Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 449 Monster Witch and Phantom Thief Food Chain

Kidd stared at the magic circle at his feet: "..."

He tried to pull the fishing line before he could retrieve it.

However, his whole body was stuck by the magic circle, and the little power brought by the mechanism was completely unable to move him or get him out of the trap.

After making several attempts in just a few seconds, Kidd was finally at his wits end.

He silently looked at Koizumi Hongzi in front of him. Then he looked at the mature and charming woman with a dark red hood who came out from the other side, and a desperate curse emerged in his heart.

...Why are there so many unscientific comparisons everywhere?

The life of ordinary male high school students is getting increasingly difficult.

Kuroba Kaito was put into the car by the witches, and then all the way to the castle in the suburbs.

On the way, he tried to escape several times, but failed repeatedly and failed to escape from the witch's poisonous claws.

After catching someone for the last time, Minamoto Kurenai tapped her chin with her fingertips, looking at Kidd and thinking:

"My magic power has not flowed abnormally. I have given you so many opportunities, and you have never shown any signs of turning into a monster, increasing your chances of escaping - it seems that you are not that monster, you are Kidd?"


Kidd didn't say anything, but he was secretly wary. It sounded like this new witch was coming for Kiriten Dog.

...With Koizumi Anko's experience, they should have discovered Kiritengu's behavior of cheating on magic power. Why do you go out of your way to deliver food and look so confident?

Could it be that he has found a way to deal with the monsters and wants to settle the score with Kiritengu this time? Speaking of which, this new face does look better than the underage Koizumi Anko...

Thinking of this, Kidd's originally relaxed heart sank slightly - this is not impossible. After all, Grandpa Terai said that magicians have corresponding inheritances. Not only have they honed their exquisite magic power in the long inheritance, I also accumulated a wealth of knowledge.

...Among them, if one or two of them can restrain monsters, it would be very reasonable.

Moreover, the little witch deliberately moved the big witch out to find Kiriten Dog, probably not just for revenge.

Kidd thought of the habits of the legendary witches, and could not help but think of several bottles and jars in his mind - one with the label "Foggy Dog Meat", the other with "Foggy Dog Skeleton", and there were also Foggy Dogs The brand's heart, liver, spleen, stomach, lungs, eyes, wings... In this world, even parts of ordinary animals and plants can become precious materials, not to mention the Kiriten Dog itself, which is very rare and precious.

Thinking of the bloody scene that he imagined in his mind, Kidd looked at Minamoto Kurenai who started to ask questions, and immediately closed his mouth tighter.

Minamoto Kurenai asked a few questions, but received no response, so she simply sat up straight again and stopped talking.

When she arrived, she dragged Kidd, who was surrounded by magic, into the castle and threw him into the magic circle drawn in advance.

This magic circle is exactly the same as the one Koizumi Anko set up a few days ago.

Kidd looked familiar and thought it was another clingy glue formation.

However, the moment he fell in, he couldn't help but let out a suppressed scream.

——Kidd had stayed in the same formation for so long before, and other than feeling that his movements were blocked, he didn't feel any discomfort.

But now, without a Kiriten dog who loves magic power, he was shocked to realize that humans and monsters were indeed different. He also realized belatedly what the magic circle arranged by the witches was.

——This is not just a net for catching prey, but more like a crematorium that gives the roasted person an immortal curse. The moment he fell into the magic circle, from his skin to his muscles, it penetrated deep into his bone marrow. Every cell seemed to be torn and burned by flames. The pain was worse than being wrapped in a needle blanket full of steel thorns and being dragged by a horse.

Minamoto Kurenai gathered her robe, stood elegantly next to the magic circle, and asked softly: "Where does that monster usually live? Where can I find him?"

Kidd's forehead was covered in painful cold sweat, but his mouth was still stubborn: "What monster...can you respect more and be less superstitious?"

"Lying in the magic circle and talking about science..."

Minamoto Kurenai snorted lightly, bent down, and pulled out a piece of Kid's hair.

She raised her hand and snapped her fingers, and red flames rose up, engulfing her hair silently.

Minamoto Kurenai stared at the flames in her palm for a while, then stretched out her hand and put the gradually dissipating firelight against the crystal ball.

The originally transparent crystal suddenly became turbid, as if covered with a layer of hazy smoke.

Immediately afterwards, the scene inside changed, and several blurry images flashed through——

The scenes shown in the picture are all late at night.

The protagonists at night are the Phantom Thief wearing a striking white cloak, and Kiriten Dog, who reaches out to the Phantom Thief as if to receive something.

...This is the intersection of Kidd and Kiritengu.

Minamoto Kurenai looked back at these scenes and felt as if Kiriten Dog was handing tools to Kidd. At the same time, she secretly guessed: Could it be that Kidd, as an ordinary person, could repeatedly steal treasures and ignore countless police officers who rounded him up? Because he actually has an elusive monster helper?

Thinking along this line of thought, Minamoto Kurenai suddenly nodded secretly - Kidd wore eye-catching white, perhaps to attract attention to himself, so that the monster who helped him steal would be more invisible, making it easier for him to move in secret... …

But now, Minamoto Kurenai is more concerned about another piece of information than the way Kaitou and Youkai cooperate to steal treasure——

Judging from the divination results, the high school student they captured was indeed Kidd.

And he does have contact with Wutiangu.

"You guys really know each other." Minamoto Hongna put down the crystal ball and dragged her robe back to the magic circle.

She lowered her head to look at Kidd, who was curled up in pain and burned by magic. She smoothed her hair that was hanging down from her hood and asked slowly:

"How do you usually contact each other? Letters? Phone calls? Notice letters?

"As long as you help me find him, I can dispel the magic circle immediately - the feeling of being burned by invisible flames is not pleasant."


Kid looked at the red hem of Minamoto Kurenai's robe, and fell into deep thought while listening to her wonderfully rhythmic words.

People have human rights, even a witch should not kill easily.

But monsters should not be protected by law...

The row of materials named "Fog Sky Dog xx" appeared in his mind again, and he shuddered silently. Half of it hurt, and half of it was shocked by the dismemberment scene in his mind.

Seeing that Kidd was back to pretending to be deaf and dumb, Minamoto Kurenai frowned slightly.

She impatiently raised her foot and stamped the ground, and the magic power visible to the naked eye rose. The stinging pain, like bone marrow grinding, instantly became clearer and more intense.

Kidd's eyes darkened.

He felt the gradually increasing power of the magic circle. After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and spoke in a low voice: "...Usually...of course I contact you by phone..."

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