Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2435 2439 [Mist Tengu's Pistol]

Before the police arrived, the fallen boys were carried away by another group of boys and were not exposed to the arriving police.

"Idiot!" The boss in black didn't expect that what he thought was a perfect opportunity would end up like this. "I can't beat you, don't you know how to use a gun!"

The younger brother's swollen face was full of innocence: "You, didn't you say you wanted to capture me alive?"

The boss in black slapped him on the forehead: "Catch him alive, the priority is to catch him! He is alive now, but have you caught him!"

Although I am particularly dissatisfied with the handling of the younger brothers, the matter has reached this point and I can only wait for the next opportunity.

Hiding in the shadows, the boss in black saw police cars approaching one after another, followed by many police officers who got out of the cars and filed into the alley where they were just now.

"Look, I'm right." The boss in black snorted, "He can call so many police officers casually. This guy is indeed a shameless person with connections."

The younger brothers nodded indignantly: "The dark Tokyo police world!"

However, no matter what, now that their target has infiltrated the police, they can no longer capture her blatantly.

The group of people had no choice but to retreat away before the police noticed it.

"It's not a big problem." The boss in black looked at his watch and remembered his wonderful arrangement on the top of Tokyo Tower today. He quickly calmed down again, "The stage has been set. Today's Kaitou Kidd will never be able to look like Ten He escaped so easily eight years ago. Hum, I will personally bury him in the same scene to avenge him."

As a group of men in black quietly moved toward their predetermined location.

On the other side, a figure standing on a high place put down the telescope in his hand.

James took a sip of the hot coffee he had just bought from the vending machine, and said with a serious face to the microphone on his collar: "There is indeed an ambush."

What Akai Shuichi encountered in the observation restaurant before was probably just the first move that person made casually, and now, the second move is about to be taken... Fortunately, they did not relax because of their successful escape just now. It was just like Shuichi said. In that way, Uzo's traps will never appear individually, but will be linked one by one. Each link will be the foreshadowing of the next one. What he thought was an escape may be just the beginning of death.

"We must always be vigilant and not let down at all... Having such an opponent is really a headache." James felt tired as he thought about it. Although his hair was gray and his face was wrinkled, he never felt that before he met that person. He is so like an old man, "And I don't know why, but more and more funds have been spent recently. If this rate continues... Do I have to go back to the headquarters and ask them for more funds?"

While the FBI leader was thinking about life, he numbly directed his subordinates to keep an eye on the location of the group of men in black who were heading to Tokyo Tower.

"So much money has been spent, there is no reason to give up halfway now." James drank the cheap coffee from the can and tried to regain his fighting spirit. "No matter what, we must seize the opportunity now - as long as we take down this group Those who ambush us will definitely gain something, and all the efforts made before will be worth it.”

The two groups staged a scene where the mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole stalks behind.

On the other side, Kuroba Kaito pretended to be an ordinary passerby and gradually approached the iron tower that looked particularly bright in the night.

He looked up at the top floor and was about to go in. At this moment, there was a sudden sound of wind nearby, and a figure quietly landed on the ground.

"!" Kidd was startled at first, but then came back to his senses. This familiar sound accompanied by the premonition of being robbed...

"Sure enough, it's you!" Kidd turned his head and was pleasantly surprised to see the foggy dog ​​landing low-key, "I don't know why, but I always have a bad feeling today." I feel more at ease knowing that you know the truth.

Wutian Dog glanced at him, as if he was thinking about something, but did not speak.

Seeing that the monster was motionless, Kidd couldn't help but secretly hint: "The last time I took a plane, the detective gave me something that can make wings. The smoke is very useful..."

Jiang Xia, who is driving the Kiriten Dog Puppet: "..." No matter how useful it is, I can't give it to you. This time you will probably meet Shuichi Akai. If you change your wings in front of him, you will be arrested and taken to the FBI. Experimented.

With this in mind, he took out his wide sleeves, took out something and handed it over.

Kuroba Kaito stretched out his hand in surprise, expecting to catch a cloud of ethereal smoke, but who knew the next moment his hand sank, and something cold appeared on his palm.

"This smoke seems to have gotten heavier... Wait, why is it a gun?! Where did you get the gun!" Kuroba Kaito's hand trembled and he almost dropped the gun to the ground.

After coming to his senses, he regained control of the weapon and looked at it over and over in shock. However, no matter how you look at it, this is a real pistol, and it has traces of long-term use. It is not an imitation toy.

"Jericho 941...Fortunately, this model was probably not stolen from the police." Kuroba Kaito breathed a sigh of relief for the conscientious police officers, and expelled the terrible image of the police strips from his mind. Then he became curious again, "Did you eat...did you rob a senior gang member?"

Jiang Xia stood nearby, watching him go from shock to confusion, and then from confusion to love for the gun: "..." Sure enough, he is a very tasteful Phantom Thief, and everyone has the same hobbies.

But there is one thing that is very important. Jiang Xia said, "This is lent to you. You must return it to me after use."

Kuroba Kaito tightened his hand holding the gun. He said seriously, "I am not greedy for your gun. I have seen all kinds of guns in my daily life. I am just afraid that you will hold this gun, uh..."

He originally wanted to describe the dangers of this kind of human hot weapon to the monster, so that Mist Tengu would give up carrying guns, so as to prevent the "monster shooting incident" from suddenly rushing into the headlines one day, leading to a large-scale siege against monsters in Tokyo.

But then he thought, even if he said a lot, Brother Tengu would definitely be able to take back what he wanted - this monster robbed him very easily. After all, Kaito Kidd's best sky escape was vulnerable to Mist Tengu's flexible real wings.

"On the bright side, he was willing to lend me his newly acquired collection... This shows that our friendship may be better than that between him and Jiang Xia!" Kidd thought about it and couldn't help but be a little moved. He changed his words and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely return it to you."

...But all the bullets in it must be used up.

Mist Tengu must know where to get the matching bullets, so even if he returns the gun, he won't have to worry about causing any trouble.

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