Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2421 2425 [The Thief's Panic]

"Okay, don't worry about these little things." The president's daughter coquettishly reached out and hugged him. She stuck to this mature and reliable man and asked expectantly, "Have you told my father about us? What is his attitude?"

"Of course." Minister Ohba mentioned this matter with a happy expression, "Before I opened my mouth, I thought he would object, but I didn't expect him to agree immediately. He also said that he was very happy to entrust his daughter to a motivated young man like me."

"Really?" The stone in the president's daughter's heart finally fell to the ground, and she laughed, "Then we can be together forever."

The two hugged and kissed happily.


In the elevator.

At the top of the VIP elevator, an uninvited guest quietly appeared at this time.

Kuroba Kaito half-crouched in the dark elevator shaft. He held the cable next to him and quietly looked into the elevator from the vent.

Originally, he just came here to check it out while it was still early, but as he stepped on it, he found that something seemed to be wrong.

- Apart from anything else, as soon as he reached the top of the building a few minutes ago, he keenly discovered that there was someone upstairs.

Kuroba Kaito used his well-honed skills as a phantom thief to sneak up on him, and was shocked to find that it was a guy holding a sniper rifle and observing the Tokyo Tower from a distance.

"What a terrible outlaw. He even used a sniper rifle to deal with me. Who is the person who wrote the notice to me this time?"

Kuroba Kaito was secretly alert. As a phantom thief who likes to fly in the night sky with a hang glider, a sniper rifle is undoubtedly his biggest enemy. He still remembers that he was almost shot to death by Shi Kaoping in Osaka last time. Fortunately, Mist Tengu lent a helping hand in time and slapped it off the trajectory with one wing.

"Speaking of which, brother Yokai, won't you be seen by the sniper on the roof?"

Kid took out his phone and sent an email to Mist Tengu with concern, reminding him to be careful of cunning humans: "It shouldn't be a big problem. My target tonight is Tokyo Tower, and rather than acting with me, the Yokai obviously prefers to wait until I succeed before gracefully showing up to add to the meal. He just needs to show up with his back to this building."

Anyway, there is such a guy squatting on the roof, and Kuroba Kaito is very uneasy.

"That guy is wearing a knitted hat and a mask, hiding most of his features. I can't see his face clearly. He is covered so tightly, could he be a wanted criminal on the run?... Tsk, I have to find a way to test him, and it would be best if the police can arrest him. Compared to a harmless thief like me, the kind of person who runs around with a gun is the real criminal."

After thinking for a while, Kuroba Kaito quickly came up with an idea.

-The top floor of this building is a rooftop, and the next floor down is a high-end restaurant where a banquet is being held.

"I can disguise myself as a person who can talk, and ask the hotel staff to call the police under the pretext of being robbed or stolen." Kuroba Kaito nodded secretly, "That person must be powerful enough to get the police to come with just one sentence, otherwise if the hotel staff don't believe it and run to the roof to check, they might be shot and killed by that guy." Thinking of this, Kuroba Kaito cast his eyes on the manager of the hotel.

...However, today was a banquet, and the manager was so busy that he didn't even have time to go to the bathroom. Kuroba Kaito secretly observed for a long time, but he didn't wait for the opportunity to be alone, so he had to retreat regretfully.

Fortunately, a mature thief would never be stumped by such a small matter. Kuroba Kaito turned his eyes and set his sights on President Tatsumi, who had booked most of the venue.

This time, the plan seemed to go smoothly - almost as soon as he arrived, he waited for the president to be alone.

"What good luck." Kidd adjusted his gloves, took out the anesthetic, and prepared to pick a suitable time to knock the president out in this VIP elevator that few people took, and become the president himself.

However, just before he was about to open the top cover and jump down, the elevator door suddenly slid open silently.

President Tatsumi, who was looking at his watch in the elevator, was stunned and looked up at the door.

Kidd was also stunned for a moment, instinctively holding his breath and stopping his movements, and also looking for an angle to look over.

The next moment, a pistol with a silencer appeared in their field of vision. Without hesitation, the person standing outside the elevator seemed to have expected this, and he pulled the trigger hard the moment he appeared.


Just as the cocktail party started, paper salutes were fired in the banquet hall. The cheers of the people and the sound of the fireworks exploding covered up the gunshot and the sound of President Tatsumi falling to the ground.

After the murderer fired the gun, he leisurely withdrew his hand.

Without anyone to operate it, the elevator door closed again, leaving the corpse inside.

Kidd: "..."

Kidd: "…………"


"What's going on? What's going on?"

The thief, who usually just steals things and rarely encounters murders, couldn't help but be confused: "Why did he suddenly... suddenly die?"

... Could it be that those people discovered his plan and wanted to kill him, but accidentally killed the president who hadn't been replaced by him yet?

"No, no, it shouldn't be." Kidd wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "I just came here not long ago, and there was no time to replace him. Maybe... this is just an ordinary murder case?"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it seemed to be true.

Kuroba Kaito was lying in the dark and cold elevator room, looking at the increasingly cold body below through the air hole, and slowly exhaled: "Forget about the sniper rifle on the roof, why is it in the hands of any passerby in the building now? Gun? Mihua is really dangerous, but our Jianggutian is better..."

"Speaking of which, what should we do now?"

A phantom thief whose plan was interrupted looked at the unfortunate corpse on the ground and fell into deep thought for a moment.

A few minutes later.

In the restaurant.

Hui Yuan Ai was eating when suddenly the tips of his ears twitched and he raised his head.

Like an alert rabbit, she listened carefully for a long time, and then hesitantly asked Jiang Xia in a low voice: "Is there anyone running around in the corridor...?"

Jiang Xia inserted a piece of dessert and nodded: "I seemed to hear the voice of the Mu Mu Police Department."

Haibara Ai:"……?"

Her tense heart felt relieved again - as long as someone wasn't being chased by Gin in the corridor, then things would be fine.

At the same time, another table.

A certain high school student who was telling the story of Sherlock Holmes to Mao Lilan also vaguely noticed something. Kudo Shinichi stopped talking and glanced outside the door from a distance.

Mao Lilan is good at capturing screams, but she is not so sensitive to the sound of the police. Compared with the chaotic noise outside, she is more curious about another thing: "You said before that you had something important to tell me - what was it? "

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