Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2445 2449 [How many shots did you fire]

Thinking of the increasingly delicate relationship between his group of FBI and the local police, James couldn't help but feel a headache: "This is not the environment I expected... Forget it, things have come to this point, I can only try to save it."


Not long after the three backbones returned to the base, other FBI agents also rushed back one after another.

The experienced agents acted in an orderly manner. Some of them found a place to lock up the black-clad people they had finally caught, and the others went into the living room.

James looked at them and remembered that they were the subordinates sent to find the shells: "Did you pick them all up?"

Several people nodded proudly. As soon as they finished nodding, they looked at other companions who nodded and froze for a moment, as if they were all a little confused.

"?" Judy noticed something was wrong. Thinking that these people had just walked around the stage of Uzo, she asked cautiously, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." One of the sturdy men raised his elbow and bumped the colleague next to him, half teasing and half complaining, "I picked up more than a dozen shells in the dark with great effort. Why are you so proud? People who don't know would think that you picked them all up."

"Ah?" The colleague was stunned for a moment, and then looked back with a look of "I didn't expect you to be this kind of person." He reached into his pocket and took out a thick plastic bag.

The colleague threw the bag of more than a dozen shells on the coffee table and muttered, "Obviously I picked them all up, how did it become you?"

The sturdy man was stunned: " stole my shells?!"

He subconsciously reached into his pocket, but felt the bulging feel. He reached out suspiciously and took it out. With a rustle, a plastic bag filled with a lot of shells appeared in front of everyone - there was nothing missing.

The two looked at each other, then looked down at the two plastic bags full of things, with a blank look on their faces: "?"

The other two colleagues who were sent to pick up the shells were also stunned. After two seconds, they began to search their pockets blankly... and then took out the same thing.

James: "......?"

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Judy: "..."

Judy rushed forward in confusion, took their bags and poured out the shells. She soon saw the problem: "The model is different, this one is also, and this one, hiss, this is a shell from many years ago, it's rusted like this... Whose shell did you pick up??"

"I, I don't know." The FBI agent scratched his head, a little aggrieved, "It was so dark, I saw something of similar shape and quickly picked it up... How could I have thought that there were other shells there."

The others nodded quickly, obviously thinking the same thing.

One of them suddenly realized: "No wonder. Before I arrived at the scene, I thought it was an impossible task, but when I got to the general location and just looked around, I actually found two bullets in a row.

"After that, I followed my intuition and went in a random direction. Soon I found all the shells. At that time, I thought I was so lucky today. It was just that the goddess of luck was possessed, but now, alas..."

Judy: "..."

She didn't know whether the goddess of luck came. She only knew that she had a new understanding of the concentration of Tokyo's lawless lunatics. Looking back at the self who had just arrived here and knew nothing about the environment, the young FBI agent couldn't help but sigh, and was very glad that he was not suddenly shot by passers-by for no reason.

James didn't expect things to turn out like this. He sighed: "Let's find out which shells are ours first."

Several people stepped forward, poured out all the four bags of shells, and pieced them together to find the things that belonged to Shuichi Akai.

Bad news appeared: "A few are missing. "

But there seems to be good news.

James took a deep breath and tried to be optimistic: "There are so many bullet shells sleeping in the park, which is enough to show that their police are not paying attention to them. In this case, it is not obvious that Shuichi's bullets are mixed in. "

Judy nodded: "I just watched the video uploaded by the onlookers. Fortunately, due to the suddenness of the incident and the obstruction of the sports car, no one took pictures of the shooting. They took pictures of Shuichi with a parachute, uh..."

Judy came back to her senses, coughed, and cut to the point abruptly: "Since the police don't know that someone fired a gun, they won't deliberately investigate the bullet shells. Step back, even if they check, there are so many types of bullet shells..."

She looked at the pile of things on the coffee table with mixed feelings: "They may not be able to find us so quickly. When they come to our door, we must have asked what we need from these people in black, and we don't have to worry about spending too much time entangled with the police. "

"This is the only way for now. "Akai Shuichi turned on the TV, pressed the remote control a few times, and finally stopped at the local news station.

Sure enough, what happened just now has been on the screen, and a well-known reporter is passionately broadcasting it live.


After watching it silently for a while, forcing himself to listen to some unreliable analysis, Akai Shuichi silently pressed the power off button.

Then he turned around and said calmly in the complex gazes of his colleagues, either sympathetic or weird: "Don't go over to look for shells recently. Based on my understanding of that person, he may have used the topic to play a series of scripts, just waiting for us to fall into the trap. "

Several FBI agents who helped him a lot breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and their eyes looking at him eased a little.

Judy was not too entangled in this. She set her sights on longer-term matters: "Now that we have caught those men in black, we hope to get enough useful information from them."

Akai Shuichi was not optimistic when he thought of the great help of a certain phantom thief in the process of arresting people.

Anyway, those men in black were already being interrogated by their colleagues, so he simply skipped this step and talked about his future plans - this was the result of his painful experience and thinking on the way back.

Akai Shuichi looked around at everyone present: "Recently, we have been attracted too much attention by Uzo, but have ignored the original focus."

Colleagues were confused: “The original point?”

Akai Shuichi: "What did we come to Tokyo for in the first place?"

James twirled his pale beard and felt that the question was inexplicable, but he still answered politely: "Investigating the black organization?"

After Judy was reminded, she suddenly remembered. A figure who had the hatred of killing her father appeared in her mind: "Belmod!"

"That's right." Akai Shu nodded, "During this period, we have been attracted too much attention by 'that person', but we have ignored the original focus."

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