Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2716 2720 [Conan: Setting up the stage]

Maya Hashimoto speculated on her boss's preferences and observed the upcoming stage.

Not far away, someone was observing him.

Conan: "..." What is this guy looking around for? Is he trying to wait for an opportunity to connect with Gin, or is he looking out for Gin?

So Conan also began to look around. As he looked around, his eyes fell on a strange machine that combined rollers and wooden stakes at the end of the bridge.

"What is this?" Conan pushed up his glasses and took a closer look in the dim night. But just as he squatted down, he was hit in the back, followed by a scream.

Suzuki Sonoko, who almost tripped, stumbled to her feet. She held Jiang Xia's arm and looked back, only to find a black Conan squatting on the ground.

"Little brat, what are you doing squatting on the ground in the dark? Are you scaring me? Isn't it damaged?" Suzuki Sonoko scolded and stepped forward to pick up this ignorant guy.

At this moment, there was a series of mechanical sounds. Everyone turned around in shock and saw that the wooden bridge behind them suddenly slowly lifted up, getting higher and higher... and finally formed a right angle and stood suddenly on the shore.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the tall bridge and was stunned for a moment: "What's going on?"

Jiang Xia pointed under Conan: "You seemed to have mistakenly touched the mechanism to raise and lower it just now."

Conan straightened his glasses that were knocked crooked, looked down, and thought something bad: the old wooden pole was actually broken by him.

Jiang Xia walked over and fiddled with the broken stubble inside the mechanism, but the entire suspension bridge did not move at all.

So he didn't bother to say goodbye, stood up and wiped his hands: "Let's watch the show first. After the staff on the other side finds out, they will probably send someone to repair it. Although it doesn't seem good to say this, I always feel that tonight's magic show It won’t be peaceful.”

"!" When he said this, the others suddenly had no intention of building the bridge.

Officer Sato raised his hand and waved: "Go to the venue first!"

Without further delay, the group entered the amphitheater.

And after their figures disappeared.

From the trees on the other side, a dark figure walked out silently.

Gin looked at the erected bridge and the theater that had become a secret room: "..." Sometimes these brats are really useful - if someone else destroyed the wrench and made the secret room, it would be too much. Deliberately. But this naughty boy of primary school age, no matter what he does, it seems very natural.

However, it may be difficult to find a child as clever as the kid next to Uzo. If it is self-defeating, it is better not to do it.

Thinking of the behavior of normal children, Gin decisively gave up the idea of ​​mass training child members. He looked at his watch, checked his pockets, and walked slowly to a swamp on the side.

When we entered the venue, we saw the lights on the stage were bright and the auditorium was dark - the magic show had already begun.

Standing on the stage at this time was the "spiritual medium" wearing dark purple eye shadow.

Unlike the broken cup that was performed on the train, the stage was bigger now, and his performance became more gorgeous. I saw this spiritual medium wearing a white robe, stretching his hands, and using his "mind power" to control a half-person-high drum to fly into the air. Then, two drum hammers beat up and down, playing The sound of drums.

Jiang Xia: "..." Do local psychics still have this kind of business? ...Write it down first and study it later depending on the situation.

After the psychic, there is the "Mermaid Princess" Miss Yuhai. She was wearing mermaid clothes, her long hair spread out, and she was curled up in a square transparent water tank.

A large piece of black cloth fell from the top of the head, covering the entire water tank. Just a few seconds passed, and when it was opened again, the tank was empty, and the "Mermaid Girl" locked inside was wearing a gorgeous palace gown. The skirt suddenly appeared above the water tank.

Maya Hashimoto's eyes almost went straight: "..." As expected, the recommendations from professionals are the most reliable - compared with the water escapes in front of me, the water escapes I had seen in Tokyo seemed so deliberate and rough... …

"However, there are so many powerful magicians, but in the end, I'm afraid only one can stand out."

Maya Hashimoto felt more and more the terrible involution in Uzo's workplace: "'That Lord' really only picks the best in everything - even the magicians who have not yet started are involved in life and death, and it is life and death in the physical sense. And death...what else am I dissatisfied with the current pace of life?”

Amid the waves of applause from the audience, Mermaid turned into bubbles and quietly exited the stage in a fairy tale-like appearance.

As soon as the lights changed, a female trainee magician wearing a jet black skirt and holding a cane appeared in the center of the stage as lively as a rabbit.

"What's coming next is our Fantasy Magic Troupe's signature show - 'Living Dolls'." She raised her cane, and a firework exploded at the end of the cane.

Among the scattered colorful confetti, the female magician winked playfully: "Please enjoy!"

After saying that, the light on the stage slowly dimmed, and finally turned into complete darkness.

The absolute darkness made Conan sit up straight uneasily.

Just now, he had been using the light coming from the stage to quietly look for any gin hidden among the audience. But now, just halfway through the search, the light went out.

Although it was normal for a magic show to be bright and dark during the performance, for some reason, Conan always had some bad premonitions in his heart.

While he was frowning and thinking, suddenly, the light brightened and lively and funny music sounded on the stage.

The audience squinted their eyes and looked up to see that the stage was decorated like a children's room.

A wooden stool was placed in the most conspicuous position. On the stool, a wooden puppet with thin strings all over its body sat quietly with its head down.

Suddenly, the puppet raised its head, revealing a face that looked hopeless. It murmured: "I am a puppet, a pitiful puppet controlled by silk strings."

Hashimoto Maya trembled: "..." Oops, my heart seemed to resonate... No, I must get rid of the wrong thoughts!

At this time, the puppet on the stage stood up, sometimes rolling and sometimes splitting, and finally dancing and chanting: "But I want to be free!"

As soon as the voice fell, as if to fulfill its wish, a huge pair of stationery scissors flew in the air, snapped together, and cut all the thin strings on its head.

The puppet lost control, screamed, and fell to the ground.

The next moment, it suddenly stood up again, raised its arms and cheered: "Hurray! I'm free! From now on, no one can control me anymore, hahahahaha!"

The free puppet began to run on the stage with several times more agility, and happily rode a bicycle.

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