Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 426 Prompts from Dreams Please give me your monthly ticket OO

Chapter 426 Dream Prompts Please vote O(∩_∩)O

Tohru Amuro thought that since Usa might have been on the ship, he might be able to gain something by sending his subordinates to the Kaihara to check out the situation.

However, even members of Jiang Xia's organization were required to stay in the cabin and were prohibited from taking any unauthorized actions, so the possibility of others on the ship seeing Wu Zuo was actually not high.

——According to Jiang Xia, there are only two crew members on the ship, the captain and his daughter. There is usually no one to supervise the ship, so it is easy for a mysterious person who does not want to show up to sneak onto the ship.

In addition, after Gin and the others disembarked, the people on the ship were not silenced immediately... Although this was related to the sudden murder on the Haiyuan, it also meant that the survivors on the ship had no useful information. known.

Speaking of which, why are Uzo and the others obsessed with taking the Umihara? Does it relate to some of the organization's goals?

The more Toru Amuro thought about it, the more he felt that Usa's new face and his behavior were all a mystery.

Moreover, judging from the fact that Ginjiu asked Jiang Xia to board the boat first to test it out, it turned out that this boat trip was not planned by Ginjiu, but led by that Uzo... Of course, this is because a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake—— Usa is from the Tottori branch, and Gin is a "guest" from Tokyo - but in any case, this further illustrates that Usa is not simple, otherwise Gin would not be able to act according to other people's plans.

Amuro Toru's eyes gradually became serious, and she almost wanted to find out this dangerous person in the next second and put him under the surveillance of the public security.

But he knew very well in his heart: the more times like this, the more patient he must be.

...It will be later before we can send our subordinates to Tottori to investigate carefully.

In the early morning, he obtained the information about the "new face" from Gin's set. If Bourbon had just learned about "Uzo", and a group of police officers followed Tottori, and then was noticed by a suspicious organization... things would become troublesome. And it cannot be ruled out that Gin is fishing.

In addition, the plan to "search the organization's recent tasks related to Tottori Prefecture through the database" cannot be carried out immediately.

——As an intelligence officer with a code name, "Bourbon" has the authority to access a considerable part of the mission report. Even if he cannot view the entire content, he can at least see some relevant information.

But just like when checking identity files, records of this kind of inquiry will also be left.

Compared with many other undercover agents, Tohru Amuro's current level of suspicion is not high. However, the top executives of the organization who have survived to this day are all suspicious. As an undercover agent, Toru Amuro will inevitably find something unusual. He has actually attracted the attention of some people, and his immediate boss Rum is also staring at him.

So now, Tohru Amuro will only mobilize his authority when necessary, check files related to himself, and occasionally bring in some private information for appropriate reasons to obtain information.

If he really treats the organization's database as his own, and can check whatever he wants... Tohru Amuro is very sure that if he really does this, then by the time he has finished reading what he wants to see, his authority will probably be limited. If he falls to the bottom, the door to the interrogation room will be opened to him at the same time.

...In short, we must first find an opportunity to take on a mission from Tottori Prefecture.

Then he had an excuse to check the relevant information about Tottori County, look for traces left by Uzo, and then catch the tail of this murderous cadre.

A lot of things happened today, many of which still need to be verified and thought about, and I am almost late for work.

After Toru Amuro asked Jiang Xia what he wanted to ask, he didn't stay any longer.

He observed the "necklace" produced by the organization, gave Jiang Xia a signal jammer that he didn't know if it was useful, and then left in a hurry.

On the way to work, he sent a message to his subordinates at the Metropolitan Police Department and gave some instructions.

Toru Amuro, like Gin, is also a night owl who stays up late all year round.

Last night he worked part-time at the bar to keep an eye on people, and today he continued to work continuously. He suddenly came into contact with new mysterious information, and his thoughts were inevitably sluggish.

While continuing to stare at people in the Chinese restaurant, Toru Amuro was observing the guests, and at the same time he always felt that he seemed to have overlooked some kind of connection, but for a while he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

During the shift change, he took a brief nap in the staff room.

Then he had a dream while racing against time. In the dream, gin, vodka, and a mysterious man with only a shadow all over his body were walking side by side in the dark alleys of Tottori Prefecture, with thick and flowing blood under his feet.

Amuro was agitated, became vigilant in his dream, and ordered his subordinates to approach in helicopters and armored vehicles. Perhaps it was his thirst for knowledge that caused him to have his men shoot all the searchlights before ordering the arrest.

Under the wash of high-intensity lights, the thick ink-like darkness on the young man's body finally faded away - "Uzo's" clothes were still black, but the exposed skin and clothing finally had color.

He stopped in the center of the light, and slowly turned back when surrounded by a group of police officers, revealing a pair of eyes that contained mockery and indifference, and a familiar face with a light smile that remained unchanged all year round.

...That's Jiang Xia's face.


In the staff room of the Chinese restaurant.

Amuro sat up from the table and startled an employee at the door who wanted to leave early secretly.

The old employee glared at the temporary worker who woke up too soon. He still wanted to run away, but he was really worried about being reported, so he had no choice but to put his half-off employee uniform back on and start looking at the clock again. Fish take time.

Amuro Toru forced a smile at him and had no time to pay more attention.

His thoughts were still stuck on the nightmare he had just had.

...He actually thinks Jiang Xia is Wu Zuo?

This is almost impossible. The dream really lacks logic...

But why do you have such a dream?

Toru Amuro thought about it carefully and felt that the problem still lay in the various coincidences before.

——This time, Jiangxia and Ginjiu’s travel trajectories overlapped quite a bit.

In addition, Vodka's strange reaction of first being nervous and then relaxing always reminded him of the way the organization checked and balanced Uzo, and then of Jiang Xia, who was sanctioned by the new equipment.

Toru Amuro thought for a moment, turned on his phone, and saw a new email displayed on the screen - his subordinates had sent several files as he had just requested.

It contains information about the Big Dipper train, the Spider Mansion, the Star Hotel, the murder case on the Haiyuan cruise ship, and the simple situation of the explosion on Yueying Island.

This is a case related to Jiang Xia in recent days. It took a little time to collect it because it crossed a county.

Amuro Toru clicked on it and scanned it roughly.

In the first case that happened on the train, besides Jiang Xia, there were also Gin, Vodka, and Jiang Xia's Fa Xiao family. This can match what Jiang Xia said before... huh? Is that kid with glasses there too?

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