Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2541 2545 [Akai is on the bus? ]

Yuya Kazami looked at the processed photos and hesitated to speak: "But this matter... I think it is necessary to let you know."

Toru Amuro had to walk deeper into the corridor: "You say."

Yuya Kazami said seriously: "A bus in Beika Town was hijacked by two armed gangsters. There were more than a dozen passengers on the bus. In addition, although there is no evidence yet, the police suspect that the gangsters carried a lot of bombs and could explode at any time."

Toru Amuro frowned: "..." More than a dozen passengers? This is indeed a worrying matter. If he can help, he will definitely lend a hand... But rationally speaking, there are not a few similar incidents, and this is not within his jurisdiction. Why did Kazami tell him about this?

He felt that there was another hidden story behind it: "What exactly happened?"

Yuya Kazami chose his words: "Uh... I saw a figure suspected to be Shuichi Akai in the bus in the photos uploaded by passers-by."

Toru Amuro: "?"

... There is such a thing?

Incredible, his mouth corners instinctively rose: "It really serves him right, who made him an FBI not doing his job and wandering around Beihua Town every day."

As he was talking, he heard Feng Jianyuya click the mouse twice, and then said: "In addition, there is another not-so-good news... Mr. Jiang Xia seems to be on the same train."

Amuro Toru: "..."

The smile of an undercover gradually disappeared. At the same time, Amuro Toru felt a sense of "as expected".

"No wonder Akai suddenly got so unlucky." He touched his chin and sorted out various known situations in his mind, "Maybe that guy knew the identity of Jiang Xia's peripheral members, so he wanted to track him to get some information, but Akai didn't expect..."

Thinking of the setback he had made on Jiang Xia's "event constitution", the smile returned to Amuro Toru's face.

...But happy times are always very short-it doesn't matter if Akai Shuichi was blown up, but the other people on the car are innocent.

Thinking of this, Amuro Toru lowered his voice and said to Kazami Yuya: "Send more people to keep an eye on the situation over there, I will get out as soon as possible - pay attention to protecting the hostages, except Akai."


When the eyes of all parties gradually focused on this bus.

In the bus in question, the two gunmen finally waited for the news they wanted.

"Oh? The police decided to release Yajima Gangnan?" The robber wearing a blue ski cap held the microphone with a happy look on his face.

He said to the bus headquarters on the other side, "Then tell Yajima to call this number to inform us after confirming that he is safe."

He left a string of numbers: "To show my sincerity, I will release the three passengers on the bus at that time - wait until we meet up with Yajima, and then release the others on the bus."

After the call, he put the walkie-talkie back on the bus and winked at his accomplice.

The robber wearing a red ski cap understood and nodded at him with a sinister smile.

Then the little blue cap and the little red cap left the front of the bus and picked up their respective ski bags. They brought the two long bags as tall as a person to the aisle, connected them end to end, and gently put them down.

The passengers looked at this scene in confusion, not understanding why they put the skateboards like this.

Conan's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered the third robber who had not yet appeared - if I remember correctly, that person was a blasting expert, and this group of robbers also liked to use bombs. Could it be... the bombs were in these two bags? !

While the robbers put the ski bags and returned to the front of the car, Conan quietly jumped off the stool with the cover of the back of the chair. He leaned over to the side of the ski bag and wanted to unzip it to see what was inside.

However, at this moment, a shadow fell on his face.

Conan: "..."

As if the scene just now was replayed, he looked up stiffly and saw a familiar muzzle of a gun and a familiar little red hat behind the gun.

"You again." The gangster stared at him impatiently and pulled the trigger of his gun. "Hmph, since you are tired of living, I will personally send you to heaven - Hey, kid, stand up!"

Vermouth, wearing the appearance of "New Doctor", mixed in with other passengers and watched this scene, a trace of cold sweat slowly slid down her back: If she didn't care, Cool Guy would probably become the first victim here, but if she cared... there were so many difficult guys on this car, she might immediately expose her weakness, and Cool Guy's weakness itself would be exploited.

If the situation is worse, Cool Guy's identity as Kudo Shinichi would be discovered by some members of the organization, then all the possible insiders around him, especially Angel's family, might all die.

At this point, if you want to get out of this predicament...

Vermouth gritted her teeth and quietly looked at the culprit who caused all this: Uzo! What on earth do you want to do in this situation? - Just say what you want to say, don't always let your scary scripts speak for you!

She looked over there, expecting this colleague with a bad taste to turn around and look at her, then reveal a nasty smile... but he didn't.

Jiang Xia just sat in his seat as usual, with a normal posture, and it seemed that he had no interest in the current big scene.

This attitude of being lazy to communicate made Vermouth confused and even more anxious.

At this moment, the gangster's urging voice came again, and he frowned and said to Conan: "Stand up! Otherwise, I will break your neck immediately."

Conan was pointed at with a gun, his face was ugly, but he could only stand up slowly.

But before he could stand up straight, a hand suddenly fell from the side and pressed on his head.

With a thud, Conan was unexpectedly pressed back to the ground and fell on the ski bag.

"What are you doing?!" A scream sounded, but it was not Conan who was pressed down, but the armed kidnapper in front of him.

"Me?" The curly-haired man in black touched Conan's head and sighed softly, "I just saw that the child was scared and wanted to comfort him-see, you scared his legs so much."

Conan struggled to get up: "?" Nonsense! You obviously pressed him down and he couldn't get up... How can you be so strong!

The gunman looked at the child twisting and turning on the ski bag, and sweat broke out: "Let go, you hear me!"

The curly-haired man raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "You forgive him?"

"Forgive..." The gunman took a deep breath and tried to swallow the curse words, "Okay, this won't happen again, let the little brat get back to his seat!"

The curly-haired man nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, you are a good person."

As he said this, he was not polite. In front of the robber, he picked up Conan and put him back on the seat next to him.

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