Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2539 2543 [Bomb Car]

Officer Sato's tired voice soon came from the receiver: "I am leading people to check the surveillance, but the results are minimal. I really suspect that guy... Ahem, I really suspect that the poor driver is deliberately avoiding something. Alas, but fortunately, we have asked some information from passers-by and are now rushing in his direction. We should be able to catch up soon."


When the police officer was anxiously contacting the mysterious car renter.

A few minutes ago.

Vodka drove the car he had spent a lot of effort to get, chose a road with few cars and smooth traffic, and happily rushed all the way to the hospital.

As he walked, suddenly there was a "boom" and the water tower on the street exploded.

"?!" Vodka shuddered, "What's going on!"

He had the urge to squat down with his head in his hands, but looking at the smoking water tower from a distance, the rational organization cadre quickly took a deep breath and calmed down: "...It's not a big problem. It's a distance away from me. It shouldn't be aimed at me. After all, this place is not far from Beihua Town. That's where Wu Zuo is dormant. It's normal for one or two explosions to happen."

Having said that, Vodka was still a little uneasy.

He couldn't help but look down at his mobile phone, but the phone was quiet and no news reports related to Jiangxia popped up.

Vodka was slightly relieved...but he still didn't let it go completely.

After thinking about it, he turned on the radio and switched to the news channel.

"Listen to the news." Vodka tried to keep himself calm. "Too quiet an environment always makes people easily think about it, but with the sweet voice of the radio host, I won't be so nervous. In addition, just in case, maybe I can guess Wu Zuo's general itinerary from the case news."

As soon as he turned it on, a series of anxious voices came out.

Vodka was immediately shocked: What happened that made the anchor of the news channel speak in such a tone? Could it be that there was something behind the water tower that exploded that he didn't know? !

He turned up the volume a little and listened to the news with bated breath.

"Vehicles heading from Beika Central Park to Takaido, please pay attention. Vehicles heading from Beika Central Park to Takaido, please pay attention. Please leave the current section immediately. Bus C-W707 has been hijacked by robbers. There may be flammable and explosive dangerous goods on the bus. To avoid..."

"Bus C-W707?" Vodka searched for a while and suddenly laughed, "If I remember correctly, this bus can just go from Beika Town to the hospital. Calculate the time... Could it be that Ireland is on this hijacked bus?"

The information on the web page is obviously more than that on the radio. Vodka used his expertise and quickly found some photos of the scene after a little search.

He enlarged a few of them, and then vaguely saw Ireland's distinctive figure in the window of one of the rows of seats.

"Haha, as expected." Vodka gloated, "What did I say? When it comes to understanding Uzo, I'm second to none, no one in the world dares to claim first place, not even Brother Gin - and you, a guy who knows nothing about Uzo, dared to question my judgment in this regard. How are you now, have you learned your lesson?"

He really wanted to send Ireland a message "Are you still taking the bus?" to feel proud. However, think about the intelligence agent's military strength and degree of vengeance...

In the end, Vodka honestly withdrew his hand that was about to move.

He was about to exit the page with regret, but at this moment, his eyes moved and suddenly saw a blurry figure in the reflection of the car window.

"Uzo?!" Without a closer look, intuition and experience have already guessed, and after a closer look, Vodka was immediately more certain.

His face changed slightly, and he muttered to himself: "It's really him... Why is he on this bus too?"

...Did he make a mistake in his judgment? There is indeed danger in Ireland, but the danger is not great?

At this time, the radio station interrupted with another urgent news.

"Mr. Yamai, who just rented a Lexus at the Dongchuan car rental yard, Mr. Yamai, who just rented a Lexus at the Dongchuan car rental yard - please contact the police immediately after hearing this report. Your vehicle may be equipped with a bomb, please do not stop driving to avoid the bomb from detonating."


An organization cadre fell silent.

An organization cadre looked down at the car logo without giving up.

An organization cadre was sweating profusely: "......?!!"

Vodka's brain moved quickly and slowly: Dongchuan car rental yard... yes, it was the place he had just been to.

Lexus... yes, it was the car he had just rented.

Yamai... yes, it seemed to be the pseudonym he had just filled in.

In other words, this report...


Vodka murmured: "... fake."

"Found it!"

A series of excited voices suddenly came from the back.

Vodka turned his head dully and glanced at the rearview mirror, and saw a line of police cars behind him.

At this time, the nearest car lowered its window and a horn came out of the window, shouting at him: "Mr. Yamai, don't be afraid, we are the police - don't brake next, calm down and listen to us!"

Vodka's scalp was numb from the whistling sirens: "..."...How to calm down! Tell me how to calm down like this! !

It's annoying enough to have a bomb installed in the car, but there are actually a police car chasing behind it... Do you know how scary this scene is for a mysterious and low-key organization cadre? leave me alone!

...By the way, before you stay away, tell me clearly, what do you mean by not braking? Is this bomb set to explode once it slows down? ?

"Although I don't want to admit it, it's probably like this." Vodka felt despair in his heart, "Why! - I clearly chose the car that Mouri Kogoro wanted to rent, and I clearly chose the route that Moori Kogoro wanted to take. It should have been a safe A smooth journey, but why, why did things turn out like this!”

"Wait, have you seen this situation before?" Vodka suddenly remembered something, "Last time, Ireland was assassinated by a killer who thought he was Maori Kogoro. This time I took away the car that Maori Kogoro was supposed to be riding in...I, I Turned into a shield to protect a salty fish detective from disaster? "

For a moment, Vodka's face was full of bitterness: "My guess was correct, and my understanding of Uzo was correct. The only thing that was wrong was that Uzo's plan was superior to mine, and he turned my plan into his own." Part of it... In this case, is my plan really my plan? Maybe I had already stepped into Uzo's conspiracy as early as when I took the Maori father and daughter as a safe island without permission..."

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