belatedly: It seemed like she hadn't seen Teacher Judy for a while: "More recently, the play was interrupted by a murder case, and I seemed to have never seen him again after that."

When the police heard this, the suspicion in their hearts suddenly reached its peak again: Normal people would come over to check on the situation when encountering a sudden murder, but that teacher Judy actually left quietly... Something was wrong, something was very wrong. !

His eyes became serious: "Contact her immediately and ask her to come over and cooperate with the investigation."

Akai Shuichi, who watched everything, said: "..."

Is this part of that person's plan?

If things go on like this, even if the police know that they are the FBI, they will probably have a crisis of trust in this case, and they will no longer cooperate with them in the future... They have to find a way to prevent this bad change.

...But the matter has come to this, and the only way to do it is to think about it next time.

As for today... Today's goal is not to step into the police station as a murderer.

When Suzuki Sonoko walked to the side to contact Judy on the phone.

Nearby, the police investigation seemed to be making progress.

"Inspector, we found this in the deceased's pocket." Officer Takagi looked at the thing in his hand in surprise, "It's the creamer and syrup that go with iced coffee - the deceased didn't put them in the coffee, but put them in his pocket."

Jiang Xia took a few murderous auras from Akai Shuichi and looked at several acquaintances of the deceased: "Does he usually drink coffee without milk and sugar?"

"No." The female nurse shook her head, "I remember he added both, and a lot - once I bought him coffee and forgot to take milk and sugar, and he scolded me a few times."

The other two nodded, obviously also had some impression of the deceased's habit.

Inspector Megure scratched his head: "Why didn't he drink it this time?"

The short-haired female student next to him said calmly: "Because I quietly replaced his iced coffee with Coke."

Everyone was stunned: "Huh?"

Under the puzzled gaze of a group of people, the dean's daughter sighed softly: "At that time, I thought that if this happened, he would come back to the booth to find me to change the drink, so that we could have a good talk... But he never came."

Suzuki Sonoko's nose moved, and she felt that she smelled the scent of gossip: "What do you want to talk to him about?"

The short-haired girl glanced at her: "Our engagement - since I decided to break off the engagement with him, there has been no communication between us."

"Engagement?!" The onlookers were stunned, "You are about 10 years apart in age, and you actually have an engagement?"

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