Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 420 The aftermath of Valentine’s Day

Just as he was talking, the door of "Dashanjiang"'s house in the courtyard clicked open.

Jiang Xia looked over and saw a man with a triangular head and a fat figure walking out. He looked exactly like Genta Kojima after magnification.

Jiang Xia was silent for a moment and couldn't help but glance at the house number again.

Well, it is indeed Dashan, not Xiaodao...

The "adult version of Yuantai" looked up at the entrance of the courtyard and smiled enthusiastically.

He pushed open the fence door, shook hands with Dr. Ali first, then looked at Jiang Xia and said enthusiastically:

"I like to read your crime-solving reports very much. It is concise and exquisite, without any nonsense. You can see the big from the small. You are a scientific research talent! - I heard that your grades are very good. If you are interested in medicine, please be sure to come to my school in the future, etc. With more medical knowledge, you will definitely be more successful in solving crimes, hahaha."

After saying that, Dashan held his partner Dr. A Li with one hand and the young man he was optimistic about with the other hand. He said in a sincere tone: "By the way, in a while, our laboratory plans to spend the night together in the mountains. You can come together when you are free."

His invitation was indeed somewhat sincere.

——Jiang Xia was already so famous when he was still a high school student. When he chooses a research laboratory in the future, his reputation will only become higher.

...If he could recruit such a famous detective under his command, his reputation as a great general would definitely be even greater.

As a scholar, you either have to have hard skills, or you have to figure out how to make connections: find a great mentor, make the mentor happy, get enough status, and then deceive a group of capable and enthusiastic subordinates and sit with them. Above his head, as a happy academic capitalist... Dashan will think of his bright future and smile on his face.

Jiang Xia nodded when she heard Professor Dashan's invitation, also sincerely.

——Not only did he plan to go to the appointment when he was free, he even planned to make time as much as possible to go to the appointment even if he didn't have time.

After all, in Jiang Xia's impression, Mr. Dashan was already on the radar of the angry teaching assistant because he took the assistant's paper indiscriminately, and he was not far away from turning into a ghost...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia couldn't help but glance at Dr. Ali.

Unexpectedly, Dr. A Li could deposit a random cat into the home of the person involved in the scheduled case.

As expected, the neighbors are all gifted. They must work even harder when helping Dr. Ali avoid experimental explosions in the future. This kind of treasure, little old man, must not be compromised by some weird experiment...

Dashan Jiang will have a cocktail party today.

After handing over the cat, he enthusiastically took Dr. A Li to drink.

Jiang Xia borrowed Dr. Ali's car and took the cats he had saved in the past few days to the detective agency.

He parked the car in the parking lot behind and walked around to the street where the office was located, carrying the cat carrier. Looking up, Jiang Xia paused.

...I saw a person standing at the door of the office from a distance.

——Toru Amuro stopped two meters away from the door. Instead of going in, he faced the door and fell into deep thought.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

What's wrong?

Is there a body at the door?

Was there a murder?

He calmly quickened his pace a little: "What happened...?"

As Jiang Xia continued to move forward, he quickly passed the billboard next door that blocked his view.

After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, Jiang Xia was also startled and stopped mid-sentence.

——At the entrance of the detective agency, there is a pile of handmade or customized chocolates. They are all packaged in large gift boxes, each one more eye-catching and luxurious than the other.

Hearing Jiang Xia's voice, Amuro Toru came back to his senses.

He turned his head silently, looked at his employees up and down, then walked to the door of the office, picked up a gift box and inspected it.

As expected, Jiang Xia's name was written on the greeting card.

Toru Amuro: "..."

Seeing the complicated look on his boss's face, Jiang Xia defended in a low voice: "I have never asked any customers for chocolate."

"I know." Toru Amuro was speechless for a moment, stood up, and stared at the door blocked by chocolate in front of him, "...move these in first."

More than ten minutes later.

The chocolates were moved into the house and temporarily piled in the corner of the living room.

Toru Amuro also emptied the mailbox that was crowded with chocolates, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He walked back to the office, stacked the chocolates in his hands on the chocolate mountain that had been placed before, and then looked back at the group of cats that Jiang Xia had just brought back and occupied another corner of the living room.

Thinking of the rich ladies who lost their cats again, Toru Amuro couldn't help but say: "Jiang Xia..."

Jiang Xia: "Huh?"

Toru Amuro thought about his words: "Are you taking too many requests for cats? Will this not delay the business?"

Jiang Xia thought about the cases brought by the clients' wives and their acquaintances who were in prison or in the cemetery at the moment, and said in a sincere tone: "I think it's okay - in fact, I hired some people to help find the cat. This kind of commission will not delay Too much time."

Toru Amuro: "..."

No, that's not the problem.

The problem is that he always feels that when these clients come to the office, they don't care about the cats, but somewhere else.

——Toru Amuro feels that the frequency of his visits to the detective agency is actually not that high.

However, even so, he was already familiar with many cats, and could even vaguely identify these rare breeds of cats with their respective owners. I don’t know how many times these innocent domestic cats who love to sleep have been caught repeatedly...

Speaking of which, even he, a bystander, had discovered something. With Jiang Xia's speed and observation ability in solving the case, he must have realized that something was wrong.

But Jiang Xia is still addicted to accepting the commission of picking up cats, and never tires of it...

When he first noticed this matter, Toru Amuro once thought with complicated emotions: Could it be that just like the rich ladies who don't care about cats, Jiang Xia actually doesn't care about the commission, but is interested in the rich ladies or their resources?

But later, according to his observation, Jiang Xia had not accepted any private invitation from any wife - even if she occasionally accepted the invitation, it was always for occasions where there were many people present, where it was difficult to create ambiguity or conduct transactions, and she never talked to them. Close the door together and live in a world of two.

After observing the new information, Toru Amuro silently did the troubleshooting in his mind:

Since it's not for those ladies, then...

Toru Amuro remembered the conclusion he had come to before and couldn't help but turn his head and look at the corner of the detective office.

As soon as he walked away, Jiang Xia fished out a good-tempered cat from the cage, held it and touched it secretly a few times.

Not long after, Jiang Xia seemed to feel the boss's gaze from behind. She put the cat back into the cage as if nothing had happened, then found a roller and began to stick the cat hair on the ground to her clothes.

Toru Amuro: "..."

...Is it possible that Jiang Xia is really just coveting other people's cats when she accepts these commissions?

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