Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 464 Jiang Xia’s terrifying painting style

Hui Yuan Ai thought about Jiang Xia's kind and expectant tone just now, and rubbed the phone case with her little hands, feeling entangled.

After thinking for a moment, she did not answer Jiang Xia's question.

He just said casually: "I planned to make the fried shrimp and saury that you like tonight, but I ran out of ingredients at home. Well... Next to the south exit of Mihua Station, the seafood in Dayou Shopping Mall Supermarket is relatively fresh. If you are free, you can Go buy some for me."

Jiang Xia paused and said "Yeah": "No problem, I'll go take a look."

The brief call was quickly hung up.

Haiyuan Ai looked at the darkened mobile phone screen, thinking of the relaxation and joy in Jiang Xia's last words, as well as the naughty children having fun in the Dayou Commercial Building at this time, and raised his hand to press his heart.

...a sore conscience.

But...but Jiang Xia is not a bad person, and he never hits children. Those children often encounter cases such as kidnapping, robbery, and even murder.

In such a dangerous time, it might be safer to have Jiang Xia watching from the side...

Haihara Ai simply comforted herself, then put away her phone, returned to the kitchen, put on her gloves, and continued playing with the oven and the desserts inside.

Next to Mihua Station.

Dayou Commercial Building, first floor.

Conan, Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko, four children, were sitting in the waiting area outside the cashier, each holding an ice cream and happily eating desserts.

They had just been playing video games in the game room on the fifth floor. After playing the game, it was customary to go to the underground supermarket to buy ice cream and take a rest.

While they were discussing where to go tomorrow, the number of passengers around them gradually increased.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya held the nearly finished ice cream in his hand and carefully shrank back: "There are so many people."

Ayumi Yoshida often goes to the supermarket with her mother, and she knows how to educate the little boys: "Because it's already past four in the afternoon, which is when everyone comes to buy ingredients for dinner."


Mitsuhiko took a bite of ice cream and suddenly thought of a new way to play.

He suggested with great interest: "By the way, let's play the menu reasoning game!"

"?" "?" "?"

Three doubtful glances.

Conan was attracted by the word "reasoning" and repeated this strange new term in confusion: "Menu reasoning?"

"That's right!" Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya pointed at the shelf next to the four of them.

On the shelves, there are some small rectangular plastic boxes, which are full of discarded receipts - shopping customers will sort out their shopping bags and pack their change on the shelves. During this process, when some people see the receipts in their wallets, they will take them out and throw them away.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya explained the new gameplay: "'Menu reasoning' means using those small tickets to guess what each household plans to eat tonight——"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a few small tickets when no one was paying attention: "It sounds interesting, then I'll start!"

Yuanta had "not interested" written all over his face, and he sat next to him and ate the cone intently. He still prefers exciting adventures to guessing puzzles that he is not very good at.

Conan is not very interested in this kind of reasoning that is about the difficulty of "one plus one equals two", and:

"...This is an invasion of personal privacy."

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi shook their heads like rattles: "Detectives don't pay attention to this! And don't you usually inquire about other people's privacy?"

Conan blushed: "..."

...I couldn't refute it for a moment.

"Okay, listen carefully, I'm about to start!" Mitsuhiko picked up a sheet and read the products on it, "Potatoes, onions, 6-pack of eggs, a pack of ground beef, bread flour..."

Yoshida Ayumi sounded familiar and answered quickly: "It's butter patties! Hmm... wait, it seems there is still a shortage of flour..."

Conan listened with open ears and couldn't help but interject: "Four is a common ingredient at home, so there is no need to go out to buy it."

"Yes, then I guessed it right!" Ayumi became happy again.

She also took over a small ticket and read the content on it: "Chicken legs, tomato sauce, tomatoes, cabbage, celery..."

"It must be chicken rice! The one with vegetable salad!"

——The voice that came was actually Genta Kojima’s voice.

Although he doesn't like guessing puzzles, he is very interested in food...and now that it's almost meal time, he is actually starting to get hungry.

Kojima Genta decisively joined the "menu reasoning" game.

He stretched out his hand to grab the ticket.

However, when he stretched out his hand, it met another stretched out hand above the receipt box.

Kojima Mota raised his head subconsciously, saw the person in front of him clearly, and a smile froze at the corner of his mouth.

The other three children turned around in confusion when they heard Genta's rough laughter stopped suddenly.

——They saw Jiang Xia standing behind them and taking out the receipts from the receipt box first.

Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at the paper in his hand, then looked at the four children and said friendly: "What are you playing?"

His kind eyes swept across, and the three children all froze.

Conan, the only one who could speak normally, turned around and gave some tips to his classmates: "It's a new way for children to guess what the buyer plans to eat for dinner from the items on the receipt..."

Before he finished speaking, the three children next to him suddenly stood up, turned to Jiang Xia, and bowed as if admitting their mistake: "I'm sorry! We shouldn't invade other people's privacy. We will definitely not do it again next time!"

Conan: "...?"

...That’s not what you said just now!

Jiang Xia looked at the three heads that were leaning in front of him and touched them before they could react.

Then, when the three children touched their necks in horror and checked whether their heads were still there, they nodded and commented: "It's a very creative game."

After saying that, Jiang Xia also looked at the stack of small tickets in his hand, and read the top one as if he were participating in a game: "Raincoat, gloves, hemp rope, large black plastic bag, hatchet..."

Conan: "???"

...Why did my painting style suddenly change when I arrived in Jiangxia?

Wait, this floor is a food supermarket, they don’t sell these things at all!

"Let me see."

Conan jumped out of his seat, hurried to Jiang Xia's side, and took the ticket from his hand.

He originally suspected that Jiang Xia was scaring the children.

However, after a quick glance, these items were actually written on the receipt. The name of the store is not the supermarket below, but a tool store across the street.

The stack of small bills Jiang Xia took had overlapping creases on each one - the person who threw it down probably took out a large stack of accumulated small bills from his wallet when collecting change, and grouped them together Throw it away.

…Since the receipt is genuine, why did this person buy these things?

A knife, gloves to block fingerprints, and a raincoat to avoid blood splatter... What are you doing? What on earth does this man want to do? !

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