Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 842 Uzo’s outlook on life. Please vote for me.

Chapter 842 Uzo’s outlook on life. Please give me your monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

Thinking of this, Belmod silently cast a sympathetic look at Mouri Kogoro.

In addition, even if you ignore this mind-numbing speculation, think on the bright side...

The situation is still not optimistic.

For example, Wuzuo may subconsciously feel that his parents are important, but he doesn't think much about it intellectually. Therefore, when Jiang Xia and his wife were killed before, he would instinctively want to chase them, but his concept of parents still remains at " people living together” level.

In this case, once the same thing happens to others, that "instinct" will not take effect. If Uzo makes a "rational" inference... he will probably only think that Mouri Kogoro and Maori Lan are also "people living together." ".

In this way, in Usa's eyes, although Mouri Kogoro does not need to be deliberately eliminated, he is just "Xiaoran's roommate". Under this premise, when the mood rises, Uzo will certainly not show mercy to Mouri Kogoro because of concerns about angel. He will only kill as many as he treats other unlucky passers-by, and even They died wonderfully.

Belmod: "..." Now she couldn't be sure whether Uzo was testing her, and she didn't have time to analyze what Uzo was thinking and what his definition of "parents" was.

But in short, we must try our best to prevent this tragedy from happening.

——"Moori Kogoro was killed by Jiang Xia" is undoubtedly very scary for angel.

And in other situations, you can still try to clean it up, but if there is a "revenge for killing your father" suddenly... this means that after angel and cool guy know the truth, it is impossible to continue to treat Uzo with the same friendly attitude as before.

By then...

Various ways of death for Angel and Cool Guy flashed through Belmode's mind, and sometimes the scene of Uzo feeling that life was boring and throwing a group of people to have a desperate party flashed through his mind, and his forehead couldn't help but jump twice.

It's not okay to go on like this...

Anyway, let’s follow Uzo’s words and test it out.

Thinking of this, Belmode wanted to try to draw Jiang Xia's attention away from whether he would sleep forever or not.

She asked with a smile: "If you want to bet, what is the stake?"

Jiang Xia thought for a while and said casually: "If I win, do me a favor in Sindora's mission."

Belmod's eyes moved slightly. Such a specific bet?

Although even if there is no need to bet as a condition, if Uzuo needs help, she will not refuse... but considering that young people are more concerned about face, Uzuo may not like this kind of help. In other words, in this bet...

Would Uzo want to win more?

Belmod thought secretly and put out the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray.

"What should I do... I feel like he won't live for long, but I'm also curious about your mission plan." Belmode chuckled as if she was confused. After a moment, she seemed to have made a decision, "Then I Just bet that he doesn't survive tonight - no matter what the outcome is, it won't be disappointing."

——Belmode felt that since Uzo came to see her specially, he probably needed to disguise himself.

This skill of hers is quite special, and Uzo has always liked complex and thoughtful plans. Since he is interested in asking her for help, she should be an indispensable part of it.

In other words, Uzo is likely to win tonight's bet.

Therefore, Belmode thought that if he bet that Mouri Kogoro would die, then Uzo might let Moori Kogoro live in order to confidently pull her to do the task. According to Uzuo's usual style, even if the script had already been Lay aside, the strange woman outside is determined to kill Mouri Kogoro. As long as Uzo wants to keep Mouri Kogoro alive, he can open the car door and get out of the car, catch him and silence him, and happily knock the murderer out. .

Next to her, Jiang Xia smiled when she heard her choice.

He reached out and opened the storage box on Belmod's car, rummaged for a moment and found two cans of coffee.

He took out the drink can, handed one to Belmode, pulled the cup from his hand, raised his hand to touch her: "Then, I wish my mission goes well."


Belmode opened the can, touched it with him, and took a sip of coffee. She thought in a good mood that although she was destined to lose the bet, she might have made the right choice.

Under her seemingly unintentional gaze.

Next to the car in front.

Sayuri Shimamura whispered a few words to Kogoro Mori.

Then he ran to the vending machine nearby and bought two bottles of drinks.

The location of the vending machine is closer to the car where Jiang Xia and Belmod are.

There were no lights on in the car, so Shimamura Sayuri failed to notice the appraising eyes.

She turned her back to Mouri Kogoro and unscrewed the bottle cap of the drink, then quickly took out a box of medicine from her bag, opened it, took out a piece, and threw it into one of the drinks.

Belmod watched this scene, his eyes slightly focused.

However, under the light of the light next to the vending machine, Shimamura Sayuri was reflected quite clearly, and Belmod could clearly see the pill box in her hand - although the words on it could not be seen clearly because of the dark sky, but Judging from the color scheme, this seems to be a fast-acting sleeping pill.

This brand of medicine has a good reputation and effectiveness. It is sold in many pharmacies and can be purchased anywhere.

Many people will buy a box and take it with them out of insomnia or other considerations. The same goes for Belmode, who currently has a box in her bag.

"..." Fortunately, it's not poison...

Belmod slowly drank the coffee in his hand.

Since Mouri Kogoro would not die for a while, her thoughts inevitably returned to Jiang Xia next to her.

She glanced sideways and found that Jiang Xia was not looking at Mouri Kogoro, but was scrolling through her phone with her head down, as if she had guessed what Shimamura Sayuri would do, or had lost interest in the case.

Belmod looked at his quiet silhouette and fell into deep thought as usual: Will there be other changes in the future, or is the direction of "Mouri Kogoro not dying" originally in line with Uzo's expectations, and he just proposed a bet , are you testing her attitude?

Thinking of this, Belmod suddenly became curious.

She suddenly thought, if she had just bet that Mouri Kogoro would live, what would the situation be like?

However, no matter what, she knew too little about this strange case.

And conversely, if Usa's attitude towards Mouri Kogoro is different from the conspiracy theories she just made. So Uzo specially drove himself here for a "drive", maybe to keep an eye on the situation and prevent Kogoro Mori from dying in an accident...

There are too many possible speculations.

Belmode guessed for a long time, but it was difficult to determine the true meaning of Uzo's actions. I just felt that the young cadre next to me was a mystery.

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