Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 458 Don’t hang up anymore (additional update on anti-theft)

Xiaobai sat on Jiang Xia's other shoulder, far away from Amuro Tohru's hand, and his reaction was not as big as Miyano Akemi's.

But when it glanced at Toru Amuro, it instinctively moved a little further away, and pulled up the scarf to cover its mouth, feeling a faint toothache.

——In its impression, every time it meets this mixed-race boss, the owner always drives his puppet to bite those hard tires.

Speaking of which, after meeting that delicious witch, with its current strength, it should be able to break a tire with nails or something. I have to mention it to the owner next time. Well, if the mixed-race boss can take the initiative to replace the tires with thinner skin. Even better...

The two ghosts have their own feelings about their chance encounter with Toru Amuro.

But the actions taken were very consistent.

——Immediately pass the news to Jiang Xia and ask him what he should do.

They did not rush to control the main body.

More than an hour ago, Jiang Xia searched for the content of the play after sitting down in the theater.

Before leaving in the foggy dog's puppet, Jiang Xia also told the two smart ghosts that if necessary, they could hang up the main body first.

The main body is different from the puppet, and the inside is much more delicate. Moreover, the time that the ghosts can control the main body is not very long, and their movements are slightly stiff, making it easy to spot the clues.

So before leaving, Jiang Xia thought that if there was a murder, it would be better to just let the main body hang up and leave other things to people with flexible minds to figure it out on their own.

So now, before receiving the news of Jiang Xia's return, Miyano Akemi looked up at Toru Amuro, who just came over to say hello and did nothing else. She felt that the environment was quite safe.

Looking at Conan who sensed something was wrong and was running towards this side with slight vigilance, Miyano Akemi stretched out her hand and held down Xiaobai who was crawling around Jiang Xia looking for anesthetic, and decided to see the situation before talking.

——In Miyano Akemi’s impression, this elementary school student with glasses who had a similar experience to her sister was very good at smoothing things over. It shouldn't be the "necessary time" that Jiang Xia said yet, so he can't rush to take over the main body.

Conan was obsessed with solving crimes just now. He stared at the numerous suspicious staff members and thought for a long time, and then slowly realized that he had been contemplating for a long time this time.

——In my impression, usually, before he could start thinking seriously, a familiar voice would suddenly appear and calmly say something like "The murderer should be XX". Then the answer will burst into tears and fall to the ground, ruthlessly interrupting Conan's reasoning process...

Thinking of these familiar scenes, Conan froze slightly and subconsciously looked around, trying to find where Jiang Xia was.

Then I saw a very conspicuous blonde hair under the stage.

Looking further down, I saw Toru Amuro standing next to the seats in the auditorium, and Jiang Xia, who didn't know why he was sitting still.

After Conan was startled, he immediately came over.

——After experiencing what happened before, although he felt that Toru Amuro didn't look like a murderer, he always felt that this boss had many secrets and was quite suspicious in many places. Moreover, Toru Amuro seems to know the unknown member who once tried to pack Jiang Xia away, and it is worthy of him to come over and take a look...

At the same time, Toru Amuro also saw Conan approaching, and his attention immediately moved over.

"Brother Amuro, what a coincidence, you are also here to watch the play?" Conan raised his head and finished speaking, remembering Toru Amuro's habits mentioned by Jiang Xia, and added, "Or do you happen to be working in this theater?"

"I took advantage of the weekend to relax, but I didn't expect to encounter a case." Amuro showed an approachable smile, and he nonchalantly brought the topic to the abnormal Jiang Xia, "I saw you on the stage just now... this time the case Is it very difficult? Jiang Xia doesn’t even have a clue."

"Ah, well, actually all cases are very difficult for me. After all, I am just a primary school student. I can only help Brother Jiang Xia to ask about the situation..."

Conan pretended to be cute while following Toru Amuro's line of sight and looking towards the audience chair.

Then he saw Jiang Xia's main body, which was leaning on the back of the chair and hanging up quietly.

Conan was startled at first, then thought for a moment, and finally showed an expression of "I see."

Toru Amuro: "?"

Conan noticed the suspicion of the detective agency boss.

He pulled Toru Amuro aside and whispered: "Brother Jiang Xia occasionally had this happen before - when he encountered some specific scenes or things, he would be distracted like this. For example, explosions, car accidents, and lying on the ground The person next to the bathtub, um..."

With that said, Conan glanced at the stage.

He thought of the hero and heroine who "died" together at the table just now, and hesitated: "...Maybe there are also couples who died at the same time?"

Speaking of this, Conan fell into deep thought.

...could this also be a trigger for PTSD?

...Jiang Xia can't continue like this. The matter of finding a doctor that I had put off before was now on my agenda. You can ask Dr. Ali to inquire more. Although he has a doctorate in engineering, he is also an academic. It should not be difficult to find a few reliable professors of psychology or medicine. At that time, you can ask them to help with diagnosis and treatment, or introduce suitable people. .

Toru Amuro had checked Jiang Xia's information before.

After listening to Conan's muttering, he quickly thought of possible reasons based on these strange keywords.

...Compared to the "distraction" the little boy said, Toru Amuro felt that Jiang Xia's current situation was more like the PTSD caused by witnessing his parents being shoveled into body bags from the scene of a car accident a year ago. Although the triggers and symptoms of this PTSD are indeed a bit strange... but as a detective, you need to have strong association skills. Jiang Xia can associate more elements than normal people, which does not seem to be unreasonable.


Toru Amuro lowered his head and glanced at the employee who was motionless except for breathing and was so quiet that he seemed to be isolated from the world... Should he call 120 in this situation, or should he go to the psychiatrist in charge of Jiangxia?

Ah, speaking of psychiatrists, a few months ago, Eka's chief physician, Kyosuke Futo, seemed to have been sent to prison for assaulting a police officer in the street, and he is still in jail. Yesterday, Toru Amuro just "Uzo" among his subordinates. This doctor's information has been seen on the list of people waiting to be investigated. I heard that Jiang Xia "happened" to pass by at that time and arrested him on the spot.

...When thinking of this matter, Amuro Toru's mood couldn't help but become complicated again, and the balance of his thinking couldn't help but tilt a little in the direction of "Usa = Jiang Xia".

However, due to the unsatisfactory efficiency of his subordinates, the current investigation against Jiang Xia has not yet been concluded. Although there is no evidence to prove that Jiang Xia has nothing to do with Wu Zuo, no one he has contacted so far has ever said that he was affected by Jiang Xia. hint or instigation. Therefore, we cannot arbitrarily and directly characterize people...

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