Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 469 Are you there? Why pigeon me?

Jiang Xia looked at 605 who was mercilessly closed in front of him, and then looked at himself who was locked out: "..."

...Why do the suspects listen in shock and don't react when Conan decrypts it?

When he arrived, the kidnappers slammed the door halfway.

...Is this reasonable?

The feeling of being turned away is unfamiliar and unpleasant.

With a hint of subtle dissatisfaction, Jiang Xia stepped back a little, and at the same time pulled Haihara Ai and Conan away from the door.

Then he knocked on the door again calmly.

This time with my feet.

There was a loud clang, and the hard solid wood door flew out, dragging the door chain and metal hinge, and fell with a crash, hitting the feet of the woman who was walking quickly back to the storage room.

The violent vibration almost made her jump. Hasegawa Ikuyo stiffened for a moment and turned around suddenly. She saw the door at her feet that had lost its protective effect, and the young detective who was walking towards her unhurriedly, and clicked his swing stick.

Hasegawa Ikuyo: "..."

No, no way.

... There shouldn't be any young and handsome guy in the world who would suddenly come and beat a weak woman like her.

She stumbled and was forced into a corner, her legs gave way and she fell to the ground. Then she looked at Jiang Xia approaching, and Jiang Xia's shadow stretched by the light and covering her body...

Finally, when the stick was raised, Hasegawa Ikuyo let out a pale face, covered his head in despair, and closed his eyes.


Jiang Xia looked at the murderous balls rushing down from her body, paused for a moment, and slowly put away the stick, without any interest.

... Regardless of the amount of murderous intent or attitude, the robber is probably the only one in front of him.

It may be that this woman realized that according to the current situation, she could not successfully kill anyone again, so the murderous intention naturally disappeared.

Jiang Xia sighed, instructing Conan to put an anesthesia needle on the woman, and then asked Haihara Ai to take the fish and shrimp home first.

Afterwards, he pressed the alarm call.

The children soon found Uehara Satomi tied up in the storage room of 605.

——The wedding ring Jiang Xia and the others picked up was indeed thrown by Rimi Uehara.

But the owner of the ring is not her, but her husband.

After Uehara Satomi got married, she accidentally gained weight and couldn't wear her own ring.

There are few men in the island country who wear rings after marriage, and the same goes for her husband. So Uehara Rimi took her husband's to wear. The "M" and "A" on the inner circle are naturally reversed.

The children gathered around Uehara Rimi. On the one hand, they were comforting the aunt who was unfortunately kidnapped. On the other hand, they also had a reason to separate from Jiang Xia - Jiang Xia was still standing next to the female kidnapper.

Jiang Xia picked up the murderous aura and looked at the female kidnapper on the ground boredly, trying to see if her desire for survival could give her the backbone to burst out with a little murderous aura.

But before he could figure out how to squeeze it, someone suddenly rushed in through the broken door.

——Officer Sato quickly ran to his side.

After stopping, the police officer breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the suspect was not lying on the ground although he was covering his face and moaning.

...It seems that the kidnapper was not beaten this time.

...Jiang Xia finally achieved "definitely next time" for once. This might be a good start.

Miwako Sato was moved for a moment. There is a sense of accomplishment in "seeing a genius correct his bad habits and become more perfect under her advice."

Jiang Xia looked at her doubtfully and smiled at her pleased look. No matter what, just smile...

Soon, other police officers arrived one after another and took away Ikuyo Hasegawa, who was still staring at the door on the ground and shivering.

According to Hasegawa Ikuyo's confession and the police's investigation and surveillance results in various stores, this woman is indeed the owner of the pile of suspicious receipts that Jiang Xia picked up.

——Hasegawa Ikuyo used to be a strong woman in the workplace with a bright future.

However, a while ago, she misappropriated public funds, was reported by Akihiko Uehara, and was fired.

In Tokyo, this level of hatred is enough to brew a murder case.

So Hasegawa Ikuyo baked some cupcakes mixed with "Crony" today and pretended to visit, intending to kill Uehara Akihiko. However, Uehara Akihiko had something to do and was not at home. She only found Uehara Akihiko's wife. Then he hurriedly changed his plan and tied up his wife first, preparing to wait for Uehara Akihiko to come back and use her as a hostage.

At around 7 p.m., Jiang Xia and several children walked out of the police station.

Jiang Xia was in a good mood - while he was waiting to take notes, he made an appointment with the children to go out and watch a movie together.

As expected, the children would not reject him if he made a sincere request face to face.

In this way, another wave of predetermined murderous intent or ghosts will come into the account.

With a replenished schedule, Jiang Xia went home in a happy mood, ready to eat at Haiyuan Ai's meal.

The time soon came to make an appointment to watch a movie.

That afternoon, Jiang Xia packed up and took the subway to Shinagawa District.

There is a cinema nearby that often plays the Gomera series of movies. Although the cinema is old and not very prosperous, it is popular with children because of its cheap prices and large quantities.

As a result, when they arrived at Shinagawa Station, Jiang Xia's cell phone suddenly vibrated as soon as she got off the subway.

——Someone called me. It’s the mobile phone you use every day.

Jiang Xia took out her mobile phone and found that the caller was Conan.

He picked up: "Have you encountered a case? Don't worry, wait for me there, I'll be there soon."

"...No rush, no rush."

Conan glanced at the three children next to him who were winking at him crazily. He sighed and hesitated: "Well, you know about the recent serial arson cases."

"Yeah." Jiang Xia glanced at the old man sitting on the bench next to him.

The uncle was holding a newspaper in his hand, and the page facing Jiang Xia was accompanied by a photo of the fire-fighting scene—it happened to be a report about the arson case.

Jiang Xia copied the answer: "I heard that as of last night, five arson incidents had occurred, but the police have not yet got any clues about the arsonist."

Conan nodded, vaguely feeling that Jiang Xia's wording was different from usual, a bit official... But that's not the point. The point is:

"Yes, but to be precise, it should be 'among the first four arson cases, the police failed to get any clues about the murderer.'

"In fact, a witness has been found for the fifth arson case that occurred last night - Ayumi saw the man suspected of being the murderer near the fire scene yesterday."

As Jiang Xia listened, she felt that the topic was not going in the right direction.

Sure enough, the next second, Conan's slightly guilty voice sounded:

"...So I probably won't be able to go to the movie. We are going to accompany Ayumi to confirm the scene today. We have arrived at the place now. Well, why don't you go back first?"

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