Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2549 2553 [Lucky hostage of bus robbers] Request for monthly pass

Chapter 2549 2553 [Lucky Hostage of the Bus Robbers] Asking for a monthly ticket (`)

Without his detective brother to help him, Inspector Megure could only continue to ponder: "Oh, I remember that the two robbers also promised to release the three passengers after their leader was released by the police... This is a great opportunity to catch them, we must not miss it!"

"Everyone cheer up." Inspector Megure waved his hand, "Come with me to the Little Buddha Tunnel!"


When the police car took a shortcut to the Little Buddha Tunnel.

In the tunnel, a truck and a commercial vehicle with the word "rescue" printed on them drove in quietly, and stopped in one of the lanes one after the other.

"Mr. Furukaya, the arrest is ready."

Outside the tunnel, Yuya Kazami watched this scene from the surveillance camera and reported to his boss who was not sure where he was: "We successfully contacted Vodka and Ireland through the radio. They agreed to the rescue plan and are now almost at the Little Buddha Tunnel."

--Under the leadership of Mr. Furukaya, their public security team has been diligently fighting wits and courage with the Black Organization for so long. Now, it is finally time to reap the fruits.

When he thought that they were about to catch two important members of the Black Organization and could put the blame on "Uzo" who had been tormenting them for a long time, Yuya Kazami was secretly excited, and felt that the dark circles under his eyes and the hair he had lost in the past few days were all rewarded.

"If Uzo is exiled to another place by the Black Organization after this trouble, the situation will be great."

Thinking of those days when he was pulled up by his boss who had a sudden idea to check the information in the middle of the night, Yuya Kazami couldn't help but feel a lingering fear.

However, when it comes to "Uzo"...

"Things are going too smoothly, which makes people feel a little uneasy. We have never won in the previous confrontations, and even Mr. Kouya has been forced to experience many dangerous situations of escaping death, but now we are suddenly going to win a great victory... I always feel that something seems to be wrong."

"No, no, no, how can I think so."

Yuya Kazami came back to his senses from his pessimistic state, shook his head vigorously, and forced himself to think again: "Isn't the previous forbearance and frustration just for today's net? - Yes, that's it, this victory is not sudden, but is paved with past defeats. If Mr. Kouya didn't know so much about Uzo, could he come up with this good idea?

"So it's not a big problem. The time, the place, and the people are all right. Victory will definitely be on our side!"

... Having said that, thinking of the work ability of his colleagues, Yuya Kazami couldn't help but pick up the walkie-talkie again.

He confirmed again and again with his colleagues in the Little Buddha Tunnel: "Has the airtightness of the truck been checked? Where is the anesthetic? It's not expired, right? Okay, be careful when checking, don't inhale it yourself - also, move quickly, they are almost here. Be sure to disguise in advance, don't alert the enemy. "

"Don't worry!" The colleagues disguised as the rescue team were also very excited. They set up the support and patted the truck beside them affectionately, "Everything is ready, just wait for those two guys to come in, once the door is closed, it's over!"

"Amuro Toru, who listened to all this quietly, smiled with relief.

"However, at this moment, an extremely nervous voice came from the channel, and the member responsible for monitoring the surrounding situation suddenly said: "Their car is coming!"

"Got it." Feng Jianyuya suppressed his excitement, imitated Mr. Furiya, pushed his glasses and said calmly, "It's coming, isn't this part of the plan, why are you nervous?"

"But the first one to arrive was a bus, and the one behind the bus is our target!" The man held the telescope and added, "They are about one thousand meters apart, and now they are all heading towards the direction of the Little Buddha Tunnel."

"...How could there be other cars? !” Feng Jianyu was stunned for a moment, then stood up, “Hasn’t the road been closed in advance!”

“Because the bus broke through the checkpoint, it was hijacked.” Another colleague’s voice came, and he said helplessly, “Didn’t you ask us to split into two groups, one of which is responsible for capturing images in the bus? I am the one responsible for following the bus. Just now, the bus driver seemed to have received some instructions from the kidnappers, and it suddenly drove in this direction. ”

“…” Feng Jianyuya was stunned: According to the plan, this arrest operation should be extremely secretive, so that they can fake the illusion that two cadres died in the explosion.

