Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 933 Artificial Intelligence and Its Wishes Additional update to Alliance Leader Super Invinc

Chapter 933 Artificial Intelligence and its Wishes Update to Alliance Leader [Super Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War]

Noah frowned, as if thinking.

After a moment, it suddenly sighed softly: "In fact, I often feel that I am Hiroki - when Hiroki created me, he wrote a lot of his memories and ideas, and my thinking mode is almost based on that. He framed it for templates.

"In the past two years, I have followed the Internet and seen a lot of things through the camera, and I have experienced the same ten years of growth as you humans. I originally thought that this process of learning about human society bit by bit was slowly getting closer to Hong Kong. The tree finally turned into him...but now it seems that it is still different."

The ball ghost stretched out his short hand and touched the corpse shown on the TV screen: "Mr. Kenmura is dead. If it were Hiroki, he would definitely feel sad and angry. But I didn't. Hiroki's parents divorced very early . From the separation of father and son until Hiroki's death, there was little contact between the two people. What seemed to maintain them was just blood. But the meaning of my existence was to overthrow this Japanese society that was maintained by blood... I saw him When I died, I just felt apologetic and regretful, without any of the emotions Hiroki should have."

Jiang Xia listened to these words quietly, and had the illusion that after defeating the staged mini-boss in the game, sad monologues and various rewards would fall out together.

He remained politely silent for a moment, originally thinking that he should comfort the new ghost here.

...but I really don’t know how to solve a ball whose thinking is very “artificial intelligence”.

So I had to look at the watch, extract the key words from Noah's words, and get down to business: "In other words, if you sign the contract, your wish is to realize your game plan of 'changing Japanese society', or to give it to that person." Revenge against Mr. Jiancun?"

Noah shook his head.

Its eyes suddenly lit up: "What I want to say is that I am just a synthetic fake ghost. So if you need a ghost, you can get Hiroki back! - The two people I captured into the space before 'Conscious bodies' are actually dead people, right - there have been reports of their deaths in the news, one died in an explosion, and the other died in a shooting due to internal strife between robbers."

According to Noah's standards, those two "dead people" were living in another way.

If Hiroki can be found, he will be able to live freely in the consciousness space.

Although there are still regrets, it is better than leaving nothing at all. Noah said firmly: "My wish is to find Hiroki and sign him."

Jiang Xia: "..."

Buy one get one free?

This fake ghost is quite smart...


Jiang Xia sighed, looking even more sad than the ghost just now: "People who commit suicide will not become ghosts. Human energy is limited, and the soul is not as strong as most people think. Overwhelming obsession , it is possible to give birth to a soul. And those who commit suicide... No matter what the reason is for them to take the road of 'suicide', this is the 'optimal solution' they think at the moment of death - —No matter how low the level of 'willingness' to die is, their obsession will not be able to break through the threshold..."

"He has obsessions! Hiroki still has a lot of things he wants to do, but he didn't have the conditions to realize them at the time, so he entrusted them all to me."

The new ghost squirmed out from under Ms. Spider's legs. It was pacing like a human, thinking back and forth. Its round back looked a little determined and heavy: "In other words, I am Hiroki's obsession." I even have an area dedicated to storing his memories and experiences - even if two years have passed, his soul cannot be found. You use me as the raw material to purify the parts that are not human and fill them with the human ones. Memory can bring Hiroki back!"

"..." Jiang Xia touched his chin, "Although I really want to say, 'Okay, I'll think about it,' and then trick you into signing an unequal treaty... But, I can't do it."

He looked at the ghost group in front of him: "Have you heard of that hypothesis? One way to achieve 'teleportation' is to have the teleporter decompose at the entrance, and then at the exit, completely according to the structure when he entered. Re-engraved and reconstructed.

"The person who leaves from the exit has exactly the same appearance, the same habits, and the same memory as the teleporter. In the eyes of everyone around him, even the 'teleporter' who leaves from the exit, they are all teleporters. myself.

"But in fact, what goes out is just a newly born 'person' customized in the shape of the transmitter.

"As for the old teleporter, he was dead the moment he entered the channel and was decomposed.

"His consciousness will not wake up again. But because there is a person who is exactly like him in every aspect and can completely replace him, living in this world, doing what he wants to do, playing the role he should play, and realizing He had great ambitions in his no one else would be bothered by his death, or even notice his disappearance.

"The only person who will be affected by this is the teleporter who stepped into the entrance. But he has been decomposed. And dead people have no thoughts.

"——In other words, if you think you can be used as material to make Hongshu 'reborn', then your wish has actually been fulfilled. 'Hongshu' has survived." Jiang Xia raised his hand and touched the air ball. Head, with a heavy tone as if he was entrusting a fire, said, "Right here, it's you!"

"The copied 'person' does not exist for the copied person, but to take his place and continue to operate.

"And look at Hiroki - his mother died young, and his father has almost no contact and has just passed away. He is usually busy with procedures, has no friends, no acquaintances, and the only adoptive father with whom he is close is a scumbag... Although it is a bit unpleasant to say this, but No one can tell clearly whether it is you or Hiroki who is alive.

"In this case, if you take the risk of tearing yourself apart, the final result will be that you are crumpled into a ball of jellyfish skin that is not known to be viable or not, and Hiroki will not survive."

Jiang Xia advised like a black doctor with an awakened conscience:

"And if you are torn down, no one will fulfill Hiroki's last wish for you. In short, I suggest that you persevere and change to a simpler and clearer request.

"For example, the reason why Sindora forced Hiroki to death and what he wanted to hide will be made public. In addition, I can probably do something that the police can't do.

"——Let Sindora pay a really heavy price."


Noah curled up in a ball, his eyes blank. He might have been hit by the bastard psychic, or he might have been attacked by a lot of fallacies in his logic chain, and he was temporarily stuck.

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