Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2411 2415 [Case closed]

Akai Shuichi: "..." This is obviously not something that is beneficial to him - what normal person would cover his fingerprints?

Fortunately, there is more than one gap for rebuttal.

Akai Shuichi's thoughts were racing, he raised his finger and pointed at Hattori Heiji: "If my coin is stained with cyanide, then this classmate's finger..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly paused.

——After giving out his coin, there were only three places in contact: his fingers, Hattori Heiji's gloves, and the murderer's hood.

It goes without saying that the killer's hood contained cyanide. So if you want to prove his innocence, you have to start from two other places.

Akai Shuichi originally did not want to expose the paint he used to cover his fingerprints, so he wanted the police to inspect Hattori Heiji's gloves.

However, he suddenly discovered that Hattori Heiji had touched the coins twice: once he took the clean coins and threw them into the hood, and the other time he took out the coins stained with cyanide... In other words, during the process After the second step, Hattori Heiji now also has cyanide on his gloves.

...Then the only way to prove his innocence is to check the composition of his fingertips. And such an investigation would inevitably expose the paint on his fingers.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

His act of lending coins just now, to anyone's perspective, was just helping the detective to complete the process of solving the case - after all, as we all know, when the matter reaches this point, the next step is for the murderer to confess and be arrested by the police.

But now...

Thinking of this, Akai Shuichi's eyes when looking at the painter changed slightly: I originally thought that this Uzo minion was just unwilling to fail in the frame-up, so he just made some random excuses to cause trouble for him... But in fact, this guy's case is about to end. , such an insidious move comes when others are most likely to relax.

Akai Shuichi took a breath silently, exhaled slowly, and continued what he just said as if nothing had happened: "If my coin is really stained with cyanide, then the cyanide component should also be detected on my finger. . But in fact, I didn’t get anything similar. If you don’t believe me, you can check it.”

——At this point, all we can do is take a gamble, betting that the psychological quality of the murderer, a disposable prop, is not as good as that of Uzo's minions.

And if the bet fails... then he insists that he accidentally got glue on his hands when he helped move things. The worst outcome is for James to come to the police station again to fish for people.

The FBI, who was accidentally plotted, quickly thought through the consequences.

And his calmness finally brought him a little reward - the short-haired female clerk who had just hardened up under the instigation of the painter finally realized that it was pointless to continue to resist like this after hearing what the scapegoat said was very reasonable. Useless.

"Yes, I was the one who poisoned you." The short-haired female clerk took a deep breath, "No matter how highly educated and skilled that man is, he is not qualified to be a doctor!"

Several of her companions did not expect that things would go back and forth, and the murderer would eventually be one of their own. The female nurse frowned in confusion: "Why do you say that suddenly? Didn't you always have a good relationship before?"

The female clerk snorted coldly: "You should have heard about it - he plans to publish an important paper at the society recently."

The security guard nodded: "He seems to attach great importance to this, and he talks to me about it every day recently. Uh..."

Suddenly he had an idea and thought of a possibility: "Did he steal your paper? Was that paper written by you?"

"..." A trace of embarrassment appeared on the female clerk's face: If she could write that kind of thing, would she be a clerk here?

"No." After a moment of stiffness, she abruptly brought up the topic, "He did write that paper himself, but this very promising paper is actually facing a huge crisis - the existence of a certain case is enough to Overturning the core point of this paper, the patient happened to be in our hospital."

The female clerk sighed: "What's even more 'coincidental' is that not long ago, the patient's condition suddenly worsened and eventually died... This case that was enough to overturn the paper just disappeared quietly. in this world.”

The others were startled and understood her hint: "You mean..."

The female clerk looked at the corpse on the ground coldly: "The reason why the patient's condition worsened was because he prescribed the wrong medicine - this was a naked murder! For that false theory, he actually killed like this An innocent man died."

"But, how can you be sure that he did it on purpose?" The female nurse couldn't believe it. "What if he really just happened to prescribe the wrong medicine? He has been staying up late and working overtime recently for that paper, and his mind is often not very bright... …”

"I heard this with my own ears." The female clerk looked at Ninagawa Ayako, "Just last week, the dean's daughter refused to marry him, and he dragged me out for a drink out of depression."

"After a few glasses of wine, he said angrily and drunkenly - 'A person like me who can freely decide the life and death of others will be fooled around by a teenage brat. It's really karma.'"

The female clerk laughed: "In this case, I will let him have a taste of real karma. As a doctor, he doesn't want to save people, but he regards playing with the patient's life as his own right... Is it possible that such a person disappears from the world? Not a good thing?

"So I put a container of cyanide in his car, and then deliberately hid his driver's license, so that he looked uneasy and anxious on the way here, laying the groundwork for his "suicide"... But unfortunately, such a perfect chain of cause and effect was cut off by you."

She looked at Jiang Xia and smiled with relief: "You are really lucky, little detective - if it weren't for this sudden rain, I could have left smoothly with the poison in my hood."

"Who are you looking down on!" Detective Osaka felt that the high school detective group was despised, and said angrily: "Even if you didn't get caught because of "not wearing a hood on rainy days", we would have suspected you long ago-

"Neither you nor the deceased put creamer and syrup in the drink. The deceased stopped putting in the ingredients because he saw Coke after opening the cup lid. But when you returned to your seat, the play had already begun, and the light in the auditorium was adjusted to the darkest.

"Coke and coffee are both black, and the sound of bubbles will be masked by the surrounding noise. If you are really just an innocent passerby, then in this environment, you may add creamer and syrup to your drink because you can't see clearly that someone has replaced it, but you didn't.

"This means that you opened the lid of the cup before the play started and when there was still enough light, so you knew that the drink inside was wrong - you thought your plan was flawless, but in fact, everything you did will leave traces in front of the detective! "

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