Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2467 2471 [Bypassing by Uzo] Request monthly ticket

Chapter 2467 2471 [Brushing shoulders with Usa] Asking for monthly tickets (づど)

Mrs. Sakihara realized belatedly that she seemed to be on a pirate ship. And it was an extremely mysterious and strange ship that she could not see through at all.

"I thought today's incident would be a turning point in my life, opening up a new life that is completely different from the past..." Mrs. Sakihara looked confused, "But now it seems that it has been opened, but this life... is it a little too new?"

Even if there is no evidence at present, the strange things that just happened have also made this keen law student vaguely understand his future.

Mrs. Sakihara fell into a new round of troubles.

Beside him, Conan frowned and looked at her quietly.

Conan: "..." As a detective who has come into contact with countless criminals and uncovered countless conspiracies, he is very familiar with this kind of reaction when the psychological defense line is defeated. But for some reason, looking at Mrs. Sakihara at this time, he always felt that something seemed to be wrong.

"Rather than being surprised at being exposed, what surprised her more was Uncle Maori himself who made these inferences?" Conan observed the woman in front of him carefully, muttering in his heart, "And she actually began to be distracted, as if through Uncle Maori's words, she could not help but associate something that shocked her..." This reaction looked more and more wrong, what was going on?

"Xiaohui." In the strange and indescribable atmosphere, Maori Kogoro finally finished his reasoning. He looked at his former student in front of him and said sadly, "Turn yourself in. I am also responsible for this happening - before teaching you knowledge, I should have taught you to respect life first."

This time, the words were completely different from what the man in black had said before.

Just like two overlapping and distorted pieces of time were silently torn apart, the indescribable sense of déjà vu finally disappeared. Mrs. Sakihara's eyelashes trembled and she raised her head.

She paused for a moment and slowly leaned back on the sofa: "I used to respect life, but in the end it seems that no one respects me. If, I mean if, the person sitting in the car at that time was me..."

Halfway through the words, looking at Maori Kogoro's expression, Mrs. Sakihara sighed and said no more.

She sorted out her expression and apologized: "Sorry, I don't really know what you were talking about just now."

Maori Kogoro: "You...!"

Mrs. Sakihara put the water cup on the coffee table and lowered her eyes: "The previous explosion scared me. I have been a little dazed today, so I remembered some things wrong-I suddenly remembered that I didn't just see Mr. Takahashi who installed the bomb in the supermarket last week. I also saw him in a commercial street in Shinjuku before.

"Maybe his appearance is really unique, and those eyes are deeply imprinted in my subconscious, so when I described his appearance to the police officer, I was able to repeat his general appearance. "

Conan looked at her seemingly flustered but actually calm appearance, and his heart skipped a beat, and he felt that his bad premonition had come true.

This rebuttal was simply impeccable - even if they really checked Takahashi Hiromasa's whereabouts, they would only be able to find that he had indeed appeared in that commercial street. Because in order to confirm the whereabouts of each other's wives, the two husbands had provided each other with surveillance locations, and their communication was actually all heard by Mrs. Sakihara.

That commercial street would not be completely covered by surveillance. Even if Takahashi Hiromasa wore sunglasses to cover his appearance when he followed Mrs. Sakihara, he could not prove that he had never taken off the sunglasses the whole time - and he himself was deeply involved in this car bombing case. Even if he insisted that he had never exposed his eyes, his testimony might not be accepted.

"Perhaps she was distracted just now because she was thinking about how to defend herself? "Conan touched his chin and quickly denied his guess, "No, she had already started to be distracted before Uncle Maori mentioned the portrait as evidence. After she came to her senses, she directly said that excuse, as if she had thought about how to deal with this kind of questioning in advance... Wait, 'in advance'? !"

A thought flashed through Conan's mind: Could it be that someone predicted this situation and told Mrs. Sakihara about it in advance?

"Although it is also possible that Mrs. Sakihara herself realized her mistake and tried to make up for it... But this assumption can't explain her strange reaction when she heard Uncle Maori's reasoning just now - her expression is like seeing a ghost. Something extremely rare must have happened, so even someone like her could hardly control her expression. "

Conan's thoughts turned rapidly, and he put himself into Mrs. Sakihara's perspective, trying to restore the scene at that time, but he had no idea for a while.

Mouri Kogoro also looked confused: he didn't expect that his exhortation would be easily blocked.

Then what?

What should I do next?

There is no evidence, and the other party doesn't listen to the persuasion... The middle-aged detective rarely encounters such a situation. After sitting in the living room of Mrs. Sakihara's house for a while, Maori Kogoro scratched his head, had to stand up, and left with the two children in a shock.

As soon as he left the house, Conan quietly slipped back.

"Sakihara sister, before we showed up, did anything strange happen to you?" He looked up at the abnormal suspect in front of him, trying to put on the curious look that a child should have, "Can you tell me quietly? I promise not to tell Uncle Maori. "

Mrs. Sakihara came to her senses and looked down at the innocent elementary school student in front of her.

She knew that she shouldn't tell anyone what happened just now, but perhaps it was too bizarre, or perhaps it was the cute child's question that was hard to refuse, and she murmured, "Nothing, I just encountered... a rehearsal."

"Rehearsal..." Conan pondered the word for a while, and suddenly remembered something, and his voice rose uncontrollably, "Rehearsal?!"

A sentence he had heard before suddenly emerged from the depths of his memory: Actors who escape from the stage have no value in existence.

——This sentence was first said by the woman in black who sent him and Huihara Ai passports. Later, he relayed this sentence to Okiya Subaru, and successfully harvested a strange graduate student who was out of his mind.

Since then, Conan has been highly alert to the "stage" and words related to it. He couldn't help asking: "Who did you see? What does that person look like and what are his characteristics?!"

Mrs. Sakihara came to her senses and suddenly realized that she had said something she shouldn't have said.

She smiled gently and calmly passed on the topic: "There is no specific person. I just happened to meet a drama troupe that was out collecting folk songs. If you are interested in these, you can ask Mr. Maori to take you to visit theaters in Tokyo."

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