But now, a whole bus of witnesses suddenly appeared out of nowhere. This, this…

This familiar feeling of ups and downs when facing Usa makes people feel relieved!

Feng Jianyuya: “…”

Feng Jianyuya scratched his hair painfully: “…” No, no, what on earth is he thinking about. Should he take a long vacation to see a psychiatrist?

But recently, good doctors in Tokyo seem to be getting harder and harder to find…

A public security officer fell into confusion for a short time.

Just then, a voice like a guiding light sounded from his headphones.

“Tell them to continue the operation.”

Amuro Toru has already arrived near the Little Buddha Tunnel. He hid in the bushes halfway up the mountain, looking down at the situation below:

"This section of the tunnel is not too long, and the light is relatively dim. There are two forks just out of the tunnel, one of which leads to the river. The bus is in a hijacked state, and most of the people on the bus are busy with their own affairs and have no time to observe too much. Even if they find that there are other vehicles in front of them entering the tunnel, they will not pay too much attention to the whereabouts of that vehicle."

"Of course, Uzo will definitely notice these." Amuro Toru has been in the organization for a long time, and his conscience has shrunk greatly. What's more, he is facing a guy who almost tricked him into a closed space and blew him up several times. "But so what, once our plan succeeds, his excuses will only be regarded as a sophistry to escape punishment."

"I see!" When Feng Jianyu heard his boss's words, he felt as if he had a stone of stability. He immediately became a qualified mouthpiece and conveyed the general requirements to other public security subordinates, "Act according to the original plan!"


Outside the tunnel, two cars were separated by a distance, one in front and one behind, driving towards this side.

The bus robbers at the front of the bus did not notice the black car in the distance behind them. While the police were secretly carrying out their arrest plan, the robbers were also carrying out their own plan step by step.


After entering the tunnel and the light dimmed, the kidnappers quickly took off their heavy ski jackets, hats and goggles, and threw them to Shuichi Akai and "Doctor Shinide" who were called over just now.

Vermouth held the jacket in his hand with disdain, and couldn't help but want to look behind him: "..." What does Uzo want to do?

The kidnapper didn't know that an international film queen had quietly sneaked into the two tall men in front of him. He pointed a gun at the two hostages and ordered without mercy: "Put them on."

After saying that, looking at the two guys in front of him who felt quite oppressive after standing up, the kidnapper was silent and took a step back silently.

Then he smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. This is just to make the police mistake you for me so that we can buy more time to escape."

Like a good robber who knows his own way, he told the passengers his plan: "After passing the tunnel, the two of us will pretend to be passengers and get off the bus, and you will be responsible for staying in the bus and playing the role of robbers.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't resist, those cowardly policemen will never dare to shoot. And you won't be wrongly accused - there are so many eyewitnesses at the scene to testify. As long as they describe the current situation to the police afterwards, they can easily clear your suspicion."

The two hostages changed into ski clothes obediently. The robber who didn't disguise ordered them to sit down where they were, and he turned to the front of the bus.

"As for whether our two brothers can escape safely... Master, it depends on you."

He took off the little blue hat of the blue ski hat, poked the bus driver's head with the muzzle of the gun, and then ordered in the other's horrified look: "After we get off the bus pretending to be hostages, don't stop the car, keep driving forward. ”

The bus driver nodded quickly, but snorted in his heart: "…" That's a nice thought - as soon as you leave, I will call the police as fast as I can and let the police arrest you on the spot.

This thought just flashed through his mind, but he heard the little blue hat say again: "Of course, in order to make you obedient, we will randomly select a lucky hostage to go with us - once we are sure we are out of danger, we will release the hostage immediately, but if we are caught by the police... Humph, you know the consequences. "

Bus driver: "..."¥%#@...

Ignoring the driver's ugly face, Little Blue Riding Hood and Little Red Riding Hood turned to look at the bus and began to pick the "lucky hostage" who was not lucky at all.

