Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 838 Uzo, Detective’s Friend

When Belmode thought that Uzo was now on their side, he suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was much lighter.

Although she also wanted to protect Angel and Cool Guy, she felt that she had no reason and should not get close to them, as that would bring more danger. After all, there were too many people staring at her—from the FBI, from the organization...

Compared with her, Uzo is much more suitable in terms of status.

And now it seems that in terms of "protecting others", although Uzo... that's a little bit, Belmode couldn't help but press his forehead, but regardless of the form and process, just judging from the conclusion, the effect is actually Surprisingly good - Uzo is, after all, a genius who stands high enough. He wants to do one thing with all his heart. Even if his methods are biased, he can always achieve the effect he wants through various unspeakable means. .

The only thing that worries Belmode is that once Cool Guy's situation is discovered by the organization, not only Angel will definitely be implicated, but Uzo will also be on the organization's list and face danger.

Belmode: "..." Although I really don't want that situation to happen, I have to think of an emergency plan in advance. For example, if something happens, how to find a way to fish them out...

Belmode did not follow the two high school students upstairs.

She turned around and walked back to the room next to the lounge thoughtfully.

Jiang Xia and Conan took the elevator all the way to the top floor.

Just now, the three new band members were making an earth-shattering noise. But on one thing, they are unanimous.

——The deceased did not take the elevator downstairs.

Elevator monitoring also confirmed this.

Coupled with the testimony of Shota Aoki and Atsushi Makuma - after the deceased left the elevator, she only went down one floor before catching up with the person she wanted to talk to.

After that, the two separated. The floor where the deceased was located was still very high. Normally, she would take the next elevator downstairs, but she didn't.

So, maybe something happened on the way that prevented her from taking the elevator.

If you search carefully along the stairs and on the eighth floor where the deceased and Mr. Ma Xiong talked, you will probably be able to find clues - this is probably the place where her accident occurred.

Jiang Xia and Conan left the elevator and walked along the corridor on the eighth floor.

Then not long after, they stopped and found what they cared about.

——There is an interest class on the eighth floor of the building, and many children’s crayon drawings are displayed on the wall.

Jiang Xia looked along the way and finally stopped in front of a statue of blue sky and green grass.

His eyes stayed on it briefly, and then quickly fell to the side.

——Diagonally opposite, in the closed store, there are several clothing models on display.

One of the female plastic mannequins was bare from the wrist down, and her left hand was missing.

A few minutes later.

Jiang Xia successfully visited the check-in point and returned downstairs comfortably.

Nakamura Yusuke's eyes flashed when he saw him - although he had just mustered up the courage to use people around Jiang Xia to create an alibi, he was still a little wary of this famous detective.

Nakamura Yusuke was busy breaking up the fight just now. When he saw Jiang Xia missing by mistake, his heart skipped a beat, worried that Jiang Xia had found some other clues.

At this time, seeing the high school detective reappear, Nakamura Yusuke felt a little guilty and approached to try to make a conversation.

He walked to Jiang Xia and sighed, as if he was tired of the quarrel:

"We usually have a good relationship with each other, but I didn't expect that such a conflict would suddenly break out... I usually only focus on studying new songs, and I really neglected this aspect. I wish I had paid attention to it earlier - what should I do if it ends up like this? .”

Originally it was just a helpless sigh.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia actually made suggestions and said calmly:

"They just don't want to be regarded as murderers by the police, so they have been constantly exposing possible flaws in other people and trying to amplify other people's suspicions. From this point of view, of course there is a solution - you just surrender as soon as possible."


Nakamura Yusuke's breathing was stagnant, and he felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured into his back collar.

"Wha, what?" He instinctively avoided what Jiang Xia just said, hoping that he heard correctly, "Haha, thank you for helping to lighten the atmosphere, but it really scared me..."

Yusuke Nakamura tried to muddle through.

However, just now, although Jiang Xia's voice was not high when he spoke, he did not deliberately lower his voice.

Not only did Nakamura Yusuke hear the last sentence of "surrender", but also several police officers nearby.

In an instant, several sharp eyes were shot at Nakamura Yusuke, mixed with scrutiny, suspicion... and the hope of ending overtime work.

Jiang Xia lived up to their expectations and worked hard to pull up the progress bar:

"There was a strange indentation on the deceased's calf. The box used to hold the bass drum had a metal part protruding from the inner wall to help fix the instrument - the two shapes were very similar. In other words, Yukiko The lady may have been packed in a box and transported here.

"Among all the people present, except for a few staff members, you are the only one who has the ability to transport a corpse using a musical instrument box - if it were not the person hiding the corpse himself, others would definitely be suspicious when transporting it because of the wrong weight... "

The more Yusuke Nakamura listened, the more he felt that the situation was unfavorable. He interrupted him with sweat on his forehead: "That doesn't mean I am the murderer! Yukiko's self-centered character... maybe she has offended some staff member!"

He didn't control his volume well and sounded a little panicked.

People who had not noticed the situation here stopped talking and looked over in confusion.

Being stared at by dozens of eyes, Nakamura Yusuke was sweating like rain: "I, I mean... maybe someone else took advantage of us not paying attention and used the musical instrument box to transport the body without authorization - in any case, I didn't know what to do at that time. Can’t get into the crime scene!”

"You are indeed not the only one who has the opportunity to encounter the musical instrument case. But there are not many people who can get the key to the lounge and enter the lounge at the same time." Jiang Xia rarely encountered such an energetic murderer, and he looked carefully Yusuke Nakamura paused for a moment, then looked down at his watch.

It was still early, and there were many police around.

Jiang Xia finally silently moved away the hand that was swinging the stick, and continued fast forwarding calmly: "Judging from the current situation, Miss Yukiko was probably killed on the eighth floor - there was a green scratch on her back shoulder. And on the wall of the corridor on the eighth floor, a green crayon painting also happened to have signs of being rubbed.

"After the murderer pinned her to the wall and strangled her to death, he put the body in a box usually used to store bass drums. At the same time, the murderer devised a plan to exonerate himself. He twisted off the left hand of a nearby mannequin, and then Take off Miss Yukiko's gloves - as long as you combine the two at the right time, it will be easy for unsuspecting people to have the illusion that 'this is Miss Yukiko's hand'."

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