Vermouth was sitting on the ground with her knees hugged in a low-key manner as requested by the kidnappers.

Hearing this, her ears moved, and she couldn't help but wonder who these two guys would choose - if they had chosen Uzo with great vision, things would be interesting.

The subordinate who picked Judy and Uzo was not bad. In addition, it was a pity that Ireland jumped off the bus just now, otherwise if the robbers had chosen him, his expression and performance would definitely be very exciting...

The mysterious cadre was eating melon happily, but at this moment, she suddenly realized something: No, Experience tells her that Wu Zo's script is not made up, but conforms to basic logic.

Vermouth: "..." So think rationally, what criteria would a normal kidnapper use when selecting hostages?

- Weak, light, easily subdued, and easy to carry.

In addition, in order to conceal their whereabouts, the kidnappers will probably either kill the hostage or tie him up and throw him into the wilderness to leave his fate.

And the only ones who meet these conditions... are children, and they are children that they hate and want to retaliate against!

Thinking of Conan's two unusual movements just now and the robbers' anger at him, Vermouth's heart sank, and cold sweat soaked her back.

"... No way." Vermouth's heart was lifted, "Could it be that Wu Zo guessed that I was planning to attack Shirley recently, so he kept warning me in this way?... How is this possible?! He just has a far superior insight than ordinary people, but he can't really read minds! "

She was so nervous that she almost had the urge to stand up and knock down the two robbers on the spot.

But looking at Shuichi Akai next to her and Judy behind her... Vermouth took a deep breath and could only convince herself to calm down and make a decision after observing.

Fortunately, the kidnapper did not walk to the back row and pull Conan out of the crowd.

The two looked around and found a suitable target. Little Red Riding Hood took the gun and stepped back: "Hey, the woman who chews gum loudly."

The female passenger in the last row: "?"

"It's you." The robber pointed the gun at her, "Come here quickly."

The female passenger was shocked for a moment, but she stood up under the coercion of the gun and walked over reluctantly.

Belmode looked at this scene, and her heart fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time, she couldn't help but take a few more glances at this ordinary passerby: In her impression, when the robber collected the phone, he was scolded by this woman and shot at the back of her chair in anger... From this point of view, it meets the hostage standards of "weak" and "high hatred value" just summarized.


Belmode touched her chin: "..." I always feel that something is wrong. Did Uzo really just choose a righteous lady who slid down quickly as a hostage?

She couldn't help but take a serious look at the woman who was getting closer and closer, and began to wonder if this was an organization cadre she didn't know very well.

"Hmm?" Next to her, the kidnapper pointed a gun at the woman chewing gum. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly discovered something.

Little Red Riding Hood raised her elbow to touch Little Blue Riding Hood and asked vigilantly: "Is there anything in front?"

Little Blue Riding Hood frowned and looked over, and saw a large truck with a strong presence - the car was parked in a lane on one side, with the rear door wide open and a slope connected to the ground.

Next to the truck, several people were busy. Noticing that a bus was approaching, they turned their heads and took a look, and made a "hurry over" gesture to drive it away.

"It's so dangerous to park in the tunnel without putting up a warning sign." Little Blue Riding Hood muttered, "You can't let your guard down against such people - driver, step on the accelerator, speed up and rush over!"

The bus driver numbly stepped on the accelerator.

With a bang, the bus rushed past the truck at its rare speed and drove to the other side of the tunnel.

The brief intersection lasted only a moment. With both parties in a tense mood, the two vehicles passed by each other, the distance between them narrowed and then widened.

Seeing that no accidents happened, both parties breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Okay, cheer up, the target is coming soon!" Feng Jianyuya saw the situation from the surveillance, and his heart fell back into his chest, "The target vehicle has entered the tunnel. Immediately light up the guide light board and turn on the headlights to show the internal structure of the truck clearly, so that they can see the rollers and protective nets clearly."

- According to Mr. Furuya, bright light can make people feel safe and relax their vigilance.

The trap has been laid, and now we just have to wait for the guy from the organization to fall into the trap!


Thanks to the big guys for the [Monthly Ticket] (σ≧▽≦)σ.

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